Monsters invaded and I was resurrected as a giant of light

Chapter 68 Human light can dispel darkness

"If anything can destroy darkness, it's light!"

With the will to die, Dagu flew out of the earth's atmosphere and rushed towards the center of the solar system.

As long as he throws himself into the sun, Dagu doesn't believe that Dark Tiga can still survive!

"Stop it, Dagu!"

At this time, Dagu sensed the shouting behind him, turned his head and saw that it was Gai Ying.

It's just that the voice is different from the last time he was awake. It sounds like Masaki Keigo's voice.

"Masaki, I must die, otherwise this world will be destroyed in my hands!"

Dagu did not stop moving forward, but responded to Masaki Keigo.

"You idiot!" Masaki Keigo yelled after hearing this, "Do you want me to clean up the mess you made?"

"Do you know what you summoned in the South Pacific!!!"


When Dagu heard Masaki Keigo's words, he stopped in front of the sun in confusion.

The strong burning sensation of the sun made Da Gu unbearable.

"Ever since you turned into Dark Tiga, black gas has been constantly coming out of the South Pacific!" Masaki Keigo caught up with Dagu and scolded him directly, "You bastard, do you want to release the ruler of darkness to destroy the world? !”

"How could..." Dagu looked at Masaki Keigo in disbelief, "I have no idea..."

"If you don't know anything, you're going to dump this mess on me!" Masaki Keigo was so angry that he rushed over and slapped Dagu, "You should die! If you die, the entire human race on the earth will be buried with you!"

His chest kept rising and falling, and Masaki Keigo felt that the slap was very satisfying.

After being tortured by Dark Diga for so long, I can finally vent my anger.

"But...if I don't die and Dark Diga revives again, this world will be destroyed..." Dagu lowered his head and said to Xie Zhengmu Jingwu, "I don't know what to do."

"Dagu, you are the light..." Masaki Keigo looked at Dagu and said to him, "You brought me into the light, did you forget that you are also the light?"

"Have you forgotten that that day, countless people gathered from all directions, just to give you light?"

Masaki Keigo's words made Dagu Ban wake up.

" light!" Dagu said slowly, looking at the fiery sun in front of him, "I am also a member of the human race!"

The power of darkness invaded Dagu's consciousness again at this moment, and Dagu also put up a strong resistance.

Like a firefly fighting hard in the dark tide!

However, this little light was still not as powerful as the darkness. Gradually, Yinghuo was forced into a corner by the darkness.

At this moment, Dagu felt his hand being held, and then a little more firefly appeared in the dark space.

"let me help you."

Masaki Keigo's voice reached his ears, making Dagu's will stronger.

"Even if there is only a little firefly, I will defeat the darkness!"

As the words fell, only little bits of fire light emerged in the darkness. These lights appeared bizarrely and suddenly.

In the eyes of Dagu and Zhengmu, these little sparks gradually took over the entire darkness, and faces appeared one after another.

It's human.

The humans who gave Diga light when he was defeated.

Faces flashed past one after another, and Dagu looked at this scene with joy and emotion.

A single spark can start a prairie fire!

"This is...the light of humanity!"

Wow! ! !

The darkness was completely washed away, and Diga's entire body was wrapped in light.

The color of the body gradually changed, and the three colors of silver, red, and purple gradually appeared on the body.

The silver deck on the chest was also dyed golden under the light, and it was extremely dazzling under the hot sun.

Ultraman Tiga is transformed and reborn at this moment!

"You're back, Dagu."

Masaki Keigo looked at this scene, said something tired, and then turned into light particles and dispersed.

Seeing this, Dagu quickly made a ball of light with a flip of his hand, protecting Masaki Keigo in it.

Holding the ball of light in his hand, Dagu nodded to the unconscious Masaki Keigo, and then flew towards the earth.

Aboard the Atdis.

Everyone just looked at the sky quietly, not knowing what they were waiting for.

Suddenly, a figure wrapped in light broke through the clouds and came under the black clouds.

"It's Tiga!"

Xincheng exclaimed.

"It's not Dark's Tiga! It's Light Giant Tiga!"

Seeing this, Hui Jian breathed a sigh of relief and smiled on his face.

Diga returned to the light, and this crisis was finally over!


Lina wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, looked at Di's body in the sky, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

When everyone breathed a sigh of relief, a ball of light flew out of Diga's hand and fled into the distance.

"Diga's body begins to turn into light particles!"

At this time, Ye Rui exclaimed.

I saw Tiga slowly disappearing in the sky, turning into light particles and scattering in all directions.

The black clouds in the sky gradually dissipated under the spread of light particles, and the black mist that fell into the world also gradually disappeared in the light.

Soon, all the black fog on the earth was eliminated, and light returned between heaven and earth.

But the black mist still surrounds the bulging ruins in the South Pacific.

However, it did not spread to other places, it just wrapped up the entire ruins.

"Commander, the black fog above seems to have dispersed!"

Horii looked at the faint light coming from the sea in surprise and said to Munakata.

"I saw it, let's get out of this damn place!"

Seeing this, Munakata said to Horii.


The two of them drove the Dolphin and rushed towards the sea at high speed.

As for the scarlet eyes in the ruins, the two of them did not have time to investigate, and they did not dare to investigate.

However, there is a 99% probability that the two of them are sure that the eyes are the monster that releases the black mist.

The area in the South Pacific is indeed still shrouded in black fog.

However, there was only black mist lingering, and it did not spread to everywhere.

After the Atdis returned to the headquarters base, the TPC quickly held a high-level meeting and had a heated discussion about Ultraman Tiga.

Most hawks believe that although Ultraman protects humans, he also has a dark side, so they must remain vigilant towards Ultraman and even conduct a complete analysis of Ultraman.

The top executives of the Dove Faction believe that so far, only Ultraman can better protect mankind. Human beings should believe in Ultraman and the Giant of Light. Even if there are some accidents sometimes, the Dove Faction believes that these accidents Just like now, it's temporary.

The meeting broke up unhappy, but the strategy for the South Pacific was indeed decided.

Build defense measures to block the sea area surrounded by black fog!

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