Luke is a super-ancient human who seeks a new land and uses the essence of Zijra to become immortal.

The purpose of returning to Earth is to go to Qijela to absorb the essence again and extend eternal life.

However, Qijela has been eliminated.

This was something Luke had never thought of.

A year later, although Jianjian Hui and Lu Ke had some communication, it was unexpected that Lu Ke still had his mind set on Qijela. After all, in his heart, his daughter Dina must survive.

"No, I didn't expect Qijela's energy to be so strong!"

Deep underground, Luke held Dina's hand tightly and said extremely nervously.

In this tunnel full of soil and roots, broken potions were scattered one after another.

"Dad, you used up the essence, what should we do?"

Dina looked at Luke innocently and said with doubts.

"Use the remaining essence and the newly made ripening agent to resurrect Qijela!" Luke looked at Qijela who had recovered from a charred state to a thick rhizome, and said, "As long as... in Qijela After Ra is resurrected, just draw the essence from his body!"

As he spoke, Luke took out a thick needle and inserted it into Qijela's huge rhizome.

Then, slowly, bit by bit, the golden-green liquid was extracted by Luke from Qijela's rhizome.

After a while, a syringe was filled.

Qijela's rhizomes are constantly growing and spreading, and have spread throughout the city at the fastest speed.

Next, when daybreak comes, it's time for Qijela to get sunlight and grow again.

By then, Zijra's rhizomes will have spread throughout the earth!

Luke put the Qijela essence in the syringe into the medicine test tubes one by one, and then put the test tubes out into a blue storage bag.

Looking at the Qijela rhizome again, Luke stabbed it with another needle.

"Now that Qijela has been resurrected, let's pump more!" The underground tunnel is still shaking, which is a sign that Qijela is slowly growing. "Otherwise, next time we come back, there may really be no Qijela. ”

"Dad, you said that when Qijela blooms, everyone will die." Dina blinked her big eyes and said to Luke, "Will Gaga die too? Dina still wants to Playing with him."

"No, Dina." Luke comforted his daughter and said, "Gaga is not on the earth now, Qijela can't go to Mars, and Gaga is a giant of light, he will not die."

"What about Captain You Lian and His Highness Gai Ying? Will they die on earth?"

Dina asked again.

"No." Lu Ke shook his head and said, "His Royal Highness Gai Ying and Captain You Lian both have the power of light and will not be affected by Qijela, and before dawn, Captain You Lian should find a way to eliminate Qi Jila. Jera.”

"Dad, didn't you say that the Giant of Light will not interfere with human choices?"

Dina asked doubtfully.

"That's all a lie to children."

Luke replied.

TPC deep mountain base,

No one expected that building the headquarters base deep in the mountains would make it easier for Qijela to drive into the base.

Each yellow flower exudes charming flowers, causing the people in the headquarters base to lose their minds.

The members of the Super Victory Team inevitably fell into Elysium.

However, Asuka Shin is excepted.

Asuka Shin, the only sane person in the base, saw that everyone had lost their minds and quickly retrieved the information on how the old victory team dealt with Zijra.

However, the data shows that only humans who can resist being seduced by Qijela's bliss can fight against Qijela, a world-destroying flower.

Of course, there is another way.

That is to wait until Ultraman destroys Zijra, and then humanity will recover.

After seeing this information, Feiniao Xin was speechless for a moment.

The members of the Super Victory Team are definitely mentally strong enough, but they still fell into Qijela's paradise.

"But why am I okay?"

Asuka Shin was stunned, remembering the light test that Masaki-senpai gave him.

At present, the value has already exceeded 100. Perhaps it is for this reason that Qijela's pollen has no effect on him.


Asuka Shin was about to leave the Super Victory Team lobby when he saw his father, Asuka Kazuma.

Asuka Kazuma works in the TPC Aerospace Flight Department on weekdays, not far from the Super Victory Team headquarters.

But what surprised Asuka Shin was that his father was not affected by Qijela pollen!

According to the information left behind by the old Victory Team, in addition to Ultraman and people with light, there are also people from the universe who will not be affected by Zijra pollen!

"Could it be that..." Asuka Shin looked at Asuka Kazuma in shock, "Dad, are you a cosmic person?!"

Asuka Yima: "..."

"Xin, are you also confused by Qijela?"

Asuka stepped forward and patted Asuka Shin's head gently.

This kid is talking nonsense, so he probably fell into Qijela's trick.

"Dad, I'm not confused by Qijela...wait!" Asukaxin reacted and said in surprise, "I'm not father is a cosmic person? So I am also a cosmic person?!"

Asuka Shin's eyes widened and he couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

Asuka Kazuma heard his son's mouth talking nonsense, and determined that Asuka Shin was confused by Qijela.

Then, Asuka picked up the microcomputer and called Director Fukami at the Mars base:

"Director, unfortunately, except for the police station, the Super Victory Team has also fallen."

"I didn't expect that Qijela would make a comeback." Director Fukami on the other end of the video sighed, "But Asuka, you can resist Qijera's temptation. It really surprises me. The survival of the earth today may depend on it. is you!"

"I, Asuka Ichima, will definitely fulfill my mission!"

After hearing what Director Fukami said, Asuka Kazuma replied with a serious look on his face.

"By the way, you don't need to be too nervous." Director Fukami said, "I have contacted Hayate at the moon base, and he is on his way back from the moon."

"Is it Captain Hayate? How did I hear that he returned to Earth to hunt down space people before?" Asuka reacted and asked doubtfully.

"He returned to Earth some time ago." Director Fukami said, "But he was later transferred back to the moon base. He should be arriving soon. You can go to the tarmac to find him."


Asuka nodded, took another look at his unsatisfied son, and then turned around and left.

Asuka Shin was stunned for a while before he realized that he was a cosmic being, and then he quickly chased Asuka.

He wanted to ask himself if he, as a cosmic being, had some special abilities that could perhaps be used to fight monsters.

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