Monsters invaded and I was resurrected as a giant of light

Chapter 718 In another world, there is a kingdom of light

"Your name is Xu Ming, right."

Kaminaga stared at the moonlight reflected in the river and spoke first.


Xu Ming responded simply.

"Why do you want to help me, and what is your true identity."

Kaminaga continued to ask.

From the first time he appeared in the building to rescue himself, to now when he meets the Mephilas star, this man named Xu Ming is helping him.

"Why should I help you..." Xu Ming smiled and said, "Maybe it's because I am a human being, or maybe it's because we are the same kind."

"I'm not completely human." Kaminaga said, "The human in my body died a long time ago. The current situation is that he and I share the same life."

"So, you are both light and human now, right?"

Xu Ming looked at the night sky and said.

"It is both light and human..."

"That's right." Turning to look at Shenyong, Xu Ming said, "Perhaps you are the first cosmic person in this world to successfully integrate with humans, but in other universes, countless cosmic people have already merged with humans. , and fought together, establishing a deep bond."

"Other mean, you come from other universes?" Shenyong was slightly surprised when he heard Xu Ming's words, "Is it a parallel world?"

"You can understand it that way, but not entirely."

Xu Ming nodded and said.

"Not exactly...are there stars of light in the universe you mentioned?"

Kaminaga asked Xu Ming out of curiosity.

Xu Ming did not hide anything and replied: "There is no Star of Light in another world, but there is a Kingdom of Light."

"The Kingdom of Light..."

"In the Kingdom of Light, there are also life forms of light. They are called Giants of Light, also called... Ultraman."

After hearing what Xu Ming said, Shenyong, who was originally expressionless, was now only surprised and shocked.

Ultraman is the name that humans on Earth give themselves.

Unexpectedly, in another world, the giant of light is called Ultraman.

Exhaling a breath, Shenyong set his sights on Xu Ming and said, "Although you come from another universe, you are also a human being. Can you do a favor to the humans on this earth?"

"Have I not been helping?"

Xu Ming smiled and asked rhetorically.

After hearing Xu Ming's words, the expression on Shenyong's face was no longer so stiff, and he actually showed a smile: "Indeed, you are not only helping humans, but also helping me."

From the moment he rescued Kaminaga and then Asami, Xu Ming is indeed an out-and-out good person in Kaminaga's eyes.

At least to humans, he's a good guy.

"What do you want from me?"

Xu Ming asked.

"As a human being, seize the beta device that was traded between the Mephilas star and the island nation's top officials."

Shenyong stared at the starry sky for a moment and said to Xu Ming.

"Okay, I'll take action."

Xu Ming nodded and said.

The Beta Device is a device in the hands of the Mephilas that can enlarge the human body.

The giant transformation that first appeared on the streets was an experiment shown to humans by the Mephilas.

In addition, this beta device is also a device that allows Mephilas to grow in size. It can be said that all the energy in the universe that makes the body grow in size is related to beta energy.

That night, Kaminaga contacted Asami and asked Asami to bring Ford's teammates to meet him.

Because this kind of thing still needs to be completed by humans in this world, so that it will not be considered as God's violation of interstellar laws.

The Mephilas people signed an agreement with humans, but they did not specify which human being. As long as the Beta device is finally handed over to humans, it doesn't matter where it is.

Therefore, as Kaminaga's teammates, Ford became the best executor.

They can snatch the Beta device with the help of Kaminaga, and then destroy the Beta device by themselves, instead of Kaminaga.

It has to be said that Ford has 100% trust in Kaminaga.

After making contact, they all came to the bridge.

Anyway, it was late at night and there was no one else around.

After Asami, Tamura Kimio, Taki Akihisa, and Funabe Yumi arrived, they were a little surprised to see Xu Ming next to Kaminaga.

However, after mutual introduction, everyone also learned Xu Ming's identity - a human from other universes.

After Kaminaga told everyone that they were going to seize the beta device from Mefilas, there was a look of shock on their faces.

"The main point is robbery. This is a blatant betrayal of the island country's top leaders and a crime!"

Taki Akiji rubbed his chin with his hand and said with some tangle.

"Having said that, I still hope you can help." Kaminaga continued, "The Mephilas people have reached a secret agreement with the high-level officials. The delivery date is tomorrow. The situation is urgent. We must stop this before the high-level officials receive the Beta device. This transaction, once the beta device is misused, will be a disaster for mankind."

Perhaps Kaminaga's expression was not clear enough, leaving everyone still hesitant.

At this time, Xu Ming said: "The Mephilas aliens gave the beta device to humans in order to make humans his biological weapons and use them for their own use. It is inappropriate for humans to be enslaved by the Mephilas aliens. A catastrophe?"

"Moreover, if humans can effectively use the Beta device, it will easily cause a war between aliens and humans." Asami analyzed it for a while and said.

"I understand." Treasure Box Tamura Kimio also nodded, "Let me negotiate with my superiors."

"Thank you, monitor." Kaminaga looked at Tamura Kimio and thanked him.

This is the first time Ultraman has expressed his gratitude since he has been on Earth as Kaminaga for so long.

"But how can we get the beta device?"

Taki Akihisa raised the most critical question.

"The Beta device should be hidden in a black hole in another space. I need to lock its location." Kaminaga replied.

"Black hole..." As a physicist, Taki Aki was in trouble, "That is an area we have not yet entered! What should we do..."

As he said that, Taki Aki couldn't help but think.

"If there is information about the first batch of experimenters left in the device, would it be enough to track it..."

As a biologist, Funabe Yumi proposed this conjecture.

"No, the digitized body information cannot be locked from the outside."

Taki Akihisa replied.

"How about you ask Asami how she smells?"

At this moment, Xu Ming pointed at Asami and said to Kaminaga.

"Yes, smell will not be digitized!"

Everyone suddenly realized.

Then, Kaminaga walked towards Asami step by step and smelled it all over his body.

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