Monster Refining System

Chapter 968: Is it floating?

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The father of the helper glanced at the Yunliao Palace Master.

"Are you telling me a joke?"

"You also said, this is my blessing, what qualifications do you have to deal with private affairs with him?"

When the helper father said this, with a wave of his hand, all the imprisonment on Xia Fukun's body disappeared, and then Xia Fukun's body also floated to the helper father's side.

"Xia Fukun, let me ask you, do you have a personal matter to talk to the Yunliao Palace Master?"

Xia Fukun shook his head when he heard the helper father's words.

"I do not know him."

The father of the helper spread his hands against the master of Yunliao Palace.

"You heard it, then there is no more to talk."

The lord of the Yunliao Palace made a noise when he bit his teeth.

This group of master fathers made it clear that they are bullying people! But there is no way, but I really can't resist...

"In addition, at this moment there are people from various forces here, and I just happened to ask you some questions."

The helper's father looked at the Yunliao Palace Master with a smile.

"Do you know that the high-levels of various forces, let alone discipline, can't enter this holy state?"

Hearing the words of the helper’s father, the Yunliao Palace Master pulled the corner of his mouth, and then bit the bullet and said to the helper’s father:

"Then you won't come in too..."

The father of the helper nodded when he heard the words of the Yunliao Palace Master.


"You are right."

"But I'm here, are you in charge?"

Yunliao Palace Master: "..."

This group of master fathers has made it clear that they are playing rogues!

But unfortunately, he is indeed not the opponent of this group of master fathers, even if he retakes the Misty System.

Moreover, it is indeed unreasonable for his own identity to make things difficult for a junior like Xia Fukun. After all, his own system was in Xia Fukun's hands, and this matter couldn't be spread.

The palace lord Yunliao estimated that to help the father's urination, if he knew that his system was taken away by Xia Fukun, he would have to target himself even more.

"I want to ask you something, don't stick there like a wood."

The helper father glanced at the Yunliao Palace Master.

"If there is nothing important, how can I be like this?"

The Yunliao Palace Master frowned. He observed the location of Xia Fukun. At this moment, Xia Fukun was on the right hand of the helper's father, within the controllable range of the helper's father. In this case, even if it is a sneak attack, there is definitely no way to work. But the top priority now is to recapture the misty system.

"It's the misty system, lost, right?"

The words of the father of the helper spread lightly to Palace Master Yunliao's ears, and Palace Master Yunliao's whole body trembled.

An awkward smile:

"What are you talking about, how can it be possible!"

The more the Yunliao Palace Master was like this, the more the helper father felt that his guess was correct.

Otherwise, based on his understanding of Palace Master Yunliao, even if Tiandao and others failed this operation, even if Tiandao and others had all fallen into this sanctuary, he would not offend him, Palace Master Yunliao. Hurry to this holy state.

"Since the Misty System has not been lost, then you should release it for me to see."

Yunliao Palace Master: "..."

How did these master fathers turn their attention to the Misty System all at once?

He smiled bitterly: "This system is private property, how can you just take it out and take it out?"

Helper father: "Can't you just look at it?"

Yunliao Palace Master: "No."

Helper father: "That's gone."

Yunliao Palace Master: "..."

Xia Fukun on the side was speechless, what the **** was the conversation between the two?

However, Xia Fukun did not expect that this group of master fathers actually knew that he had seized the misty system of the Yunliao Palace Master...

The father of the helper glanced at the Yunliao Palace Master:

"Yunliao, I told you before, right?"

"This system is for those who are predestined. It's like I know someone who had a system before but lost it accidentally."

When talking about this, the helper father also deliberately glanced at Xia Fukun. Xia Fukun knew that these master fathers were talking about themselves.

"Since it is lost, it means that your system may not belong to you."

"So, I suggest you don't waste your thoughts."

After hearing the words of the helper's father, the Yunliao Palace Master's face was completely gloomy.

Originally, he wanted to hide this secret, but since the helper father has broken it, then he has nothing to hide.

He sneered:

"Papa, do you think you can protect Xia Fukun for a while, can you protect him for the rest of his life?"

"If he honestly returns the Misty System now, maybe I will not embarrass him in the future. However, if today, this Misty System refuses to return, this Xia Fukun, if I lose your protection in the future. Then I dare not. Promise, what I will do to him."

Listen to the threat of the Yunliao Palace Master. The helper father smiled.


"I told you so much, you actually told me that you don't understand human words."

"Forget it."

The helper father sneered.


In this entire Saint State, the world trembles in an instant.

In the sky, countless void cracks appeared.

Everyone was stunned.

There were very few people who had actually seen the help of the main father's father, and even said that there were not many at all. And now, since this group of master fathers have taken action...

And once it was shot, this Holy State seemed to be torn apart.

"You still don't know the situation."

"When you had the Misty System, you weren't my opponent, and I didn't put you, including the Great Shrine behind you, in my eyes."

"But, you challenged my bottom line again and again."

"Yes, I said that those who can reach the realm of the gods are all those who have great opportunities, and I will not do anything to them. But it can't be worth your repeated provocations, isn't it?"

"This Xia Fukun is my person."

"You tell me now that I have to pay close attention to him. If I don't watch him any day, you have to treat him."


"I want to ask you, are your wings hard, or are you really floating?"

"Who gave you such courage?"

"Believe it or not, I am now, seconds you, and then let your Grand Shrine disappear from the first domain?"

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