Monster Refining System

Chapter 955: Do you still have trouble?

"So, where does your confidence come from?"

Tian Dao looked at Xia Fukun in front of him and said lightly.

The next second-

In his body, the power of the 60 million nebula has also begun to skyrocket. Although the skyrocket hasn't increased much, it's still a whole lot higher than before.

The slight gap opened by Xia Fukun was completely reversed at this moment.

"It's really difficult."

Xia Fukun took a breath. When the Treasure Treasure Pavilion was promoted to the realm of the gods, Xia Fukun was thinking there, whether he can crush this heavenly Dao completely.

But what he didn't expect was.

In the top ten domains, there are opportunities everywhere.

I am growing, and while I am improving, other people are also growing and improving.


The speed of progress was no slower than his own.

Seeing that the breath in front of him was about to catch up with his own heavenly path, Xia Fukun let out a deep breath.

"Don't you really want to, don't I release my self-confidence power?"

"It's okay, I'll be here to meet you."

The voice fell.

On Xia Fukun's body, a silver light burst forth wildly.

Looking at the silver light released from Xia Fukun's body.

Dao couldn't help but narrow his eyes that day.

What Xia Fukun didn't notice was that the eyes of Heaven's Dao, from the previous bloodshot, from the previous madness, calmed down again. And this silence is like a dead water, without any waves oscillating away from it.

Xia Fukun looked at the way of heaven in front of him.

That day, Dao also looked at Xia Fukun.

"Freedom's ultimate power..."

Tiandao's lips moved slightly.

"It seems that the memory of this Heavenly Dao is not fake. It's just that I didn't expect that this lucky boy would have such good luck. He can still obtain the Bliss system. But--"

A little suspicion appeared in Tiandao's eyes.

"It always feels like something is missing. Is this the free energy that comes from this kid? It stands to reason, isn't it supposed to be activated by the bliss system?"

Muttered and shook his head.

"Never mind,"

"Compared with the Bliss system, this holy eye doesn't seem so important anymore."

At the corner of Tiandao's mouth, a mocking smile bloomed.

Xia Fukun suddenly felt bad when he saw this.

It stands to reason that at this time, he has already released his free extreme power. Facing the gods at this moment, there is no need to panic at all.

But the feeling that Heaven's Dao gave to himself was as if he was a different person.

"I want to ask you a question."

It was also at this time that Heavenly Dao spoke indifferently.


Xia Fukun thinks that Heavenly Dao has lost his heart and is mad. At this time, I have a sentence with myself. I want to ask you a question? Just ask what you want! What are you doing with all these bells and whistles?

Since the exertion of Ji Yi Gong, Xia Fukun's whole person's breath has become much more indifferent. It seems that everything in this world has nothing to do with it.

"You feel."

"The Bliss system is powerful."

"still is--"

"Is the Misty system better?"

The corners of Tian Dao's mouth, the arc completely spread.

After hearing what Tiandao said, Xia Fukun was also shocked.

Misty System...

That is the second-ranked system in the top ten system rankings. It is also a system owned by Yunliao, the lord of the Great Shrine.

Although his own Bliss system is powerful, there is still a certain gap between it and the Misty system.


Isn't the Misty System owned by the Yunliao Palace Master?

Xia Fukun's doubts were quickly confirmed.

In his astonishment, a layer of misty smoke rose from Dao's body that day.

After the smoke rose, the aura of Tiandao's whole person became misty. Including the power of the more than 60 million nebulae behind him, it was also flickering at this moment.

It feels ethereal and uncertain...

"Mission Magic..."

Heaven's voice seemed a bit sharp.

And this sharpness fell into Xia Fukun's ears, and Xia Fukun's body trembled suddenly.

Except for people like themselves who once owned the system and then lost the system, other people, unless they have a system in their body, can release their great genius skills. And this misty magical skill, obviously, is the skill of the misty system. If it is a pseudo-major celestial skill, it is impossible to make people who have released their free and extreme powers timid.


"Your Grand Shrine is really generous, and even the Misty System is lent to you."

Xia Fukun took a deep breath. At this time, if he couldn't see that the Heavenly Dao possessed a misty system, he would really have seen a ghost.

Although according to Xia Fukun's character, the first thing that comes to mind at this moment must be to **** the misty system from Heaven's Dao. However, it also depends on the timing and circumstances.

In the current situation of Heavenly Dao, if he still went up to compete for the Misty System, it would really be a brain convulsion.

The Bliss System is mysterious, but the power it possesses cannot catch up with the Misty System. Otherwise, the Bliss System cannot be ranked third, and the Misty System ranks second.

At this moment, Taoist still had the Misty System in his hands that day, even though it was temporarily borrowed, the power that could be released far exceeded Xia Fukun.

"Does it matter?"

Tian Dao looked at Xia Fukun in front of him with a grin. The mocking expression hung on his face in a glance.


Xia Fukun had a gloomy face. Knowing that he could never be the opponent of this heavenly way, Xia Fukun thought of looking for foreign aid. To be honest, even if this Heavenly Dao had a misty system, if it were not for the sanctuary's rules, Xia Fukun would have released the Earth-swallowing monster directly. I'm kidding, if he, the Ma Ma's, if the Demon Swallowing Beast comes out, what will happen to this heaven?

This Heavenly Dao is not the Yunliao Palace Master. Even though he can't beat the opponent, it is impossible for the opponent to defeat the monsters of the Quasi-God Realm!

But now the Demon Swallowing Beast can't come out, then Xia Fukun can only pin his last hope on the five-clawed golden dragon. At the very least, like the other, he still has the blood of a five-clawed golden dragon in his body. They all say that they don’t look at the monk’s face but the Buddha face. This five-clawed golden dragon, can't just watch himself go to death, right?

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