"But there was no Tiga stone statue in the pyramid." Masaki Keigo stopped and looked at Xu Ming, "Except for the two stone statues that were smashed by Golzan and Melba, only one turned into bronze. Like you."

"In other words, it was you who seriously injured Dagu."

Masaki Keigo spoke.

Xu Ming: "..."

"Do I want to express this?" After a moment of silence, Xu Ming said, "Although it has something to do with me, I am also a victim? Who knew that the rift in time and space would take away the Tiga stone statue."

"Okay." The two continued to walk forward, and Masaki Keigo also responded, "So you mean, Asuka Shin was seriously injured on his first mission because he didn't meet the light that belonged to him?"

"That's right." Xu Ming nodded, "From the time when Dagu didn't become Diga, everything in this world was disrupted by the cracks in time and space."

"You mean, Asuka Shin will also encounter a stone statue in the universe and become Ultraman, right?" Masaki Keigo thought of this, "That means there is also a stone statue of Ultraman in the universe."

"That's not entirely true." Xu Ming shook his head again, "Asuka Shin's light came from his father Asuka Yima. Asuka Yima's life changed, and Asuka Shin lost his shine."

"Wait a minute..." Masaki Keigo suddenly looked at Xu Ming and asked, "Tell me, what would have happened to me if there were no space-time rifts disrupting this world at the beginning?"

Xu Ming's eyes widened slightly when he heard Masaki Keigo's words, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Do you know?"

When Masaki Keigo saw Xu Ming like this, he understood.

"I know." Xu Ming nodded and said, "If everything goes according to the normal trajectory, you can still enter Gai Ying's stone statue, but you will eventually fall into evil and your fighting body will be decomposed by Dagu."

"The Geying Stone Statue was decomposed... What about me?"

Masaki Keigo continued to ask.

"You were imprisoned in the TPC's prison room." Xu Ming also continued to answer, "Until the end when Gatanjie appeared and the world was swallowed by darkness, the TPC needed your ability to revive Tiga who turned into a stone statue. You also Stand up and venture into the depths of the ocean to protect the world.”

"It sounds quite miserable." Masaki Keigo laughed at himself, "But fortunately, the ending is happy."

The two soon arrived at TPC's medical center.

After asking a nurse on the way, the two quickly found the ward where Asuka Shin was.

There was only one nurse taking care of Asuka Nobu in the ward at this time. Captain Xibi and others were still busy handling matters. Asuka Kazuma also returned to work after Asuka Nobu improved.

After waiting for the nurse to leave the ward, Xu Ming and Masaki Keigo looked at each other and entered.

Asuka Shin was confused for a moment when he saw two strange men entering the ward.

Then he asked: "Are you...?"

"Feiniao Xin." Xu Ming looked at the young man in front of him and asked, "Do you believe in light?"


Asuka Shin was even more confused, and even wondered if the man in front of him had come from a psychiatric department.

"You scared him." Masaki Keigo patted Xu Ming's shoulder, then walked forward and said, "We are entrusted by your seniors to come to visit you."

"Senior?" Asuka Shin's face was full of doubts, "Which senior? Senior Liang?"

"No." Masaki Keigo shook his head and said, "It's the former senior of the Victory Team. His name is Yuan Dagu, and he is now raising a child on Mars."

"Yuan Dagu?" Feiniao Xin shook his head slightly in confusion, "I don't know him."

For Asuka, who had just joined the Super Victory Team, he really had no idea about the former Victory Team members.

Masaki Keigo was speechless for a moment when Asuka Shin said this.

Why is this kid so unreasonable?

The soul must be enlightened!

However, in order to pass on the light that has been exhausted from generation to generation to the next generation, Masaki Keigo patiently squatted in front of Asuka Nobu's hospital bed and asked:

"Asuka, when you were in trouble in the universe, did you encounter anything strange? For example, a bright light or a stone statue."

"No." Asuka Shin shook his head. He didn't know why Masaki Keigo would ask this, "Is this what senior Yuanda Gu wants to ask me?"

"Um...that's right."

Masaki Keigo nodded and said.

Xu Ming on the side couldn't stand it anymore. He didn't expect that Masaki Keigo was also a chat genius.

"Flying bird." In desperation, Xu Ming said, "Are you willing to become a giant of light? Are you willing to be a warrior and hero who protects this world?"

"Are you kidding me?" After hearing this, Asukaxin said with a smile, "Is today April Fool's Day? How can a human being become a giant of light?"

"If you want, you can become the Giant of Light and Ultraman." Xu Ming said quietly, "It's just a matter of your thoughts."

Nowadays, the flying birds are extremely ordinary. They really have no concept of light or anything like that.

He looked like a dumbass, even more dumbfounded than Kai.

"Don't be ridiculous, brother." Asuka Shin said with a smile again, "You are not sent by someone to make me happy, are you?"

"Forget it." Masaki Keigo sighed and said, "I don't think he will believe it no matter what."

However, at this moment, Xu Ming's body was wrapped in light, and then turned into a human-sized shadow Ultraman.

Masaki Keigo was dumbfounded, and Asuka was even dumbfounded.

"You...Ultraman the Shadow?!" Pointing at the transformed Xu Ming, Asuka Shin almost bit his tongue when he spoke, "Ultraman is really a human being?!"

"That's right." Xu Ming said, releasing the transformation state, "So trust us now."

"But this world is already protected by Ultraman Geiking, and even Ultraman Tiga. Why are you looking for me?"

After Asuka Shin calmed down for a long time, he asked Xu Ming and Masaki Keigo.

"It's just a bond, tired... ahem... passed down from generation to generation." Xu Ming replied, "Gai Ying and Diga have guarded this world for long enough, and it's time to pass on the light to the next one."

"And that person is you!"

Masaki Keigo said very cooperatively at this time.

"I...do I really have this ability?" Asukaxin remembered that he failed in his first mission, and suddenly became a little decadent, "But I can't even get out of bed now."

"You have it."

As Masaki Keigo said, he took out something like a forehead thermometer and pressed it on Asuka Shin's forehead.

Then, a value of 60 appeared above.

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