Monster Refining System

Chapter 961: Let him go?


When hearing this sound, all four people on the scene took a breath.

Because of the appearance of this figure, no one was aware of it.

Including the Yunliao Palace Master, did not notice it either.

It's just that when he heard this voice, the reaction of Palace Master Yunliao and the other three were different...

There is no other reason...

He heard this voice not long ago...

That time...

This voice made him "get-out"...

Chen Yizhi realized that the control on his body had been lifted, he turned around and glanced at the place where the sound was coming from.

With this look, Chen Yizhi was dumbfounded.

"Helper father..."

Chen Yizhi thought that there might be a strong person coming to Fulinmen, but to be honest, he thought about the biggest one, but that is the head teacher of Tsing Yi. He never expected that this group of master fathers would actually kiss him the first time... …

"long time no see."

Chen Yizhi kept his promise for so many years, the helper father also saw it, and smiled at Chen Yizhi. Then, he turned his gaze to the Yunliao Palace Master.

"Yunliao, why are you challenging my bottom line again and again?"

The Yunliao Palace Master saw the leader's father appearing in front of him, and his heart was beating madly.

He forced a smile:

"Brother Helper..."

"Call the helper father."

The gang master's father grinned and smiled at the Yunliao Palace Master. Hearing the words of the gang master's father, the Yunliao Palace Master gritted his teeth and shouted "Fang Master Dad."

"I remember talking to Ghost Luo from your Grand Shrine before."

"The powerhouses in the realm of the gods, to reach this realm, are their own great opportunities. Even if it is me, I will not break some rules at will."


"The barrier of the Holy State was laid by me. You came so far and smashed the barrier I laid. What do you mean?"

Hearing the words of the helper's father, the Yunliao Palace Master's face was pale, and on his forehead, the fine cold sweat shed without reading.

When I had the Misty System, I was not the opponent of these master fathers, let alone, now, when I didn't even have the Misty System...

"Um, I'm actually in a hurry in this holy state, help the master father, you believe me, I have no malice, I also told this Chen Yizhi, let him open the barrier for me, but he just doesn't Open, you say I'm out of anger, and breaking this barrier is also an act of anger."

The Yunliao Palace Lord at this moment, a group of counselors.

Behind him, the power of the galaxy all over the sky had already been taken away by him.


I don't have the power of the galaxy, which I don't have a system bonus, how can I compare with the gang leader's father? It's better to admit a counsel in exchange for the helper's father's forgiveness.

"So speaking of it, it's Chen Yizhi's, isn't it?"

The father of the helper asked the Yunliao Palace Master.


The Yunliao Palace Master nodded arrogantly.

"To a strong man in the realm of gods, he didn't show the respect he deserved..."

Before the Yunliao Palace Master had finished speaking, the helper father slapped backhand and flew over.

"Are you still enthusiastic?"

The helper father rolled his eyes.

"The original rules were set by everyone in the top ten domains. You want to break this example, you ask me, what do you threaten Chen Yizhi to do?"

"Why, do you think that your Grand Shrine can be so arrogant that no one looks at it anymore?"

"It's not..."

After being slapped by the helper's father, the Yunliao Palace Master's arrogance disappeared. Weakly responded.

"Since it's not, then you still have so much nonsense?"


Palace Master Yunliao was secretly moved, because at this time, Tiandao was already fighting with Xia Fukun.

Xia Fukun, who can use the power of the nebula, is definitely inferior to the opponent in the current state of Tiandao.

Although the aura of the helper father in front of him was overwhelming, he did not dare to have any rebellious intentions. But he gritted his teeth, if even the system is lost, then in the future, he will completely lose the strength to fight Fulinmen.

Thinking of this, the Yunliao Palace Master took a deep breath.

"Helper father, I'm offended."

After saying this, the Yunliao Palace Lord turned out to be madly rushing towards the Saint State.

The father of the helper glanced at the direction of the Yunliao Palace Master, his eyes flickered slightly, but he did not speak.

"Papa, the direction that Palace Master Yunliao is going to is the entrance to the sanctuary..."

When Chen Yizhi saw this, even though he was curious about why the Yunliao Palace Master was going towards the direction of the sanctuary, he still opened his mouth and reminded his helper father.

"Ok, I know."

The helper father grinned.

"This Yunliao Palace Master, shouldn't it be that he wants to enter the sanctuary...Could it be that the holy eye has appeared?"

Chen Yizhi asked curiously.


The helper's father Yun Danfeng smiled lightly:

"If the Holy Eye appeared, Yun Liao would not be so anxious. I think, 80% of it is because he gave his misty system to the disciples of the Grand Shrine to use. At this moment, what happened in the sanctuary? Uncontrollable factors, his misty system, may be spent elsewhere."

"But, still let him go to the sanctuary?"

Chen Yizhi couldn't help but muttered when he heard the words of the helper's father.

"Hehe, who said I let him go? I already know that he is going to the sanctuary, do you think I can still let him go to the sanctuary?"

"Furthermore, his strength, going to the sanctuary, the sanctuary collapsed directly. He has no brains, I can't be as brainless as him, after all, my Holy Son of Fortune is still inside."


Chen Yizhi was stunned for a moment.

A little embarrassed, he glanced at the father's father:

"No, helper father, I think you may have misunderstood, your two holy sons of Fulinmen did not enter the sanctuary..."

"Ha ha."

Helping the master's father glanced at Chen Yizhi.

"I ask you, a sect, how many saints are there?"


Chen Yizhi glanced at the helper's father in a puzzled way, and didn't know what the helper father was asking for.

"Then I Fulinmen still has a holy son?"

"But I won't open the sanctuary, how did the saint son of Fulinmen enter..."

Having said this, Chen Yizhi suddenly recalled the scene of his son Chen Duxiu at the back door of the sanctuary...

"Should it be..."

"Ha ha."

Helping the master's father glanced at Chen Yizhi, he knew some things, and some things he didn't want to know. There are other things, he knows, but doesn't want to mention...

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