Monster Refining System

Chapter 993: Awaited

"this is……"

Xia Fukun looked at this long passage and couldn't help squinting his eyes.

"Yes, the bottom of this passage should be where the Bliss System is located."

The Earth-Swallowing Monster Beast looked at the passage that appeared, and said casually to Xia Fukun.

Their monsters cannot use the system, so even if they perceive the source of this channel and have a powerful force that makes their mouths dry, they can't help it.

Compared to humans, monsters have reached the quasi-god state, and they are already at their end.

However, although it has no way to obtain these systems on its own, Xia Fukun can!

Although this Xia Fu Khunping was not serious at the time. But the Demon Swallowing Beast believed that this Xia Fukun had eyes and could be measured in his heart. It shouldn't be the kind of thing that crosses the river and demolishes the bridge.

And as long as Xia Fukun becomes strong enough, in fact, in a disguised form, it is equivalent to rising with Xia Fukun.

"Piaopiao, Bliss System, is it under here?"

When Xia Fukun heard the words of the Devouring Monster Beast, there was a touch of excitement in his eyes, but to be on the safe side, he still asked the Misty System.

"Below here, there is indeed the breath of the bliss system, but I can't be sure whether it's underneath, because the breath is very scattered."

Xia Fukun did not listen to the second half of the Misty System. In his opinion, as long as there is a breath of the Bliss System underneath, that is enough.

"Godfather, protect me."

"it is good."

After saying hello to the Demon Swallowing Beast, Xia Fukun went straight down this passage.

What Xia Fukun didn't expect was that after this passage went down about a hundred meters, Xia Fukun's feet were all lava.

Those hot magma continued to bubble up one after another in front of Xia Fukun.

Seeing this, Xia Fukun couldn't help taking a deep breath.

He could feel the scorching temperature in the magma.

"Godfather, otherwise, you swallow these magma too?"

Xia Fukun asked tentatively to the Demon Swallowing Beast.

Earth-swallowing monster: "..."

Rolled his eyes at Xia Fukun.

"Godson, although I can swallow everything, but you have to see what the other party is? If I swallow this magma, my stomach will not be burned?"

After being rejected by the Devouring Monster Beast, Xia Fukun found the Misty System again.

"Piaopiao, is there any way?"

"This magma is a fire element. A skill called Sanmai True Fire was found in the host's body. Covering the body with Sanmai True Fire can isolate the scorching heat of this magma."

Hearing the words of Misty System, Xia Fukun's eyes lit up.

Suddenly, the real fire of samādhi wandered out of the body.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Fukun wrapped his body with the samādhi real fire, and then tentatively stepped his feet into the magma.

Across the distance, Xia Fukun could feel the hot temperature of the magma, but when his feet stepped into the magma, Xia Fukun felt a warm feeling, without any hot feeling at all.

it works!

Xia Fukun's eyes lit up.

Soon, the whole person's body plunged into this magma.

As for the Demon Swallowing Beast, it directly transformed its figure into a combat mode, covering its body with fiery red scales. After covering the body with scales, even though the Demon Swallowing Beast could feel the burning heat from its surroundings, it was completely isolated when it was still about three meters away from its body.

One person, one beast, quickly wandered in this magma.

In the beginning, Xia Fukun also needed the Demon Swallowing Beast and Misty System to guide the position of the Bliss System.

But gradually, when Xia Fukun's body dived to a certain position in the magma, he could feel that the free power of his body seemed to start to cheer.

"this is……"

Xia Fukun's gaze was aimed in a certain direction.

Bliss system, there!

Hardly any other thoughts, Xia Fukun's body rushed straight in that direction.

"God, be careful."

The Demon Swallowing Beast felt Xia Fukun's speed increase, and hurriedly called out behind him.

However, it seemed that Xia Fukun hadn't heard the sound of the Devouring Monster Beast, and his speed was getting faster and faster.

In almost an instant, Xia Fukun came to the position of the Bliss system.

The location of the Bliss System is an independent space in this magma.

There is no magma in this independent space.

It seems that there is a mysterious power that isolates the surrounding magma.

It's like a glass exhibition in the aquarium.

Xia Fukun stretched out his hand and could feel that there was a transparent barrier in the magma.

Before that, Xia Fukun dared not say that he could break this barrier. After all, there is a huge gap between himself and Yang Yang. but now……

Xia Fukun grinned.

Through this transparent enchantment, he could see the bliss system that was sealed in that piece of independent space.

At this moment, the Bliss system showed the appearance of an illusory figure, and the appearance of this illusion figure, shockingly, was his Xia Fukun...

"Brother Lian, I've been waiting for a long time..."

Xia Fukun looked at the Bliss System bound by various special iron chains.

In his hand, a monstrous force was condensed...

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