Black Star Coffee Shop.

This is a coffee shop frequented by visitors from across the universe, and the director of the coffee shop is not an ordinary person.

Yes, he is a cosmic person, and he is a cosmic person from Black Star.

Black Star... doesn't sound like a very good name, but it is somewhat famous in the world of [Ultraman Leo].

Because Commander Black, a Black Star, controlled the disk creatures in the world of [Ultraman Leo] and destroyed the entire Earth Defense Force!

Almost killed everyone around the protagonist group!

And Commander Black, who has such a famous name, is now the owner of this Black Star Coffee Shop.

Black is the transliteration of black, which means black.

Black Star Coffee Shop…is Black Star Coffee Shop.

The coffee shop was quite dark, and Xu Ming walked down the wooden stairs step by step under the dim light.

Finally, we arrived at the bar.

There was only a middle-aged bald old man at the bar.

"Is it Obik?"

I have to say that the appearance of the middle-aged bald man in front of me is very similar to Obik in [Ultraman Tega].

"What Obik..." The expression on the middle-aged man's face did not change, but he asked Xu Ming, "New guest, what would you like to drink?"

“Let’s have a cup of the signature coffee.”

Xu Ming thought for a while and said.

Then he paid the converted money to the bald old man.

In this cafe, which is mostly populated by cosmic people, the currency used is the currency of the earth.

"Please sit down and wait a moment."

After the bald old man finished speaking, he turned around to make coffee.

Xu Ming also chose a seat and sat down.

From time to time, some people from other positions would cast their eyes over. After all, they would also feel a little strange about the new guests.

Xu Ming didn't look around at the surrounding customers...because Xu Ming knew that they were all cosmic beings!

I have to say, this cafe is really lively.

People from all over the universe seem to like coming to this cafe.

After seeing Xu Ming, many cosmonauts were a little confused. They didn't know whether the guy in front of them was a human or a cosmic being from somewhere.

In a neutral situation like this, the owner of the coffee shop will not refuse entry to the guests. If a human enters the cafe, he will lose his memory when leaving the cafe.

Xu Ming didn't understand the operation of erasing memories, but he had seen it before. There were such things as memory erasers in the world of Nexus.

"Let me tell you, I have been transforming into a human recently and selling [Slimming Stone]. As long as this stone is worn on a human body, it can absorb the power of the human body... In the end, as long as I use the mother stone to summon, those human bodies I have to drain all the energy out of you!"

Sitting in his seat, Xu Ming closed his eyes and listened carefully to the conversations of people in the surrounding universe.

"Slimming Stone? Your aggression is too crude!"

Said a spaceman.

"At the rate you are selling it, how many years and months will it take to invade the earth... If you want to extract the energy from the human body, you might as well become a chicken."

"Make...chicken? Pump energy???"

"Yes, if you make roasted chicken on the street and add the powder of the slimming stone, one person will definitely not be able to finish the whole roasted chicken. In this way, you can drug multiple people at once."


Xu Ming was speechless for a moment when he heard the conversation between the two.

In the original plot, the spaceman who sells slimming stones seems to be a Sharpei planet.

In the end, he was killed by Ultra's uncle Shibukawa.

However, what Xu Ming heard was of no use. What Xu Ming wanted to know now was about the Demon King Beast.

At this moment, Xu Ming heard two subtle discussions.

"Hey, have you heard that there are strong space-time fluctuations in the extreme north of the earth!"

"Don't tell me, the last time I passed over the North Pole, I saw a Goldras running out of it!"

"Goldras? Didn't you catch him?"

"Catch? What should I use to catch? With my head?"

"What a pity. Such a powerful monster... To be honest, you may not be able to tame it."


Xu Ming listened to the conversation between the two, but his mind fell into deep thought.

Xu Ming is very familiar with the fluctuations in time and space during the discussion between the two cosmonauts.

"If I guess correctly, this time and space fluctuation should be the time and space rift leading to the real world!"

Xu Ming tapped the table lightly with his fingers and thought to himself.

Suddenly, a man wearing black clothes and a black mask appeared next to Xu Ming, and then whispered: "The Demon King Gai Beast Tiger."

"Uh..." Xu Ming was stunned for a long time when he saw the sudden appearance of the person, and then replied, "Sweat...sweat dripping into the soil?"

Man in black:"……"

"Aren't you here to meet me?" The man in black looked at Xu Ming with doubts and asked.

"Connector? What connector?"

Xu Ming scratched his head, his face full of confusion.

"Then why are you tapping your fingers on the table?" The man in black asked, pointing at Xu Ming's hand.

"It's just...a habit when thinking."

After thinking about it, Xu Ming answered seriously.

Man in black:"……"

From the angry eyes of the other party, Xu Ming could feel his urge to kill.

However, this is the Black Star Cafe, and the cosmic people who come here must show respect to the owner of the Black Star Cafe. If they can do something outside, they will never do it inside.

At this moment, the earphones of the man in black seemed to receive some kind of signal, and then he looked at Xu Ming with a sudden realization: "The password has changed? Did the contact person use a new password? And he said that knocking on the table was for thinking. Habit?…Okay, okay…let’s start the mission!”

After the conversation between the man in black and the voice in the headset was completed, Xu Ming looked at the man in black with a confused look as he bent down slightly, and then said: "Mr. The Strongest Agent in the Universe, this mission... is to seize the extreme The Goldras Card of the North.”


Xu Ming was about to explain, but had no chance to speak.

Just listen to the man in black continue: "According to the detection, the Goldras in the far north is not an ordinary Goldras, but a King Goldras... Our task is to turn it into a King of Goldras..." Return the card and recycle it.”

"In other words, this King Goldras... was summoned by a monster card, right?"

Hearing what the man in black said, Xu Ming also became interested.

Xu Ming had been thinking about where the monster cards came from before, but he didn't expect that he could capture wild ones!

"That's right, Mr. The Strongest Agent in the Universe, you should know how powerful King Goldras is. If he can be recovered, the headquarters will definitely issue generous rewards."

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