Monsters invaded and I was resurrected as a giant of light

Chapter 732 The Suppression of the Jack Medal

Return to the vast experimental space.

Xu Ming took out the sublimation device and inserted the medal of Tartarus into it first, and the sublimation device also sent a prompt.

"Absolut Tartarus."

Then, Xu Ming successfully inserted the medal of the Ampera star.

"People from Ampera."

Just as Xu Ming guessed, as long as the cosmic being other than Ultraman is a powerful cosmic being, there should be no conflict with the medal of Tartarus.

"Success is success, but how can Ultraman Jack's medal alone suppress these two powerful forces." Hikari shook his head and said, "One is the ultimate power of the ultimate life form, The other is the dark power of the so-called Dark Emperor of the Universe, and it’s really difficult to conquer only Jack.”

Just as Hikali was considering whether to make a sublimator with four grooves, Xu Ming had already taken out Ultraman Jack's medal and inserted it into the third groove.

Suddenly, a dark red arc and a golden arc rushed out from the sublimator and attacked the medal of Ultraman Jack in Xu Ming's hand.

Just when Hikari thought he was about to fail, the Ultraman Jack Medal in Xu Ming's hand actually let out a war cry, emitting a white light that dispersed the two powerful energies, and then successfully entered the groove. Inside.

As if feeling Ultraman Jack's medal enter the groove, the medal of Tartarus and the medal of Ampera once again erupted into two powerful forces, and rich golden and dark red power emerged from the sublimator.

"It's over, the sublimation device is useless this time!"

Seeing this scene, Hikali shook his head and said with some pity.

Suddenly, Ultraman Jack's medal let out a war cry again, and a spark flashed above the sublimator, erasing the ultimate power of Tartarus and the dark power of the Ampera.

The sublimator also successfully read the energy data at this time.

The phantoms of Tartarus, Ampera, and Ultraman Jack appeared on Xu Ming's left, front, and right respectively, and then merged into Xu Ming's body.

Under a ray of light of gold, silver and black, Xu Ming successfully performed fusion and sublimation.

Looking at Xu Ming, who was covered in dark gold in front of him, Xikali was completely confused.

" did you do that?!" Hikali stepped forward, looked Xu Ming up and down in surprise and asked, "Why is Ultraman Jack's medal so powerful? It can suppress the tower at the same time. Altaros and the Ambelans!"

Xu Ming, who had transformed into a new form, after adapting to the energy in his body, replied: "Sometimes, the surface of things is not just the scientific level. You see Ultraman Jack fighting monsters or aliens? , as long as two opponents appear at the same time, when have you ever lost?"

Hikali: "..."

It makes sense, and it sounds really irrefutable.

What surprised Xu Ming after this fusion upgrade was that there were no special changes in his body, except that there were three more fusion energies in his body, and the color of his body changed from silver to dark gold.

"Since the fusion and sublimation are successful, why not try releasing the skills?"

Xikali stepped back a distance and asked Xu Ming.

After all, this special fusion upgrade is still the first experiment and is unstable, so Hikali is safer.

"no problem."

Xu Ming said, stretched out a hand, and then an Ultra Spark appeared directly in his hand.

This is the ability of Ultraman Jack, but the Ultra Spark in Xu Ming's hand is a little different. It is larger in size, like a short blade, and it is intertwined with dark red and golden arcs.

Then, Xu Ming drew a blade towards the ground, and saw a dark golden light slashing out, creating a crack in the ground.

Seeing this, Xikali was surprised by the power of Xu Ming's move.

If I had known earlier, this was a testing ground specially used to experiment with light and various abilities. The materials in the site were all unique and difficult to destroy.

Unexpectedly, Xu Ming cut the ground with a simple slash of his knife.

"Combining the power of the ultimate life form and the Ampera planet, this form of you is really powerful!"

Hikali kept praising and saying.

After Xu Ming casually released a few more light blades, the Ultra Sparks turned into light particles and slowly dissipated in his hands.

Xu Ming's two arms were seen circling left and right in front of him. Silver, black, and gold energy converged on Xu Ming's body, and then he was pushed out by Xu Ming's two hands.

After this violently powerful light bomb hit the ground, a terrifying explosion occurred.

Suddenly, the entire testing ground shook and dust flew everywhere.

When the dust slowly dissipated, the broken pieces on the ground and a huge deep pit appeared in the eyes of Xikali and Xu Ming.

This scene left Hikali speechless for a moment. This testing ground seemed to be undergoing reinforcement and repairs.

Also, the moves used by Xu Ming in this form are really too powerful!

"Okay, let's test the most critical ability." After calming down a little, Hikali said to Xu Ming, "Tartarus's power of time and space."

The power of time and space is the most critical power. If Xu Ming can successfully use it, it will become the key to this war with the ultimate life form!

Xu Ming nodded, and then raised his two forearms in front of him. On the wrists of his two hands, two ruby-like images loomed.

Then, the powerful power of time and space belonging to Tartarus was directly released.

A golden vortex instantly appeared behind Xu Ming.

Hikali stepped forward in shock, and Xu Ming also turned around.

Looking at the bottomless pit-like whirlpool in front of him, Xikali nodded to Xu Ming.

Xu Ming didn't hesitate and walked in directly.

Anyway, if you are transported to the wrong time and space, you can open the golden time and space door again and return to the Kingdom of Light, or return to the real world through the time and space vortex of the time and space pen.

Stepping into the golden vortex, Xu Ming found that he was quietly suspended in the universe.

The golden vortex behind him also closed directly.

In front of Xu Ming is an emerald-like planet - the Kingdom of Light.

But judging from the fighting outside the Kingdom of Light, it doesn't seem to be very peaceful.

I saw monsters and cosmonauts rushing towards the Kingdom of Light. Ultraman challenged the invaders in the air and fought to the death.

Xu Ming released a few golden rays of light at will, and after solving some monsters, he landed on an asteroid near the Kingdom of Light.

Then two silver and red Ultraman appeared in front of Xu Ming.

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