Monsters invaded and I was resurrected as a giant of light

Chapter 667 This world does not need mercy

The name of this Earth Defense Force women's army is called Team U.

Yuna is the captain, one of the women who just piloted the mecha.

As for the other woman driving a mecha, her name is Misato.

Xu Ming really couldn't remember so many names of other team members at once, so he could only get to know them slowly.

Anna first introduced the current situation of the earth to Xu Ming and others, and then told Xu Ming and others that he was an evil spaceman named Baxter, who brought that terrifying monster to devour the entire life of the earth.

And leaving them as a "rabble" was just to instill fear in them.

After Dahewang heard this, he was quite angry and wanted to go directly to the Baite people to settle the score.

"Dahe, if you transform multiple times in one day, it will cause indelible damage to your body." Sero dissuaded you in the bracelet, "We can rest for a night before setting off."

"Sero is right." Haruno Musashi nodded in approval, "The body is the capital to protect the world. If the body collapses, what will we use to fight."

"Okay." Being an Ultra Warrior for the first time, Dahewang didn't understand much, so he could only nod and agree.

Since Asuka Shin did not appear, and there was no petrification of Dyna, the people of Team U were sad.

So everyone in Team U was very happy after learning that the Giant of Light had arrived.

Because this means that the world can finally be saved!

Xu Ming and the other three also took a good walk around the base and discovered that it had actually become a base that used armed force to protect children.

The female soldiers of Team U fight for these surviving children.

However, at sunset, the furious Guvira appeared again.

Ogawang had a high hatred for monsters. He turned to Haruno Musashi and said, "Musashi-kun, I know you don't want to hurt monsters. Leave this battle to me!"

"But this monster is just too excited..."

When Haruno Musashi saw that Dahewang wanted to kill Guvira directly, he said in a dissuasive tone.

"Uncle Xu Ming, what do you think?"

Seeing that Haruno Musashi was stubborn, Dahe turned to Xu Ming and asked.

"Uh... I'll sit and watch?"

Xu Ming sat on the wooden bench and said confusedly.

Dahewang: "..."

Haruno Musashi: "..."

"Okay." Xu Ming said, looking at Haruno Musashi, "Musashi, this is not the earth in the dimensional universe where you are."

"Huh?" Haruno Musashi didn't quite understand Xu Ming's words.

"What I mean is that humans on this earth have entered a doomsday crisis." Xu Ming explained, "Think about it, if Ultraman had not appeared on this earth, this ancient Vera would have destroyed the survivors here. How about it?"

"Of course, kill him."

Da Hewang said from the side.

"But, it's really just too excited..."

Haruno Musashi wanted to continue speaking, but was interrupted by Xu Ming.

"I know that Ultraman Gauss is a kind Ultra Warrior, but this kind of kindness depends on the situation." Looking at Haruno Musashi, Xu Ming said, "Now that the earth is in danger, how can we care about whether the monsters are excited or not? As long as it has the motive to kill humans, it is an enemy!"

After saying that, Xu Ming looked at Dahewang, took out a fruit from the storage teacup, and handed it to his hand: "Dahe, eat this fruit of life and then transform, so that the next transformation will not affect your body. ”


Dahewang looked at Xu Ming with great trust and swallowed the fruit of life in one gulp.

Cero felt the energy of the Fruit of Life in the bracelet and exclaimed: "Is this... the legendary Fruit of Life?!"

"That's right." Xu Ming nodded and said, "Sero, can you continue fighting?"

"Of course!" Zero said, and Zero's glasses flew off Dahewang's bracelet, "I'm going to set off a black hole storm again!"

After the words fell, the Cero glasses were put on Dahewang's eyes again.

Dahewang once again whirled up to the sky, and Ultraman Zero also appeared in front of everyone again.

Except for captain Anna and vice-captain Misato who had just met Ultraman, everyone else in Team U saw the Giant of Light for the first time and were very surprised.

Then, Zero was seen rushing towards Guvira at a speed as fast as the wind and started fighting with him.

"I understand, Xu Mingsang." At this moment, Haruno Musashi next to Xu Ming sighed deeply, "I am too persistent."

"That's not the case." Xu Ming smiled, "It's just that Musashi is used to being kind and looks at monsters differently from others."

"Thank you for your understanding."

Nodding, Musashi said to Xu Ming.

While Sero and Guvira were fighting, another monster emerged from the ground and crashed into Sero's back.

Zero had no time to react and was knocked to the ground on the spot.

But he quickly stood up again and struggled with the two monsters again.

The second monster that appeared, named Gomes, looked somewhat similar to a dinosaur and could walk upright on both legs.

However, Zero, who once felt like no one in the monster army, would not be afraid of two ordinary monsters at all.

After throwing out the two headers on his head, he knocked them to the ground one by one.

Soon, a burst of Emelium light was emitted from the green gem above Zero's head, attacking Guvira's body.

Guvira, who had gone through two battles, was blown up by the light on the spot and turned into pieces scattered on the ground.

Gomes, on the other hand, was attacked by Zero's cluster beam, exploded on the spot, and was completely eliminated.

Seeing that the two monsters were eliminated, the members of Team U and the children all shouted with joy.

After Zero released his transformation state and returned to Riverview and landed on the ground, everyone swarmed over.

Dahewang had never experienced such a scene before, and he was surprised but also a little happy.

After all, this feeling of being trusted and admired by others is indeed very comfortable.

"Dahe, pay attention to your appearance."

Xu Ming coughed twice, alerting Dahe whose saliva was about to fall to the ground.

Taiga also reacted and quickly explained that this was the credit of Ultraman Zero in the bracelet.

Haruno Musashi looked at the fragments after the explosion of the monsters and sighed in his heart.

However, the situation on this earth is indeed different from that of our own world. The purpose of destroying monsters is to prevent monsters from invading again in the future.

Just like Xu Ming said, Haruno Musashi also understood this truth.

What if Ultraman didn't come to this world?

What if the monster comes out after Ultraman leaves?

Then these surviving women and children will die at the feet of the monster because of their kindness!

"Since it can't be purified... let's cremate it."

Turning around, Haruno Musashi clenched his fists and said to himself.

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