Monsters invaded and I was resurrected as a giant of light

Chapter 261 Father and son go into battle

A dull sound came from the ground, and then, Ida Iryu's figure held the sword blade, pulled it out from the ground, and suddenly retreated backwards.

A few seconds later, the hot impact broke through the soil and rose from the ground into the sky.

The people watching around Shanyuan saw Qijela's body suddenly rushing out of the ground, with his body still burning with blazing fire.

However, Qijela soon spit out golden-green juice, covering his whole body and extinguishing the flames on his body.

Even so, Qijela's body was completely charred after the flames were extinguished.

"Flower Demon, you are finally willing to show up!"

Ida Iryu stood in front of Qijela, with his arms around his samurai sword, and said to Qijera.

Qijela couldn't speak, and he only responded with an angry neigh.

"This old guy Ida Iryu is really powerful. He forced Qijela's body out!"

Seeing this, Xu Ming put his hand on his heart and prepared to transform.

Masaki Keigo also took out the Shadow Spark and planned to transform and fly over directly.

Just when the two of them were transforming, they were under the ground of Shanyuan, near Qijela's roots.

The area around Luke and his daughter was scorched black, and the black ash on their faces showed that they had just experienced an unimaginable fire impact here.

Fortunately, Luke reacted quickly enough and covered the two of them with fire-proof blouses, otherwise they would have stayed underground forever with Qijela.

"Qijela's essence is almost enough, Dina, let's go!"

Luke protected the blue bag on his body, pulled Dina and walked towards the top of the dirt tunnel.

After being burned by the fire, the originally damp and dark underground tunnel became warm and solid.

"Dad, is the fire just now the anger of Qi Jela?" Dina asked innocently, "After all, dad drew so much blood from Qi Jela, Qi Jela will definitely be angry."

"No, Dina." Luke thought for a moment and said, "The fire just now was probably because Captain Youlian started to attack Qijela."

The Super Victory Team's fighter jets also arrived at the scene at this time.

However, there is only one α number driven by a flying bird and a horse.

After all, the α number was fast, and the γ number driven by Asuka Shin could not catch up so quickly.

"Is this Qijela?" Asuka Yima frowned slightly when he saw Qijela's true form, "Why is there a burnt black color on its body?"

However, Asuka Ikma did not hesitate, and after observing Qijela, he launched an attack on Qijera.

Lasers were fired from the fighter plane and attacked Qijela.

After a few snaps, several sparks appeared on Qijela's body.

Seeing these sparks, the flying bird immediately realized that Qijela was a plant-type monster, and the best way to deal with it was to use flames.

However, there were no fire bombs loaded on the Alpha, so there was no way to carry out such an attack.

"I knew I would have loaded the α with fire bombs first."

With a slightly regretful tone, Asuka Ichima spoke.

However, Asuka Kazuma quickly noticed that there was a figure wearing a black samurai robe on the ground.

This guy in a black samurai robe actually holds a samurai sword and is shouting at Zijela?

"Have you been deceived by Qijela to this extent?"

Asuka couldn't help but shook his head when he saw this.

However, the next second, Asuka Ichima's jaw almost dropped to the ground.

I saw the guy in the black warrior robe slashing out flames with a sword!

He even cut off a thick leaf from Qijela’s body!

"Is that human being???"

Asuka Ichima was stunned for a moment and then realized what he was doing.

This man in a warrior robe was not deceived by Qijela at all, but he was really capable!

At this moment, the γ number also rushed to the scene following the α number.

Then, Asuka Shin’s voice came from Asuka Kazuma’s walkie-talkie:

"Dad, I'm here to fight too! Wait for me!"


Three question marks appeared on Asuka Kazuma's head, and then he spotted the γ number flying beside him.

"Xin! You are doing something dangerous!" Asuka Yima, who understood, was immediately worried, "You have been confused by Qijela, how can you fly a fighter plane! It is very dangerous! Land quickly!!!"

"Dad, I am not deceived!" Asuka Shin retorted, "I just want to fight with you! Moreover, as cosmic beings hidden among humans, we will not be deceived by Qijela!"

"...This kid is indeed not normal!" Asuka Ichima almost believed Asuka's evil deeds, "Hurry up and land! Stop flying fighter planes! I, Asuka Ichima, only have a son like you! If I fall, machine……"

Just as Asuka finished his words, he saw that the γ, which had just attacked Qijela's laser beam, was hit by the huge vine whip thrown by Qijera, and thick black smoke came out of its tail.

"You fell down before I even finished my words, brat! Make an emergency parachute jump and eject out of the cabin!" Asuka Kazuma anxiously watched this scene and shouted into the intercom.

"Dad...cough cough dad!" However, Asuka Xin's voice came from the intercom, as if he was being choked by smoke, "Quickly...quickly tell me how to change back to the original...appearance of a spaceman..."

Asuka Yima: "..."

boom! ! !

Under Asuka Kazuma's unbelievable gaze, the γ number driven by Asuka Shin just crashed into the mountain plain.

There was a loud noise and fire filled the sky.


Seeing this scene, Asuka Yima's eyes were splitting and he shouted.

Ida Jingryu on the ground raised his head and looked at α.

I saw a ball of light rushing out of it and quickly flying to the place where the γ crashed.

Then, a colorful ray of light flew out from it, turning into a beam of light and falling in front of Qijela.

The silver, blue and red giant appeared in the beam of light, raised his hands in a hand gesture, and let out a war cry to Zijera.

"Are there so many people of light on the earth now?"

Upon seeing this, Ida Jingryu nodded to the newly appeared giant.

The new giant also looked at Ida Jinglong, with a little surprise in his eyes, and nodded to him.

"Masaki, look!"

Xu Ming, who had transformed into Ultraman Mebius and rushed to the scene, pointed to the ground in surprise and said to Masaki Keigo who was flying beside him.

"Huh? It's Dyna!"

Masaki Keigo looked at what Xu Ming pointed at and said in surprise.

Ultraman Dyna, Xu Ming had changed before, so Masaki Keigo also knew about it.

I just didn't expect that besides Xu Ming, there would be someone else who could become Dyna.

"Could it be said that the flying bird successfully turned into light?!"

Masaki Keigo was slightly startled and then came to his senses.

Much of Asuka Shin's brilliance comes from Xu Ming's transformation into Dyna. Xu Ming also said that Asuka Shin can become Ultraman on his own.

"It's basically a flying bird."

Xu Ming nodded and said.

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