Monster Refining System

Chapter 951: Scramble

"What's weird about him, can you tell Senior?"

Hearing Xia Fukun's words, the five-clawed golden dragon frowned.

"I don't see it, I also feel a little weird, it seems that there is something wrong with the soul."


Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment, is it such a deep-seated problem?

People are ugly skins and interesting souls. As a result, Heaven’s Dao is a problematic soul... How embarrassing to say it...

"It's okay, you don't understand it if it's too esoteric. Anyway, as long as he steps into the core area of ​​this sanctuary, I can **** him over. Then, we will solve the problem for him. What's wrong with him? ."

Xia Fukun: "..."

Is this five-clawed golden dragon so cruel? I still need to dig through this heavenly way to see what's wrong with this heavenly way?

It was also at this time that the Heavenly Dao in the light curtain looked at a teleportation formation in front of him, his mouth raised slightly, and in the next second, he stepped into it.

Tian Dao had just entered the core area of ​​this sanctuary, he felt an irresistible strong suction force, and sucked his body in a certain direction in this sanctuary.

Heaven; "..."

Before he could curse, in the next second, he found that he had come to a strange place with the ground as a chessboard.

Moreover, here, he also saw his old acquaintances!

Xia Fukun!

"This guy, how could he be here?"

Tiandao frowned.

Before entering the sanctuary, because this Xia Fukun did not appear in time, he was sure that this Fulinmen was forced to disqualify for this holy war. But now that Xia Fukun has appeared here, many things don't make sense! Could it be that Xia Fukun arrived in time after entering the sanctuary?

Heaven did not think much, anyway, Xia Fukun was in front of him, that was enough.

To be honest, Tiandao is still very hostile to Xia Fukun. Although in the War God Mountain before, if it weren't for the monster beasts of the **** emperor's realm, he would have killed the three of Xia Fukun long ago. But I can't blame a monster, right? Therefore, Heavenly Dao could only blame the source of all these resentments on the three of Xia Fukun.

Now, the enemies meet.

Tiandao couldn't help but want to go up and slap Xia Fukun to death.

However, Tiandao is not a fool, and he was attracted to the core area of ​​this sanctuary, and he also encountered Xia Fukun. He felt that everything was not that simple.


The current Xia Fukun was not standing in front of him, but, as if standing on a huge bouncing ball, glaring at him, and constantly beating.

"what's the situation?"

Tian Dao was a little confused. In the next second, he saw a huge bouncing ball jumping not far in front of Xia Fukun. On top of that bouncing ball, there was a head Tian Dao hadn't seen before. Of monsters. Although the monster's aura was a bit strange, but with such a coercive force, even Tiandao couldn't help taking a deep breath.

With his current strength, he could ignore the powerhouses in the ordinary **** emperor's realm. But the feeling that this monster beast gave him, even if he is now, can't be compared or matched!

"Don't make any situation, boy, do you think you have a strong heart to kill?"

At this moment, this heavenly way is not heavenly way, but it is also "heavenly way." At this moment, the heavenly way is controlled by the Yunliao Palace Master, and the sound of the five-clawed golden dragon's boy, naturally, also spread to the Yunliao Palace Master's ears. .

At the moment, "The Way of Heaven" sneered. He knew that he could not provoke the five-clawed golden dragon, but he is now controlled by the Yunliao Palace Master. He can't provoke, and can't hide it?

After a sneer, Tiandao was ready to flash people.

What he didn't expect was that as soon as he had this idea, a huge bouncing ball appeared under his feet. As soon as the bouncing ball appeared, Tian Dao's body seemed to be glued to the bouncing ball. Following the bouncing ball, it kept beating.

Heavenly Road: "???"

He is a little fascinated.

What's the situation?

For the last second, I was still laughing at Xia Fukun's constant bouncing on this bouncing ball like a second fool.

In the next second, the history is surprisingly similar. He turned out to be Xia Fukun's teammate. And the frequency of the bouncing ball of his own is much faster than Xia Fukun and the five-clawed golden dragon!

At the same time when Heaven was stunned, Xia Fukun also said, "???"

This five-clawed golden dragon cowhide.

He and this Heavenly Dao should be regarded as the best among the young generations of the top ten domains.

As a result, they were all imprisoned by the five-clawed golden dragon and played marbles with the five-clawed golden dragon here?

"Don't be sad either. Actually speaking, you should still be happy."

The five-clawed golden dragon grinned.

"The position where you are now is the most core place of this sanctuary, and below this, there is the thing you dream of-the holy eye."

Hearing the words of the five-clawed golden dragon, Xia Fukun and Tian Dao's breathing increased at the same time.

Xia Fukun only heard of the holy eye after entering here, and this heavenly way came from the holy eye.

"It's just that it's not that simple to get the holy eye."

"The pinball under your feet looks ordinary, but in fact, it is the key to unlock this holy eye."

"When you beat ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, the Holy Eye will be born!"

Hearing the words of the five-clawed golden dragon, Xia Fukun's eyes lit up. I have been dancing with this five-clawed golden dragon for a whole day, so my progress must be faster than this day! Although the frequency of the Heavenly Dao is relatively fast now, the frequency is not the one that has the final say?

Thinking of this, Xia Fukun quickly speeded up the number of bouncing **** under his feet.

On that day, Dao was also blank. Although he hadn't understood the meaning of what the five-clawed golden dragon was saying, but seeing Xia Fukun next to him was already working hard, and Xia Fukun came earlier than himself. After thinking about it, Tiandao also accelerated his speed.

Upon seeing the five-clawed golden dragon, his beard fluttered slightly, and then the huge pinball under his feet disappeared, standing on the chessboard looking at Xia Fukun and Tiandao. The figure has turned into a human form again...

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