Xu Ming looked at the five black swords stuck near the amusement park, and then at Ultraman Dyna who suddenly appeared in the beam of light, and he already understood what was happening in front of him.

"How is this going?"

Dagu looked at Asuka Shin and Asuka Kazuma and his son with confusion, and then looked at Ultraman Dyna who appeared, his mind full of doubts.

At this moment, Asuka Shin and Asuka Yima also came to Xu Ming and Da Gu.

Asuka Yima first greeted Xu Ming and Dagu, and then asked about the current situation: "Two seniors, do you know what this situation is?

For Asuka Kazuma, those who became Giants of Light before him were the seniors, regardless of age.

"It's the Gregel people." Xu Ming said, "There are many fighters in their clan. They travel all over the world in pursuit of the title of the best fighter in the universe, challenging one hero after another on various planets in the universe."

"Senior Xu Ming, what you mean is that this Gregel star turned into Ultraman Dyna just to challenge us?"

Asukaxin reacted and said in surprise.

"That's right." Xu Ming nodded, "Most of the Gulegel stars only want the reputation and title of challenging and winning, and will not destroy other people's peaceful lives, so the five black swords fell on Wu Human areas are not located in urban areas.”

"So that's the case, but that monster..."

Asuka Ichima said and looked at Mos Ajia.

This Mos Ajia started to destroy as soon as it appeared. It was obviously not a peaceful monster.

"That monster's name is Mos Ajia. It's not a monster brought by the Gulegel aliens. It just happened to attack the earth at this time."

Xu Ming opened his mouth to explain to the two of them.

Asuka Kazuma and Asuka Shin suddenly realized.

Then he looked at the middle of the five black swords, and saw that the Gregel alien who had transformed into Ultraman Dyna had begun to fight with them.

It has to be said that the fighting ability of the Gulegel star, known as the cosmic fighter, is indeed very powerful. In the attacks one after another, Mos Ajia was unable to fight back and was eventually thrown to the ground.

Seeing that Mos Ajia, who had destroyed the city, no longer had the ability to fight, the Gregorians looked at him with disdain, and then imitated Ultraman Dyna's way of releasing Soljet's light, crossed his arms into a ten, and released A sure-kill ray.

With just a loud bang, Mos Ajia was simply wiped out by the Gulegel aliens in the duel field surrounded by black swords.

The α fighter jet passed through the sky, and Liang Na's happy voice came from inside: "Great, Dyna has destroyed the monster! Thank you, Dyna!"

Asukaxin on the ground heard Liang's voice in the helmet communicator, and pursed his lips in disdain:

"If he wants to challenge Ultraman Dyna, he's still 20,000 years too early!"

The Gulegel star seemed to have heard Asuka Xin's words, turned to look at the ground, and hooked his hand.

Asuka Shin couldn't stand it anymore. He looked at his father and said, "Dad, for the dignity of Ultraman Dyna, fight him!"

Asuka Kazuma originally didn't want to waste his energy fighting this so-called Gurregel star, but seeing Asuka Shin's passionate appearance and remembering his passion when he was young, he nodded and agreed.

"Okay, Xin, let's go!"

After saying that, Asuka Yima stretched out the half of the shining sword in Asuka Shin's hand.

Asuka Shin nodded and combined the half of the shining sword in his hand with it, and then the light shone brightly. The real Ultraman Dyna fell from the sky and landed in the fighting field surrounded by five black swords. .

The Gulegel star did not expect Asuka and his son to be so smart. They didn't even need to remind themselves. They immediately nodded and made a start gesture to them.

The same goes for Asuka and his son. After nodding to each other, I made the starting gesture.

This is a fight of friendship, not a battle of life and death.

Dagu and Xu Ming looked at it with great interest, but Xiaoguang seemed to have discovered a new world: "I discovered that the uncles I know are all Ultraman, isn't Uncle Yerui also an Ultraman?"

"Xiaoguang, Uncle Yerui is not." Dagu touched Xiaoguang's head and said, "Only Uncle Xu Ming, Uncle Asuka, and Uncle Masaki are, as you all know."

"Good guy, you really tell children everything."

Xu Ming was a little surprised on the side.

“It’s also good to let children know about light in advance and understand the meaning of light.”

Da Gu smiled and answered Xu Ming.

On the battlefield, two Ultraman Dynas fought together.

In terms of physical skills and fighting, the Asukas and their sons were indeed inferior to the Gulegel stars, so after the close combat, it was obvious that the Gulegel stars had the upper hand.

Everyone in the Super Victory Team in the sky was confused.

Just now, they were happy that Ultraman Dyna had wiped out the monsters, but then another Ultraman Dyna appeared, which made everyone feel dumbfounded.

However, Captain Hebby's instruction was to wait and see what happens.

In this way, the battle progressed step by step.

"Dad, change your form. The Shining type's power is far different from his!"


In Dyna's light space, Asuka and his son discussed and transformed Ultraman Dyna into the strong form.

Then, they once again fought in close combat with the Gregel aliens.

The Gregelians also felt the sudden increase in power of Ultraman Dyna, and gradually fell into a disadvantage in the close combat.

Then the form changed and Asuka and his son regained their confidence.

However, at this time, the Gregorians, like Ultraman Dyna, changed the color of their bodies to silver and red.

This made Asuka and his son a little confused.

Then, the two of them felt the effect of the Gulegel star turning red. It was not that the strength had increased, but that the way of fighting had changed!

The fight that was originally carried out with brute force has now transformed into a fighting method of four or two!

"The situation doesn't seem good."

Dagu said worriedly when he saw the situation on the battlefield.

"It doesn't matter. Even if we lose this battle, there won't be any danger. It can be regarded as a kind of training for Dyna."

Xu Ming thought it didn't matter. After all, there was no danger.

Soon, Dyna was at a disadvantage again.

Asuka and his son knew they were outmatched, but they did not give up and continued to fight.

This made the Gregel people feel that Ultraman Dyna was not that weak, at least his will to fight was not weaker than others.

However, the Gregorians, who could easily handle Ultraman Dyna, felt that the battle could be over.

So, running forward, he was about to give Ultraman Dyna the final blow.

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