Monster Refining System

Chapter 970: What are you doing

"Xia Fukun!"

Seeing Xia Fukun's actions, the father of the helper hurriedly called out.

Although this Chen Yizhi has little strength... (in the eyes of his helper father). However, at any rate, people are also a strong man in the realm of **** emperor. How can it be considered fat four by Xia Fukun, a guy in the realm of god, carrying a collar? Do you want to save face?

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt..."

Chen Yizhi gave a wry smile, and he could see that the relationship between Xia Fukun and Elder Xu was very good. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so angry. Take the previous tombstone and Xue Qian as an example, they would turn from anger to anger, but there was no such big movement with Xia Fukun. Moreover, even if he is angry, what can he do? This group of master fathers are still standing on the side, is it possible that he backhanded Xia Fukun a big mouth? Then he doesn't have the courage!


As soon as Chen Yizhi finished talking about it, Xia Fukun smashed Chen Yizhi in the face.

Chen Yizhi: "???"

Helper father: "???"

Tombstone and others: "???"

"Say! How did Elder Xu die!"

Xia Fukun ignored the others and glared at Chen Yizhi.

Chen Yizhi took a breath.

Is he too kind?

Is it OK if the last second is finished and the next second will be beaten? ?

"This saint son, I really don’t know how your elder Xu died. You should have seen it. I and you are good friends. If you know how your elder Xu died, I’m still hiding it. What are you doing?"

Chen Yizhi said with a wry smile.

"What about Elder Xu's body? Is it possible that even the body is gone?"

Xia Fukun asked again.

If this is the case, then Elder Xu would be too miserable!

"The body is here..."

Tombstone and Xue Qian saw that Xia Fukun's situation was not right, and quickly took out the corpse of Elder Xu.

"Elder Xu has been brutally murdered, are you still in the mood to eat and drink?"

Xia Fukun glared at the tombstone and Xue Qian.

Tombstone and Xue Qian: "???"

The cultivating world is going to be much more cruel than the world, and death, injury, and injury are all normal things.

I can't say that Elder Xu has suffered a misfortune, and they can't eat anymore, right?

No matter what the tombstone and Xue Qian were thinking, Xia Fukun let out a cold snort and walked to Elder Xu.

Elder Xu's body didn't have much trace of injury, and it was difficult to see what kind of attack the opponent was hit to death.

Xia Fukun frowned, and it seemed that Chen Yizhi did not lie. The cause of Elder Xu's death is indeed not easy to investigate.

"If I read it right, Elder Xu feels a bit ethereal and magical."

Helping the master father glanced at Elder Xu and said lightly.

Compared with Xia Fukun, his temperament is much flatter. There is no other reason, although Elder Xu is indeed the elder of their Fulinmen, but Fulinmen has one million disciples and over ten thousand elders.

If he dies casually, he will shed tears of sadness, and the tears of his helper father's father are a little too worthless.

"Mission magic?"

Xia Fukun took a breath.

"Did the Yunliao Palace Master do it?"

"Not necessarily."

The helper father shook his head.

"If Yun Liao did it, the misty signs of supernatural power on Elder Xu's body would not be so obvious."

"But that misty system..."

Xia Fukun was just about to say, isn't the Misty System owned by Palace Master Yunliao? Suddenly, he thought of...

"Don't forget, who got the misty system from."

There is only one truth of the matter, and the father of the helper has basically guessed it. He raised the corner of Xia Fukun's mouth.


Xia Fukun was expressionless. Prepare to pull Tiandao from the heaven and earth gourd.


After being summoned for a long time, the Tao did not come out that day.

In the end, the slow voice of the earth-swallowing monster rang out:

"Are you looking for that human? You don't need to look for it. He has become my food."


Xia Fukun frowned. Now that he knew that the Dao of Heaven was the murderer of Elder Xu, then Xia Fukun definitely wanted to slash the Dao of Heaven by himself. As a result, was the monster beast that swallowed the ground one step ahead?

"no need to thank me."

The Demon Swallowing Beast said lightly.

Xia Fukun: "..."

Does he really want to show his gratitude? How could this earth-swallowing monster still feel like doing good deeds without leaving a name?

Some took a silent breath.

Wanting to avenge Elder Xu with the Dao of the day seems to be useless.

Thinking of this, Xia Fukun shifted his gaze to not far away, a figure that dodged his gaze.

That figure is the elder of the leader of the Great Shrine.

In fact, when he saw their Yunliao Palace Master fleeing, he already had some answers in his heart. He even thought about running away. However, because the coercion of the helper father has been radiating, he is afraid that he will be discovered if he runs too obviously. So I wondered, waited until everyone was gone, and then left with the crowd.

As a result, I didn’t expect that the situation on the court now became like this...

Xia Fukun didn't care what the elders of the Great Shrine thought, or whether the elders of the Great Shrine had anything to do with this matter.

He just wanted to vent the anger in his body right now.

The figure, almost instantly, appeared in front of the elders of the Great Shrine.

"Dad helper, Xia Fukun will do this, will he completely tear his relationship with that great palace......"

Chen Yizhi reminded him in a low voice.

Helper father chuckled softly:

"When has the relationship between our Fulinmen and the Grand Shrine be harmonious again?"


The helper father's eyes flickered.

"Because of some special reasons, I don't want to move the Great Shrine for the time being."

"This Xia Fukunxiu's great way of freedom, some things can be endured, and some things, if you hold back for a long time, it will not be good for his cultivation. Let him go."

The helper father shook his hand, his eyes fell on the tombstone and Xue Qian.

‘This jihad, you two are considered embarrassing and lost home. If it weren’t for Xia Fukun’s efforts to turn the tide, our Fulinmen’s faces would have been lost. In a while, I will take Xia Fukun back to the Zongmen first. You two, just paddle the Space Ark and come back! "


Tombstone and Xue Qian looked at each other, then nodded in response after smiling bitterly.

On the other side, Xia Fukun at this moment had already arrived in front of the elder of the Grand Shrine.

"what are you going to do……"

The elder of the Great Shrine took a deep breath, and then asked Xia Fukun in front of him with a trembling voice.

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