Monster Refining System

Chapter 964: Appeared again

Sanctuary, core area.

The misty system is like a static object. Even if Xia Fukun flew towards him, there was no reaction at all.

Although he did not resist Xia Fukun, the golden light figure behind Xia Fukun's shoulders, when confronted with the misty system, a dazzling white light directly hit his face.

The golden villain screamed "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh andhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

"It's miserable..."

Xia Fukun looked back at the golden light man with lingering fears, and then suddenly grabbed the misty system in his palm.

After the misty system was caught in the palm of Xia Fukun's hand, it was directly integrated into Xia Fukun's body.

Xia Fukun: "???"

"Does this misty system enter my body now?"

Xia Fukun originally thought that he would be bounced back by some force, but he did not expect that this misty system would not have any negative aspects at all... he would directly enter his body? ? ?


Tiandao gave a wry smile.

"When I got the Misty system before, it was so casual."

If it weren't for the actual existence of the misty system in his body, he would be sure that the misty system was really powerful. Xia Fukun estimated that he might have found a Northwestern goods somewhere.

after all--

This misty system is also a bit weird, it's too smooth, after all, Xia Fukun is a conspiracy theorist, he has always been firm, that is, there must be demons when things happen...

But now Tian Dao has said the same, and seeing Tian Dao look like this, it doesn't seem to be a lie to oneself.

Xia Fukun glanced at Heavenly Dao:

"You Palace Master Yunliao, can you still control your body?"

Tiandao shook his head:

"The reason why he was able to control my body before was because something happened to me in the forbidden area of ​​the Great Shrine, which caused my consciousness to be a little unconscious. That's why he was able to control my body."

"Then why can't you control it now?"

Xia Fukun asked curiously.

"Because you wanted to kill me earlier, and in the eyes of Palace Master Yunliao, I was a dispensable pawn, as long as his misty system doesn't have any trouble. But this is not what I want. So I awakened. Up."

Xia Fukun: "..."

He looked at Tiandao and took a breath.

"Speaking so much, isn't it because you are greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Heavenly Way: "..."

What is Xia Fukun doing so directly? ? ?

Although it was determined from Tiandaokou that Yunliao should not be able to control Tiandao's body for the time being, to be honest, Tiandao was originally not his own. Xia Fukun knew that Heavenly Dao had resentment towards the Yunliao Palace Master, but was it not for himself?

Therefore, he didn't even think about it, refining this misty system in front of Heaven's Dao. Not to mention, this misty system, Xia Fukun hasn't figured it out yet, if you really want to refine it, you have to go back to Fulinmen to see what those master fathers mean.


Although he hadn't been refined yet, Xia Fukun could clearly feel that the power of the nebula in his body had changed again.

Although the number has not changed.

However, the power of those nebulae is no longer intertwined one after another like continuous nebulae. But... the entire large area is gathered together, like a galaxy...

"It's a system. Although it hasn't been refined yet, it has been able to give my body such a change. It is estimated that if this misty system is refined, and then reach the realm of the emperor, my nebula power may be transformed into The power of the galaxy..."

Xia Fukun licked his lips, and to be honest, he was already satisfied.

And the other side.

Behind Xia Fukun, the golden villain saw Xia Fukun so easily put the misty system into his body, and he couldn't help taking a breath.

As the holy eye of this sanctuary, he is indeed a proud capital. But in other words...

In front of the system, its self-considered status does not seem to be so worth mentioning...

This Xia Fukun now accepted all the Misty System. And in the realm of the gods, the power of the nebula in the body has a tendency to transform towards the power of the galaxy. To be honest, this is the first time it has seen it.

There are so many strong people in the realm of gods, no, even those strong in the realm of **** emperors. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Without a system, the power of the nebula in the body cannot be turned into the power of the galaxy.

Although Xia Fukun got the Misty System now, he hadn't used the Misty System after all. Moreover, the most important thing is that this Xia Fukun is only in the realm of the gods!


Xia Fukun turned his head and glanced at the golden villain.

The villain Jin Guang coughed.

"Although your strength is a bit weak, I can see that you are a potential stock. If this is the case, then I will reluctantly recognize you as the master!"

After the Holy Eye finished speaking, it directly penetrated into Xia Fukun's body.

It's also this moment.

Xia Fukun's eyes turned golden.

The golden light shot towards the surrounding area.

The dazzling golden light swept across a vast expanse of gold everywhere.

"Is this holy eye a kind of pupil technique?"

Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes.

In his body, that Zhan Soul is actually a thing of the same grade as the Holy Eye, but it may not be comparable to this Holy Eye in ranking. However, that fighting spirit is an increase in strength. And this holy eye is to increase its pupil power...


Xia Fukun licked his lips.

After obtaining this holy eye, the power of the nebula in his body rose again.

Without using the power of those bloodlines, the power of the nebula reached 70 million!

The early stage of the gods...

Seventy million nebula power!

If you say these results, anyone will be shocked.

Xia Fukun did not go to taste the benefits of this holy eye. He glanced at the heaven on the side.

Among the pupils, the dazzling gold fell into the eyes of Heavenly Dao.

Tiandao's body couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

Before Xia Fukun appeared, Tiandao was already the leader among all the younger generations.

But after Xia Fukun appeared, this Heavenly Dao seemed a bit weak.

But no matter what, the gap between the two people has not been widened.


right now--

When Xia Fukun obtained this holy eye, and the power of the nebula in his body reached more than 70 million.

He is no longer worthy of being Xia Fukun's opponent.


Under Xia Fukun's gaze just now, this Heavenly Dao also felt a strong sense of fear.

In the bottom of my heart, I didn't even dare to have the slightest antagonism with Xia Fukun.

"Hahaha, let me just say it, our junior of the five-clawed golden dragon lineage will definitely be able to obtain this holy eye. If you get this holy eye, you are equivalent to gaining control of this sanctuary!"

Just now, Xia Fukun had almost ignored the existence of the five-clawed golden dragon.

But I didn't expect that after I got the Misty System and the Holy Eye, the five-clawed golden dragon appeared again...

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