"Although I know that your scientific research level is very high, I really didn't expect it to be as high as this..."

Xu Ming was completely shocked by Masaki Keigo.

Space opening technology, space folding technology, virtual reality technology, and machine AI technology...

The super-tech products developed through these technologies are things that the Masaki Keigo that Xu Ming knew has not yet been able to achieve.

"If the Masaki Keigo of this world can reach such a high technological level, then the Masaki Keigo I know should be able to do the same."

Looking at Masaki Keigo in front of him, Xu Ming thought to himself.

However, Xu Ming discovered that it might be the Masaki Keigo he knew who had set the technology tree wrongly. He had been studying for so long and had been studying the production of new light giants and upgrading special aircraft...

"Hahaha, it seems like you know me very well." Masaki Keigo smiled, looked at Xu Ming and said, "So, do you know me, or do you know me in the parallel world?"

Hearing Masaki Keigo's words, Xu Ming was surprised at first, and then replied: "I know Masaki Keigo from another world."

The concept of parallel worlds is not unfamiliar to a scientist like Masaki Keigo, so it is normal to know about it.

Of course, Masaki Keigo's clever mind could guess that he came from another world [Tiga Dana], which surprised Xu Ming.

"So that's it." Masaki Keigo nodded and made a cup of tea for Xu Ming. "It seems that you are Ultraman from another new realm world."

Xu Ming smelled the aroma of tea, picked up the cup and took a sip. He suddenly felt that his body was full of vitality. Xu Ming could guarantee that if he had any injuries on his body, he would definitely recover quickly after drinking this cup of tea.

"This smell..."

The tea was very fragrant, and Xu Ming even felt a familiar taste in the tea.

"This tea also comes from another world." Masaki Keigo replied, "I am very interested in you, so I want to share a cup with you."

"Why are you interested in me?" Xu Ming asked doubtfully, "Is it because I come from another world and know you from another world?"

"Do you still know my mother?"

Hearing Xu Ming's words, Masaki Keigo was stunned and stopped making tea.

"No, that's a modal particle."

Xu Ming explained.

Ever since Masaki Keigo saw him and asked his name, Xu Ming has been talking to Masaki Keigo in Chinese.

Masaki Keigo's Chinese sounded very fluent to Xu Ming, without any feeling of unfamiliarity.

"Why is your Chinese so good?" Xu Ming asked again with doubts.

As an island native, even if you know Chinese, it is difficult to speak it as fluently as the native language.

"Isn't it normal for someone like me who is engaged in scientific research to know the languages ​​of other countries?" Masaki Keigo replied, "As for why I am fluent, it is mainly because I have been with the same guy for a long time."

"A guy...Geddy?"

Xu Ming was stunned.

"No." Masaki Keigo shook his head, "Geddy only speaks dog language."

"By the way, can you tell me the specific circumstances of how you were brought to this universe?"

Looking at Xu Ming, Masaki Keigo asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

Xu Ming nodded, and told Masaki Keigo about his battle with Sphia just now, and told how he was unable to leave during the explosion inside the Sphia black hole, and finally came to this world.

"So it turns out that the new world you came to solved Sphia."

Masaki Keigo nodded after hearing this.

There was a sense of calmness in his tone, as if solving the Sphia Black Hole was a particularly easy task.

Xu Ming picked up the tea cup and took a careful sip. He had to say that the tea brewed by the Leaf of Life was quite delicious, with a refreshing fragrance and a comfortable and sweet taste.

"So when is the time in this world up?"

Xu Ming asked Masaki Keigo.

"Well... I calculated that it has been more than ten years since the Sphia black hole was solved."

Masaki Keigo did the math and replied.

"Who solved the Sphia black hole? It was Dyna, right?"

"It's not just Dyna."

"And Tiga?"

"That's right."


After a conversation, Xu Ming learned that in this world, Sphia was actually solved by a joint effort by Tiga, Gai Ying, Dyna... and the super ancient giant Camilla.

It is very similar to the world of Tiga Dina where he originally lived.

Just based on what Masaki Keigo said, Xu Ming learned that Camilla, Hitler, and Durham in this world were actually transformed into giants of light!

"How did you do it?" Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder, "Could it be that you invented a device that converts dark power into light?"

Judging from Masaki Keigo's technological level, it does not seem difficult to invent such a device.

However, Masaki Keigo smiled and shook his head and said: "How can I have such great ability? It was Tiga who took them to the Kingdom of Light and transformed them after being washed with the power of the Plasma Spark Tower."

"Diga..." Hearing these two words, Xu Ming blinked, "Is it Dagu?"

"Um..." After scratching his head, Masaki Keigo said, "Although Dagu can transform into Tiga, he only uses Tiga's fighting body to fight. I'm talking about Tiga himself."

"Diga!" These words made Xu Ming stand up and asked Masaki Jingwu very excitedly, "Diga in this world...Diga, does he still exist?"

"Of course it exists." Although Masaki Keigo was a little confused, he still replied, "Even if I die, he can't die. It's just that he is no longer in this world now."

"Huh? What do you mean you're not in this world? Are you in another dimension?"

Xu Ming said doubtfully.

"You can say that." Masaki Keigo saw Xu Ming's excited look and asked, "Do you want to see him?"

"Think!" Without hesitation, Xu Ming nodded and said, "Is there any way to see him, or how to go to the world where he is?"

If we could see the true form of Diga in this world, we might be able to repair the remaining consciousness of Senior Diga... We could even rescue Senior Diga back in our own universe!

After all, the experience of Diga's deity in the two worlds should be the same. Since in the world where he is, senior Diga dissipates in the universe, then the deity of Diga in this world should also be like this.

Now that Diga's true form is still there in this world, maybe the other party can find a way to repair his original power and restore his true form!

"You want to see him..." Masaki Keigo thought for a while, and then said, "I don't know if he is busy, so let's ask him first."

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