Moonlight Demon

Chapter 116: Interlude 1 - Kaori, the Half-Demon, Finale

Of course, the night didn't stop with just kisses. Especially not with that strange drink flowing through them. The two of them continued the dance between their lips under the dim candlelights, music playing on the stage, though Kaori was so focused on what she was feeling that it faded into the background. Ash reached back and pulled her closer, and the two of them were somewhat pressed together. 

Kaori wondered if the other woman could feel the way her heart was pounding against her chest. Or, if maybe, like the half-demon herself, she was too focused on the sweet taste of the other's tongue to care. 

This is...  Kaori thought as the two briefly separated.  I can't even... There are no words! 

Ash stopped, grinned, and flipped her hair back. 

"I'd say," she half-yelled so she could talk over the music, "we're probably done here, right?" 

"You... want to go home already?" Kaori asked. 

"With you by my side, yeah. I'd like that." 

Hearing that, Kaori took a deep breath and looked down at herself.  Oh. Well. I guess this is happening now.  She was both excited and terrified. In all honesty, Kaori knew close to nothing about sex. She was, however, based on a small selection of lewd books she'd come across and conversations she'd overheard in her university's halls, certain that there were right and wrong ways to go about this. 

I'm about to embarrass myself, aren't I? 

She was going to voice her concerns, but when she turned towards Ash and saw the unrestrained desire in her eyes, Kaori simply nodded. 

"Okay," she softly replied. "Let's go." 

"... Sorry, couldn't hear shit, but I assume you said yes, right?" Ash yelled. 

Giggling, Kaori nodded. 


Walking to Ash's house was a small journey. Between the drinks and the fact that the two of them couldn't keep their lips parted and their hands away from each other for more than a couple of minutes at a time, what was probably, in reality, a 20-minute walk ended up taking almost double that time. 

The longer this went though, the less Kaori cared about how she "performed". As Ash pressed her against her front door, Kaori found herself too wrapped up in what she was feeling to care. In a blur, they went from being outside, holding each other in the street to Ash pushing Kaori down to her bed. The furniture was way too hard, which briefly made Kaori worry that Ash was going to develop back problems down the line, but those concerns faded when the black-haired girl slipped a hand up Kaori's dress. 

"Oh... Gosh..." Kaori gulped as Ash grinned down at her. Kaori crawled back and spread her legs as Ash kneeled down in front of her. Kaori looked around and grabbed a nearby pillow, squeezing it tightly over her chest. 

Before Ash went any further, she hovered over Kaori and said: 

"Hey, if I do anything you don't like or whatever, let me know, alright?" Ash asked. "I know this is all new to you so, as drunk off my fucking ass as I am, I wanna make sure you have a good time."

"Y-Yeah... Thanks," Kaori squeezed out through a tight throat. With that, Ash gave her a warm smile and she bent down, placing a kiss on Kaori's navel. Those lips created a path that trailed down until Ash popped her head up and said, "oh... you're seriously wet." 

Hearing that was so embarrassing Kaori groaned into her pillow. 

"Hahaha, come on, it's fine. I mean, it's a compliment, right?" 

With that, Ash went down and dragged her tongue up Kaori's lower lips, and the half-demon was convinced she was going to faint. This was too much. Maybe it was the drinks, maybe it was the fact that this was her first time, maybe it was her demon side, maybe it was all of that put together, but her body was being overloaded. 

What came next was a pair of fingers that drew circles over the same spot Ash licked and Kaori felt shivers go up her spine. She pressed her pillow even tighter to her chest and her breathing quickened. She tried her hardest to keep her sounds held back, which Ash noticed. 

"Kaori, it's okay to moan," Ash chuckled a little. 


"It's fine, trust me," the raven-haired girl told her and Kaori nodded. It took a few deep breaths but eventually, a small amount of sound escaped Kaori's lips, which, as Ash's speed intensified, grew into loud moans of pleasure. 

Again, Ash stopped, giggling as she saw Kaori choking the life out of that pillow. She crawled up, took the pillow away, and threw it against a wall. Then, she took Kaori's hands and placed them on her own head. 

