The light whip thrown out by Calumila turned into a large energy net, expanded infinitely in the air, and directly wrapped the crying head that condensed into Hedoram's face.

Then, I saw Calumila's hand clenching from the palm to a fist, and with a bang, the crying head in the energy net exploded in the instant tightening of the net.

Hedoram's screams came from the other crying heads, like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

As the saying goes, a couple can work together without getting tired. Truth Teliga also condensed Truth Ze Pelli'ao light and hit another place where there were more crying heads of Mega Hydra.

Without the endless support of the eternal core power, Mega Hydra did not dare to swallow this power, but controlled the few crying heads to scatter.

However, Jianwu's light is also released in the sky. From a bird's-eye view, he only needs to slightly swing his body to make the direction of the light emit continue to move.

Weeping heads were scattered on the ground, and Jianwu wiped them out easily.

As the number of crying heads became fewer and fewer, Kengo and Calumila constantly checked whether there were any more crying heads within the attack range.

It is difficult to find the missing crying head with just two pairs of eyes.

"I'll do it, Calumila, Teliga."

At this moment, Daagon's voice came.

Kenwu and Calumila looked for the sound, and saw that Mega Dagon had arrived below at some point, and Yu Ming and others in his hands had been placed in a safe place.

"Try it, Da'agon."

Calumila landed on the ground, nodded and said.

Daagon closed his lizard-like eyes and emitted a wave belonging to Mega Dagon. This wave originated from the evil god and could detect the auras of other evil gods who were also rulers of darkness.

Soon, Daagon locked three positions, clenched his fist and directly blasted powerful dark power towards those three places.

boom! boom! boom!

Three consecutive explosions sounded one after another, and at the same time there were three weird screams of Mega Hydra.

"So accurate!"

Jianwu looked at Daagon and said in surprise.

"The evil gods can sense each other's power." Da'agon said, locking in a direction again, and blasted out a dark red fist shadow with his fist.

Not surprisingly, with the explosion, Megahydra's screams were heard again.

"Da'agon, if we want to completely eliminate Megahydra, it's up to you."

Yumei and others had boarded the Nastis at some unknown time and shouted from the deck of the Nastis.

Hearing Yu Ming's words, Daagon turned around and nodded. Although Akira was a little jealous, he had to admit that Daagon was an indispensable help in this battle.

Dark energy surged under Da'agon's feet. This powerful dark force lifted Da'agon's lizard-like body and sent it up into the sky.

In the sky, Daagon sensed the waves of evil gods coming from all directions. Every time he found the power left by Megahydra, he would punch it out to destroy it.

In the end, only the last place of induction was left.

That was the last crying head and the last life of Megahydra.

Knowing that he had nowhere to hide, Megahydra's crying head flew out from hiding, looked at Daagon and said:

"Megadagon, who is also the ruler of darkness, do you really want to kill them all!"

When Daagon heard Mega Hydra's words, he realized that these words were not addressed to himself, but to the body of Mega Dagon.

Before Da'agon could answer, Da'agon suddenly found that he could no longer control this body.

Then, under the panic that arose in Da'agon's consciousness, Mega Dagon opened his own mouth and answered Mega Hydra's words:

"We are both rulers...but there is only one earth, hahahahaha!"

"You guy!!!"

Megahydra's originally crying head turned into an angry expression, and the color also turned into dark red.

Karumila and Kengo were shocked, realizing that the exchange between them just now was not between Daagon and Hedoram.

"It's the evil god's consciousness that is reviving!"

Calumila stared at Megadagon closely, and the light whip in her hand also condensed again.

Once the evil god's consciousness is completely revived, Daagon's consciousness will also be annihilated.

And the legendary evil god will not really come to this world until then.

Everyone in the Elite Victory Team also reacted, looking nervously at the two evil gods talking to each other, and for a moment they didn't know what to do.

At this moment, a golden Soljet light blasted out, accurately hitting the last head of the evil god Megahydra.

Bang! ! !

The dark power exploded instantly, and Megahydra's last head, which turned into an angry color, disappeared without a trace in the explosion.

Everyone followed the direction of the golden light and was slightly stunned.

I saw the giant of light, whose whole body was covered with golden light, floating quietly in front of the entrance to the eternal core in the air.

"It's...Xu Ming!"

Jianwu reacted immediately and exclaimed.

Calumila also looked at Xu Ming in surprise, and then felt that it was natural.

After all, the power of the eternal core in his body was controlled by Xu Ming with the help of him. It is normal for Xu Ming to be able to master the power of the eternal core in such a short period of time.

"The out-of-control eternal core seems to have been stabilized by Xu Ming!"

Jie Ming held the divine ring and sensed the eternal core in the eternal core ruins and said.

Although the eternal core comes from other time and space, the divine ring can contact the eternal core, and there is no time and space limit at all.

After all, in essence, the eternal core is the same.

"Xu Ming..." Youlian looked at Xu Ming with a smile on his face, "He seems to be really omnipotent. Even the biggest difficulties are small problems that can be easily solved in front of Xu Ming."

Everyone in the Elite Victory Team nodded with deep understanding. Ever since they got to know Xu Ming, this mysterious giant of light has always been able to turn all kinds of things back from their outrageous trajectory.

Without the out-of-control eternal core, the evil god would be unable to absorb its power again to strengthen itself.

Megadagon's eyes turned slightly red, but turned back to their original orange color after a moment.

He looked at Calumila and Kengo, covered his head, and said in great pain:

"Teliga, Calumila, kill me quickly!"

"Da'agon, don't give in!"

Jianwu saw that Daagon was fighting against the evil god's consciousness at this time, and he quickly encouraged him.

"Daagon! Bear with me!"

After all, she is her companion who has followed her for so long. When Carumila heard Da Agong's words, she naturally had deep feelings for him.

As for Calumilla devouring Daagon in the original plot, that is because Calumilla has fallen into a state of mental madness.

But now, both Calumila and Daagon are mentally normal!

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