"What's wrong, Director Jingze?"

Xu Ming noticed Director Jingze's expression and looked at the screen.

I saw a dark red wormhole appearing on Mount Everest, and then monsters poured out of it.

"No...impossible!" Seeing this, Xu Ming kept shaking his head and said, "The cracks in time and space have obviously disappeared, what is this thing!"

"This seems to be something different from the time and space rift..." Director Jingze frowned and looked at the dark red wormhole and said, "But... it seems to have the same effect as the time and space rift."

It has the same function as the space-time rift, which is to transport monsters from other worlds to this world.


Xu Ming kept shaking his head, unable to believe his eyes.

The matter of the space-time rift has obviously been solved, but a dark red wormhole has popped up... Could it be that the invasion of monsters into this world is really endless?

"Master Xu Ming, please calm down."

Seeing that Xu Ming was not in very good condition, Director Jingze spoke to persuade him.

"Okay..." Xu Ming took a deep breath and said, "I will calm down."

After finishing speaking, Xu Ming took out the silver stick and turned it into silver light on the spot.

Turning into a stream of light, Xu Ming rushed towards the Himalayas and directly reached Mount Everest.

"Get out of this world!"

"Get back here!"

Suspended in the sky, Xu Ming directly condensed the light and fired it at the monsters pouring out.

Those monsters were completely unprepared and exploded one by one under Xu Ming's light attack.

"Why! Why does this thing still appear!"

In anger, Xu Ming increased the light output and blasted towards the dark red wormhole.

A monster that just came out of the dark red wormhole was eliminated by Xu Ming on the spot before it saw the sun in another world.

Soon, Mount Everest was filled with monster fragments, and Xu Ming went crazy.

However, there is always a time when the physical strength is exhausted, and monsters appear endlessly.

The dark red vortex, like the cracks in space and time, cannot be eliminated by light.

Xu Ming fell slumped to the ground and released his transformation state.

Looking at the flying monsters in the sky that reappeared in this world, I felt exhausted both physically and mentally.

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in Xu Ming's mind:

"do not give up."

"who is it?"

Suddenly sitting up from the ground, Xu Ming looked around vigilantly. There was only white snow and rocks on the Himalayas, but no figure could be seen.

But soon, Xu Ming felt something was wrong with him.

The Litru Star with Ultraman Tiga is shining uncontrollably.

Then, the light became stronger and stronger, breaking away from Xu Ming's body and turning into a silver, purple and red giant!

Ultraman Tiga!

"Tiga? How is it possible... that the light of the Litru Star can actually materialize into Ultraman Tiga?"

Xu Ming was very confused when he saw Ultraman Tiga in front of him nodded to him, and then his body turned silver and purple and rushed towards Mount Everest.

The purple stream of light rushed around among the monsters, sweeping away all the monsters.

Explosions sounded one after another, leaving Xu Ming stunned.

When did Ultraman Tiga, who materialized from the Litru Star, become so powerful?

And it's still in the air, and can kill a monster instantly with almost every hit!

Soon, the silver-purple figure stopped in front of the dark red vortex, and transformed directly into a silver-red figure.

Punch after punch was blasted into the dark red vortex, destroying the monsters that had just appeared inside one by one.

"So strong...could it be that the consciousness of Senior Diga appeared in Litru Star?!"

Xu Ming thought of this possibility.

However, Tiga's consciousness also appeared to control the fighting body, but it was difficult to hurt the enemy due to lack of energy.

Tiga, who is now materialized, does not have this situation at all.

At this time, Tiga on Mount Everest transformed back into the composite form, and then the Pelliao light combined with a special energy was launched towards the dark red vortex.

I saw the dark red vortex getting smaller and smaller, and finally became the size of an ordinary basketball.

After doing all this, Diga fell back in front of Xu Ming and became the size of a human being.

"I have destroyed all the monsters that just emerged." Xu Ming stared blankly at Diga in front of him, only to hear him say, "I also used my own power to compress the space-time vortex, but as time passed, As time goes by, it will grow again.”

"I understand..." Xu Ming nodded, his eyes never leaving Diga's face, "Are you... Senior Diga?"

Hearing Xu Ming's question, Diga replied: "Yes, but it's not the Diga you know."

"It's not the Diga I know..." Xu Ming was a little confused when he heard this.

Then I heard Diga continue: "If you want to completely solve the monster invasion of this world, you need to know one thing."

"What's up?"

Xu Ming asked quickly.

Unexpectedly, Ultraman Tiga in front of me would actually know how to deal with the monster invasion!

Or completely solve it!

"It's useless to eliminate the space-time cracks like you did before." Diga said to Xu Ming, "If you eliminate all the space-time cracks, another space-time wormhole will appear like now."

"What if the space-time wormhole is destroyed again?" Xu Ming asked doubtfully.

"Then there will be another passage for darkness to reach this world."

Diga replied.

"You have to know that the light and darkness in every world are balanced." Diga continued, "When you remove all the darkness from this world and close the passage for darkness to come to this world, the light of this world will Darkness becomes unbalanced."

"Imbalance..." Xu Ming instantly understood what Diga said, "In other words, the reason why there is a passage for darkness to appear again is because there is still light in this world, which leads to the imbalance of light and darkness in the world? "

"That's right." Diga nodded, "This is a balanced condition for the real world."

"real world……"

Hearing these words, Xu Ming looked at Diga in front of him with very surprised eyes.

Being able to hear about the real world from Diga shows one thing... Diga knows about film and television and reality!

"Could it be said that the light of the Litru Star can eavesdrop and peek?"

Xu Ming was a little confused.

"Actually, the darkness that appears in this world is related to the chaos that occurred in my world."

At this moment, Diga in front of him turned into light particles and slowly disappeared, then turned into the shadow of a young man.

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