"Jiryu Baba! Don't run! Don't run!"

While driving the excavator, Xu Ming shouted to Baba Jilong who was running fast ahead.

Wherever Machang Cilong dared to stop, he ran forward as if the wind was blowing from his feet.

"Jiryu Baba, don't run! Rush towards the excavator!"

Seeing this, Xu Ming shouted to the racecourse Cilong again.


Three question marks appeared on Baba Jiro's forehead.

Listen, is this human language?

However, if you keep running, your physical strength will be exhausted. You might as well listen to Xu Ming and see how he trains you!

So, after making up his mind, Maba Cilong stopped, turned around, and faced Xu Ming's excavator.


Just hearing a muffled sound, Baba Cilong was knocked out on the spot and fell hard to the ground not far away.

Xu Ming's excavator also stopped.

I saw Xu Ming sticking his head out and asked the horse field Cilong in confusion: "Why didn't you run away?"

"Didn't you tell me not to run away?"

Baba Jiryuu said miserably.

Fortunately, I am a Babar planet. If an ordinary human was hit by an excavator, he would not die but would suffer a shattered fracture.

"Why don't you run away if I tell you not to? Are you going to get hit by a car if you stay?" Xu Ming shook his head and sighed, "I'm not only training your physical fitness, but also your IQ!"


Baba Jiryuu fell silent.

Didn't you tell me earlier?

"How's it going? Can you still stand up?"

Special training is special training. Xu Ming is still more concerned about whether Cilong is injured in the racecourse.

However, looking at the appearance of Jiro Baba, it doesn't seem to be anything serious.

"Of course I can stand up!"

Indeed, Baba Jilong was only hit a bit, but with the physique of the Babar star, he would not be unable to get up.

However, Xu Ming shook his head again after hearing this.

"What's wrong?"

Baba Jiryu asked in confusion.

"If it were me, I would say that I was seriously injured." Xu Ming looked at Baba Jiro and said, "It seems that your IQ is still not up to standard."

Racehorse Cilong: "..."

"But you actually stood up, so let's continue!"

After Xu Ming finished speaking, he started the excavator again.

Seeing this, Racehorse Cilong had no choice but to continue running.

"Baba-senpai, is he okay...this is an excavator."

Not far away, Zenta Hayami said worriedly when he saw Jiryuu Baba being knocked away.

"With Mr. Xu Ming here, he will be able to control the situation properly." Matsuto Mori said.

"Yes, this is also for the benefit of the racehorse Jiro."

Naomi nodded in agreement.

The excavator kept moving forward, and Xu Ming still shouted to Machang Cilong:

"Don't run! Baba Jiryuu!"

"Hurry towards the excavator!"

"I won't be fooled by you again!" Jiro Nagaba shouted over his shoulder as he ran, "Let me see which one of you runs out of gas first, or my energy runs out first!"

"The road is long and long, and I will cheer for the excavator."

After hearing what Machang Cilong said, Xu Ming took a barrel of prepared oil out of the window and showed it.

This time, Cilong in the racecourse completely broke his defense.

Who would have thought that there would be special training with oil?

"You...you...!!" Turning around, Baba Cilong pointed at Xu Ming and shouted, "Give me a chance!"

"What chance... Baba Jiryu, only if you keep getting stronger can you defeat those sun monsters!" Xu Ming replied with a scolding tone, "Ultraman Leo can do it, why can't you Babar Star?" Do it?!”

"You're right!" After hearing Xu Ming's words, Baba Jilong clenched his fists with a look of determination on his face, "What Ultraman Leo can do, I, the Babar star, can do too!"

"Very good! Baba Cilong, rush over!" Xu Ming nodded and said, "Come over and jump over the excavator!"

"Okay! I rushed over...wait, you won't play tricks on me, right?"

Baba Jiryu reacted and looked at the excavator getting closer and said.

"Why am I playing tricks on you? As long as you jump over this excavator, you will surpass Leo! You have to know that it was just a jeep that crashed into Leo!"

Xu Ming encouraged Baba Cilong and said.

"As long as you jump over this excavator, it proves that you, Baba Jilong, are a decent Babar star, not just some bad Babar star!"

"Okay! I, the Babar star, am not a mere bastard!"

After saying that, Baba Jilong rushed towards the excavator and jumped.

Lying on the bed in the treatment room, Baba Jiro couldn't figure out why he was so fooled.

Could it be that there is really something wrong with my IQ?

"I think you need more special training in terms of IQ." Xu Ming stood beside the hospital bed and said to Baba Cilong.

"Special training is okay, but what I'm asking is, can you not hit me with the excavator?"

Baba Jilong said helplessly.

This method seems outrageous, but when Severn specially trained Leo, it really... worked!

Although he didn't know where it was used, Leo defeated the Kali star after the special training was completed.

"Okay, no need for the excavator next time."

Xu Ming nodded and agreed to Baba Cilong.

Then, under the surprised gaze of Jilong Baba, Xu Ming transformed into the mother of Ultra and treated his injuries.

"You can actually become the mother of Ultra?!" This time Baba Jiryuu was really surprised, "But... you are a man!"

"Is there any problem with this?" Xu Ming released the transformation state and glanced at Baba Jiryu, "How do you think your previous injury healed?"

"So that's it! No wonder you can heal me from such a serious injury!"

Baba Jiryu suddenly realized that Ultra Mother's healing ability was well-known in the universe, and she could naturally heal his own injuries.

"But... you're not really the mother of Ultra, right?" Baba Jiryuu asked doubtfully.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Of course not." The corners of Xu Ming's mouth twitched.

"I'm wondering what the Father of Ultra or Ultraman Taro would look like if he saw you turned into the Mother of Ultra..."

After recovering from his injuries, Baba Jiro sat up from the hospital bed and spoke.

Xu Ming: "..."

This guy doesn't have a high IQ and has quite a lot of ideas in his head.

"So when is the next special training?"

Jiryu Baba asked.


Xu Ming replied.

Baba Jilong: "?"

The next day.

The same wasteland, the same racecourse, Cilong and Xu Ming.

The difference is that this time Xu Ming did not drive the excavator.

"What is that pile of things in Mr. Xu Ming's hand?"

Hayami Zenta looked at Xu Ming's hands with some confusion and asked Naomi and Matsudo Mori.

"I don't know, I can't tell."

Naomi shook her head and said she didn't know.

Matsuto Mori pushed up his glasses and looked a little surprised: "The thing in Mr. Xu Ming's hand... seems to be a dart?"

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