"Saka...the legendary Ultraman!" Anna looked at the huge phantom of the seven-colored giant and murmured the name, "He will never lose!"

Somehow, Ultraman Sega gave everyone in Team U a very strong sense of security.

I saw Hypajedon teleporting first and disappearing in place, and then appeared not far behind Saka and began to condense dark fireballs.

However, Saka suddenly turned around and swung a light bullet from the colorful brilliance on his chest, and flew away with the dark fireball.

The strong storm caused by the two explosions destroyed an entire patch of mud and rocks, and Hypajton almost fell off the mountain due to his unstable center of gravity.

Seeing that the fireball had no effect on Saka, two sickle-like wings appeared behind Hypajton, dragging a long pointed tail and ascending into the sky.

Seeing this, Saka ran after him.

However, just when Hypajedon was about to leave, Xu Ming's silver figure appeared above his head.

"If you want to leave, do you have to say hello before you leave?"

As Xu Ming spoke, he stepped on the head of Hyperjetton, and the color of his body changed to the color of Ultraman Tiga's powerful type.

Immediately, a red light glowed behind him, and he took Hypajedon with him and rushed back to the mountain, blasting out a huge sinkhole.

After the color faded from Xu Ming's body and he started flying again, Saka dragged the colorful afterimage to the side of Haipageton and punched it with both fists.

There was a loud bang, and the Baxter in Hyperjedon's body screamed.

Then he quickly teleported out of the sinkhole.

"It's a real advantage for you to live for so long."

Just as Hypajedon was panting slightly on the top of a mountain, Xu Ming's figure came from behind him.

What followed was the light blade cutting on Saka's wrist.

Only two rays of light were seen flashing, and the sickle-like wings behind Hyperjedon were cut off on the spot.

Then, Xu Ming grabbed Hypa Jetton's arm and threw him back into the sinkhole.

"The end."

After saying these two words, Xu Ming's body floated into the sky, and Saka's shadow also flew into the sky.

I saw energy condensed from Saka's hands, turning into a ray of light and pushing towards Hypa Jetton.

Xu Ming also condensed a simple silver light, with his arms in an L shape, and fired it towards Haupajton.

Hyperjedon reacted and quickly gathered powerful dark fireballs to counterattack.

I saw Saka's light colliding with his fireball in the air and exploding.

But Xu Ming's light hit Haupajton's body.

The sound of crackling sparks exploded on Haipageton's body. Saka immediately reacted and concentrated all his energy on his fist. With the powerful power of light, he rushed towards the location of Haupageton.

boom! ! ! ! !

After Saka's fist attacked Hypajedon, a loud noise was heard, and then a black fire exploded in the pit!

The unwilling voice of the Baxter came, but as the firelight turned into dark particles, they were annihilated and scattered into the universe.

"Finally! Finally won!"

When everyone in Team U saw this scene, tears fell in their eyes.

After countless days and months, this monster that harmed the earth and devoured all life on earth was finally eliminated!

Saka also came to Xu Ming after destroying Hypajedon.

Then it will disappear.

Xu Ming, with quick eyes and quick hands, grasped Saka's hand that disappeared at the end, and an extremely powerful warm current of faith poured into him.

"Saka's light...can this also be copied?"

After contacting the transformation state, Xu Ming turned into a stream of light and fell to the ground.

Feeling the power of transformation in his heart, a smile appeared on his face.

Although he did not merge with Zerogoss to become Saka, Saka still appeared, using his own way of merging Ultraman's transformation power.

In fact, Xu Ming just wanted to give it a try.

In the original plot, it was the transformation devices of Zero, Dyna, and Gauss that emitted three rays of light of different colors and merged into Ultraman Saka.

Although Xu Ming does not have a transformer, the power of transformation is still in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the integration was actually successful.

Waving to Team U, which was flying in the distance, Xu Ming looked at the light particles in the sky and exhaled.

These light particles are the humans who were swallowed by Hyperjetton.

Now, after the explosion of Hyperjeton, these people will also return to their original places and restart human civilization.

"If only the real world was like this."

Sighing, Xu Ming muttered to himself.

The real world has experienced monster disasters for so many years, and countless people have died, but it cannot bring back those dead people after its death like defeating Hyperjackton.

If possible, Xu Ming hopes that he can go back to the time when the space-time rift first appeared and protect his earth.

"Did I show up too late, or...died too early."

Xu Ming smiled to himself, knowing that this was impossible.

Facing the oncoming U team members, Xu Ming smiled back.

Captain Anna hugged Xu Ming excitedly and kept thanking the giant of light for saving the earth.

At night, Haruno Musashi and Dahewang also recovered.

The two of them saw the stars in the sky and were a little confused for a while.

"Where's the monster?"

"Where's Hyperjackton?"

Dahe Wang and Haruno Musashi asked almost at the same time, looking at Xu Ming in surprise.

"Settled by Saka."

Xu Ming replied.

"What Saka? I only know Sero." Dahewang was very confused.

"I used the power of Dyna, Gauss, and Zero to summon the legendary Ultraman." Xu Ming explained, "He was very powerful, and he directly defeated Hyperjetton."

"There is such a thing!" Cero in the bracelet was also surprised, "Is there a video? I want to see it!"

"Yes." At this time, Anna came over and said, "The scene at that time is recorded on the mecha."

Zero couldn't wait and changed directly from the bracelet to the human state.

This surprised both Anna and Ogawang.

"Sero, aren't you and Dahe one and the same body, and you can't leave his body?"

Xu Ming was also a little confused and asked.

"The prerequisite for not being able to leave the body is that both parties are seriously injured, or one of them is seriously injured and can come out under normal circumstances."

Seeing this, Zero explained.

"That's true."

Haruno Musashi nodded. As the human body of Ultraman Gauss, Haruno Musashi also understood this knowledge.

"So this is ah."

Xu Ming finally understood why some Ultraman could leave whenever they wanted, while others could not leave the human body.

Next, there were two...no, three unconscious people watching the image.

A group of children also gathered around and watched the battle scenes on the screen.

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