Monsters invaded and I was resurrected as a giant of light

Chapter 610 Be optimistic about your sublimation device

"There are about 20 million left."

Xu Ming calculated the Star Coin Card in his hand and came to the Universe Science and Technology Life Museum.

Here, there are many inventions that are not found on earth.

Pure water circulation machine, air electric machine, suspended aircraft and so on.

Xu Ming didn't buy many of these things. He bought about 10 of each invention, and there were only a few dollars left in his Star Coin card.

However, my talents are destined to be useful, and I will come back after spending all my money.

When the tide of goods comes in, there will be another batch of considerable income.

"Interstellar Map."

Looking at the interstellar map in his hand, Xu Ming exclaimed that he had found the treasure he needed most.

This thing can locate the coordinates of various places Xu Ming wants to go.

Such as the Kingdom of Light.

"Ordinary maps are not enough, but this most expensive map does have the advantage of being expensive!"

Xu Ming kept praising him.

Because this most expensive interstellar map can even span the dimensional universe and indicate what kind of universe is behind each star gate.

This is what Xu Ming needs most.

Now that he has the interstellar map, Xu Ming no longer procrastinates.

He took the battleship directly and went to the M78 nebula through the interstellar map.

According to the reminder from the battleship's AI intelligence, it would take three days and three nights to get to the M78 Nebula from this universe.

This speed is already very fast, after all, it is traveling across the universe.

During the space voyage, Xu Ming lay on the sofa and watched the starry sky outside the window to pass the time.

I have to say that no matter how many times I fly into the universe, the starry sky with different shapes and colors is still very beautiful.

Strange nebulae, colorful lights, all kinds of weird planets...

After flying an unknown distance, Xu Ming had already passed through the first star gate and arrived at the dimensional universe next door.

According to AI, which can only navigate with the interstellar map, it is necessary to pass through four more star gates to reach the dimensional universe where the Kingdom of Light exists.

Time passes day by day.

Xu Ming also came to the second and third star gate.

Just before Xu Ming passed through the fourth star gate, a small figure flashed across the starry sky.

"Why does it look familiar?"

By the time Xu Ming wanted to see clearly, the battleship had already entered the fourth star gate.

Xu Ming was thinking about the small figure in the distance he just saw.

But I can't remember who it is.

"No matter, we've reached the last universe, and it's time for Xikali to get the space-time pen first."

The battleship flew towards the M78 Nebula Kingdom of Light.

Not long after, the emerald green planet appeared in front of Xu Ming.

Xu Ming directly put the battleship back into the bracelet, turned into Ultraman Tiga, and entered the Kingdom of Light.

Seven 21, who was guarding the portal of the Kingdom of Light, flew out and stopped Xu Ming: "Who broke into the Kingdom of Light?!"

"It's me!" Seeing this, Xu Ming stopped directly, "Long time no see, Seven 21, I am Xu Ming."

"So it's Xu Ming?"

Seven's eyes radiated light, as if scanning Xu Ming's body.

After confirming, he nodded to Xu Ming and asked: "That's not right. Didn't the Space Guard come back with you? And so did Ultra's father... They all went to your world to provide support!"

"What?!" Xu Ming was very surprised, "I only know the father of Ultra!"

Xu Ming knew about Ultra's father in the real world, but the Space Guard also came to support him, so Xu Ming didn't know much about it.

Because in the real world, there are no other Ultramans in the Space Guard at all.

"Did they arrive after I left? After all, space-time rifts are unstable."

Xu Ming was also full of doubts.

Seven 21 didn’t know what was going on, so he let Xu Ming in after hearing that Xu Ming was here to find Hikali.

Now almost all members of the Space Guard of the Kingdom of Light have set out, leaving only Zoffie to take charge and Membius to train the new guards.

The military strength is extremely empty. If something like the Dark Emperor comes at this time, it will be over immediately.

You must know that the King of Ultra is still in the Geed world and has not come back...


As soon as he entered the Space Science Research Bureau, Xu Ming saw Hikali busy.

I saw Hikali holding a blue prop in his hand, which looked like a Zeta sublimator.

"Xu Ming?" Xikali also heard Xu Ming's voice and was a little surprised.

Then he asked about the Space Guard like Seven 21.

The same answer as given to Severn 21, Xu Ming told Hikari that he didn't know either. Maybe the time and space rift brought them to a later time. After all, the extremely evil Beria and the extremely evil Ged were solved by himself.

"Okay." Hikali sighed and placed the blue sublimator on the table. "Because I am worried about an invasion from outside at this time, I started to develop a new sublimator."

"This sublimation device can insert three medals with Ultraman power at one time for fusion and sublimation. It is no different from your Orb ring."

Hikali said to Xu Ming.

The blue sublimator was developed based on the Orb ring.

"It's not good..." Looking at the sublimation device in Xikali's hand, Xu Ming thought of something not good.

That is, before Hikali's blue sublimator was completed, a big event happened in the Kingdom of Light.

That is the Absolute warrior from the Absolute clan, who wants to take this radiant planet as his own!

The Absolutes are a group of ultimate life forms!

"It shouldn't be the case... Now that I've obviously been through Ultraman Rob's plot, the Absolute clan probably hasn't appeared yet."

Xu Ming was a little worried.

If the Absolute clan were to attack at this time, none of the Kingdom of Light’s combat power would be on this planet!

"It shouldn't be so soon, Taiga's plot hasn't even passed yet!"

When Xu Ming thought of this, he relaxed.

If Rob's plot is in progress, then the next plot point will be Tregear's official appearance and a battle with Taiga's three-man team.

"Is this sublimator finished?"

Xu Ming picked up the blue sublimation device and asked Hikali.

"There should be no problem with fusion and sublimation. Ultraman's medals still need to be made one by one, and then they need to be tested. In short, it will take a lot of time."

Xikali answered Xu Ming.

"Okay, you must remember to ask the Universe Security Bureau to keep a close eye on the door after the production is completed, so that no monsters can rush in and snatch it away."

Xu Ming reminded Xikali.

"How is that possible?" Hikali smiled, thinking Xu Ming was joking, "Our Kingdom of Light is so well-defended, how can monsters break in?"

"That's not necessarily the case." Seeing that Hikali had this idea, Xu Ming knew that the blue sublimation device would not escape the fate of being taken away. "Anyway, you remember to put the sublimation device in a safe place. , don’t forget how the red sublimator was stolen.”

"Okay, I understand!"

Xikali nodded and said to Xu Ming.

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