Monster Refining System

Chapter 991: Hand over

Above the terrace at the northernmost part of the Yangdian.

A slightly thin figure was sitting on the terrace.

At this moment, the power of the nebula between the sky and the earth is constantly converging towards its body.

At this moment, that figure was closing his brows tightly.

A breath after another came out from his body. Like ripples appearing on the surface of the water, it spreads in circles towards the surroundings.

If Xia Fukun was there, he would definitely be able to see that this figure is exactly the one he "thinks about"...

That is...

The head teacher of this Yangdian!

Taking away Xia Fukun's Bliss system, he couldn't immortal respect Yang Yang!

After the power of the nebula between the world and the earth has continuously gathered into Yang Yang's body, Yang Yang's eyes slowly opened.

"Are you here..."

His lips moved slightly, and his eyes were aimed at the place where Xia Fukun was...

As for this, Xia Fukun didn't know all of them.

At this time, he was constantly searching for the position of the Bliss System in this Yang Palace.

To be honest, if the Bliss system had no self-seal, then Xia Fukun, more or less, would definitely be able to feel the location of the Bliss system.

But because the bliss system had sealed itself, Xia Fukun had no way to perceive the location of the bliss system.

"Godson, when this bliss system is available, you should go with me to find Tuntun, right?"


Xia Fukun nodded.

Tun Tun must be looking for even more. But let's find the Bliss system first.

Although Xia Fukun used a lot of materials in the Misty System before, he still left most of it to the Bliss System. After all, it is more cost-effective to exchange refining points in the Bliss system than in the Misty system.


After he regained the Bliss system, Xia Fukun wondered, would he be able to rent some monsters from the Divine Emperor Realm? If this is the case, then oneself, let's not talk about walking sideways in this first realm, then it is that big shrine, I guess I dare not do anything to myself, right?

After all, in the Great Shrine, there are indeed four supreme powerhouses in the realm of heavenly gods, but what if you are in the realm of a hundred **** emperors, or even a thousand beasts in the realm of **** emperors? Just ask if you panic, okay?

And thinking of this misty system, Xia Fukun couldn't help but think that everyone is a system, this misty system, perhaps, can detect the location of the bliss system?

Thinking of this, Xia Fukun quickly had a conversation with Misty System in his mind.


This is Xia Fukun’s new name for Misty System...

The Misty System rejected this name, but it couldn’t help it. Xia Fukun was its host, and it was able to put forward opinions, but if Xia Fukun insisted, he could only reserve his opinions...


Misty system responded.

Xia Fukun: "..."

Humming, humming, okay?

Taking a deep breath, Xia Fukun said;

"This Bliss System should be in the deepest part of the Yang Temple, but I have reached the deepest part of the Yang Temple. Is there any way to detect the position of the Bliss System?"

"Although this Yang Temple is not very big, such a clueless search is like finding a needle in a haystack."

Hearing Xia Fukun's words, the misty system pondered for a moment, and immediately, the cold female voice of the system sounded:

"Host, the Bliss system is currently in its cooling time. I can't detect where it is, but you have forgotten that the self-contained practice of the Bliss system is the free-extreme power, as long as you perform the free-extreme The position covered by mind power, the exercise method, if there is the bliss system, should have some resonance with the other party. Once the resonance is formed, I can perceive the other side's position."

"it is good!"

Xia Fukun's eyes lit up.

For this bliss system, he really has been thinking about it for too long too long.

Originally, after obtaining this misty system, he felt that this misty system might be able to replace the Bliss system. But after really using and getting along.

Xia Fukun discovered one thing.

This misty system, although it is one level higher than the Bliss system. Ranked second in the top ten system list. But when it comes to practicality, Xia Fukun thinks that this bliss system, it seems, is much better than this misty system?

It's like, this bliss system can summon monsters, but this misty system can't.

It's like, this bliss system has already activated its own intelligence, including seven emotions and six desires, but this misty system is at best a systematic human service.

To make it harder to say, if your question is beyond the scope of this misty system, the other party will most likely tell yourself the answer like that of the Baidu search engine: no search results can be found for this question...

In contrast, this Bliss system is indeed much stronger than this misty system.

This made Xia Fukun a little disappointed with this misty system, but at the same time he had doubts about the ranking of this system.

According to the gang leader’s father, this bliss system is the center of the ten systems, which can be connected to the ten systems...

Xia Fukun shook his head.

He still doesn't have the ability to think about what he has or not. Let's take advantage of that Yang Yang is in retreat, hurry up and get the Bliss system back!

And once the Bliss system was brought back. Xia Fukun believes...

This time, even if I meet Yang Yang again.

He would definitely not be as embarrassed as before, using the Demon Refining System...that's right, Xia Fukun still prefers to call each other by this name compared to the Bliss system.

He believes...

This time, I will bring back the demon refining system, and I will definitely not be as embarrassed as before. Just like before, use this demon refining system...

Give it a hand...

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