Monsters invaded and I was resurrected as a giant of light

Chapter 5 I might as well die if I go through this again


No one noticed how this strange bird rushed out of the dark red crack in time and space.

Xu Ming only felt that Pegila had been hit hard, and then his hand took off Pegila's tail.

During this period, Pegilla's mouth was drooling, and her expression was extremely difficult to understand, as if she was in disbelief.

However, Xu Ming no longer had time to understand what was going on in Peggyla's mind. His body was in a suspended state and was about to fall down.

After grabbing randomly in the air, Xu Ming caught another thing.

When he looked up, he saw the huge claws of the bird-shaped monster that had just rushed out.

"This monster is..." Xu Ming struggled to climb onto the huge yellow bird's claws and looked at the feathers in front of him, "Barton, the volcano monster bird!"

When the five members of Tomorrow's team climbed above the clouds, their physical strength was almost exhausted.

However, being able to discover that there is a blood-red world above is already a particularly important piece of information.

Looking up, one of the team members spotted Patton flapping his wings in the sky, and Peggyla falling in a parabola.

"Boss, he... got rid of Peggy!"

"So strong, how did the boss do it!"

"Wait a minute, the boss seems to be on that Button now!"

"Yes, look at Patton's left foot!"


Barton, this monster is no stranger to the Tomorrow Team. In previous battles, they have fought Barton several times.

As a relatively famous monster, there is no need for anyone to look up information.

Xu Ming hugged Barton's giant claw tightly to avoid letting go again.

"I don't want to experience this feeling of escaping from death again."

Although he had died once, Xu Ming felt that playing such an exciting "game" in the sky was simply not something ordinary people could afford.

This Barton had just come out of the rift in time and space, and felt that the whole world was very strange.

Although he accidentally bumped into Pegilla, Button didn't take it seriously.

After hovering over Mount Everest for a moment, Barton took Xu Ming and flew away.

When Tomorrow's team saw this, they looked at each other.

Hearing another beast roar coming from the top of the mountain, coupled with the dark red world, the five team members couldn't help but feel chills stand on end.

"There should be a monster coming out of the rift in time and space, let's retreat quickly!"

"Yes, bringing the information here back to the headquarters is the most important task!"

"The boss has controlled Barton and evacuated. The situation above should be clear. Let's go!"


Finally, the five people unanimously decided to retreat and headed down the mountain.

Patton was flying around the face of the earth.

One moment it shuttles through the Zoga group, and the next moment it flies across the Pacific Ocean.

Xu Ming wiped the seawater from the glass mask on Barton's bird feathers, then took off the hood and took a deep breath.

The oxygen in the protective suit has been used up, and wearing it again has no effect.

After spending some time, Xu Ming untied the protective suit and threw it into the sea, leaving only the first aid kit he had brought with him.

The next time is a matter of life and death.

The airflow kept hitting Xu Ming's face, and Xu Ming could only squint his eyes slightly.

After flying in the sky for a long time, Barton finally got tired of flying and stopped on the bank of a big river.

Xu Ming took the opportunity to jump off Barton's paw and rolled into the reeds nearby.

The sky gradually darkened, and Xu Ming just lay quietly among the reeds, making only a slight breathing sound.

After Barton took a sip of water by the river, he only rested for a moment and then flew away.

It looks like it is flying to the east.

"Finally gone."

Xu Ming moved his exhausted body and walked out of the reeds.

Except before setting off early in the morning, Xu Ming had not eaten for a whole day.

My stomach is already rumbling now and keeps ringing.

If I don't find something to eat, I'm afraid I won't even have the energy to go back.

But fortunately, this is the riverside.

The current season is summer, which is also the season when animals are active. You should be able to find some meat here... but it is best not to encounter some poisonous animals.

"Let's see if there are any fish."

Xu Ming took out the small waterproof flashlight he carried with him and shined the light on the river.

There are many phototactic fish in the rivers. They will swim over involuntarily when they see the light at night.

After shining the flashlight for a while, several fish came to Xu Ming.

Xu Ming grabbed it with quick hands and eyes.

Suddenly the water splashed and crackled, and a small fish was caught by Xu Ming on the spot and caught.

Other fish swimming over were frightened and scattered around.

Xu Ming found a sharper stone by the river and treated the small fish, but there was no fire source.

Looking at the small fish, Xu Ming endured it, scraped off the fish meat piece by piece and ate it as sashimi.

“If we can’t even endure this difficulty, how can we save the world?”

Xu Ming smiled mockingly, and then continued to eat despite the discomfort.

Looking at the riverside, Xu Ming fell into deep thought.

It is really ridiculous that he suddenly resurrected in this world and became the savior without any explanation.

However, adults must always be responsible for their own actions. Who allowed me to organize so many funeral services on a whim?

While walking along the riverside, Xu Ming found a rickety wooden sign that seemed to be old.

Three words are crookedly engraved on this wooden sign, Songhua River.

"I was brought to the Northeast by Patton?"

Xu Ming was stunned and said to himself.

A hundred years have passed, and things and people here have changed.

The original high-rise buildings beside the Songhua River have long been destroyed, and now only patches of reeds remain.

However, since there is a wooden sign here, there may be people there.

As long as a living person is found, there is a way to go back.

Continuing walking along the riverside, Xu Ming unknowingly arrived at the widest part of the Songhua River.

At a glance, I couldn't see the other side.

Although it was night, there was indeed a ray of light under the moonlight.

But for some reason, there was mist on the river, as if forming a circular circle.

Seeing the strange scene, Xu Ming shined the flashlight in his hand, but it was unable to penetrate the thick fog.

"This moonlight..."

Looking up at the moon, Xu Ming could clearly see that the beam of light shining from the moon seemed to be attracted to the center of the thick fog.

"There seems to be something under the water."

Xu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked into the river.

Suddenly, a ray of light suddenly flashed out under the water, and then quickly disappeared.

The shape formed by the convergence of light made Xu Ming freeze on the spot.

"No way...could it be!"

As soon as Xu Ming took off his clothes, he held a flashlight and jumped into the Songhua River.

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