Kaori was confused but as Ash went back to what she'd been doing, she understood. Instinctively, she tried to pull Ash's head even deeper. By now, Ash had discarded her fingers and was just using her lips and her tongues simultaneously, until... 

"AHH!" Kaori half-screamed as she felt a wave of sensations wash over her. She was trembling, with every pulse shaking her foundations. 

"Well, how did...?" However, Ash didn't finish that sentence. Instead, her eyes widened at Kaori. 

As for the half-demon, she couldn't tell what made Ash pause, but as she recovered from the heights she'd been brought to, she had one thought.  I need that. Again. 

So, she crawled over to Ash, not noticing that her hands had turned clawed, that her body was covered in a violet aura or that her horns had grown. Instead, she simply went up to Ash and hugged her tightly. 

"Please, please, please," Kaori whimpered. "I want that... Again, please." 

"Uh, sure, but... Are you good?" Ash asked, worried. 

"Huh? Yeah," Kaori waved her concern away. "I'm fine, I just... AGH!" 

It was only when her wings spread at her back that Kaori realized what was happening with her. 

"What?" She looked down at herself. "What's hap...?" 

"Oh, oh fuck," Ash blinked a few times, covering her nose. "Holy shit that smell..." 

"Huh? Oh, no, is it bad?" Kaori asked, keeping her arms down. 

"No, no... It's the opposite... it's driving me crazy..." Ash laughed nervously. "Hey, uh, maybe we should pause for a bit?" 

Kaori could not have been more disappointed. However, looking down at herself, she understood how Ash could be a little frightened at this. 

"I'm... Sorry," Kaori said. "I'm sorry, I... I'm a freak." 

"No, no, no, no no no," Ash was quick to move in and hug her, as her wings slowly receded into her back and her hands went back to normal. "It's not like that... I just... This is kind of shocking, I just need a second or two to process this. Next time, I'll know that it's supposed to happen, right?"

Looking down at her hands, Kaori nodded. 

"... Wait," Kaori shook her head. "Did you say...?" 

"Next time, yeah," Ash said. "Listen, I want to be clear, I'm not saying I'm like scared, necessarily, just... This is territory neither of us knows, right?" She asked and Kaori nodded. "It's probably worth doing a little bit of testing, in, you know, different ways to make sure this is all normal. That's all." 

"... So..." Kaori hated how hopeful she sounded, but she couldn't help it. "There... There will be a next time? You're not done with me? I mean... I didn't gross you out or..." 

"Hell no," Ash said before gently pressing a kiss against her lips. "And, uh, about the future, listen, trust me. I don't know where we're headed after everything we've done tonight, everything we  will do, but, whether we really start dating, whether we just keep fucking casually or something, I'm not just gonna leave you alone. I was just surprised. That's all. Promise."

Kaori took a deep breath, calming herself down. 

"Okay... I understand." 

"Alright. Sorry, I kinda ruined the mood there," Ash laughed, "let me make it up to you?" 

Kaori nodded, looking away as Ash crawled up the bed and kissed her cheek. 

"Thanks, beautiful," the other girl said, and then, she clapped her hands together. "Now, where were we? Right, eating you out." 

And so, Ash did exactly that. 


The next morning, Kaori woke up, wrapped in Ash's arms. 

Things had picked up in unexpected ways after everything last night, but Ash, true to her word, was never scared away. As for Kaori though, maybe it was due to the drinks, but she couldn't remember much beyond when Ash started licking her for the second time. As the sun poured in through a window, Kaori basked in the feeling of all of this. Ash's strong arms around her, the woman's scent filling the air. If there was one word for it, it would be  comfortable. 

And, if there was one word to describe how Kaori felt right now, it would be  grateful. 

Ash's eyes blinked open, and she smiled when she saw Kaori looking up at her. 

"Morning," Ash said, with a raspy voice that was deeper than usual. 


"... Hell of a night, huh?" Ash asked, laughing as she turned around and stood up. She stretched and Kaori didn't complain about being treated to the sight of her toned, naked body bathed in sunlight. 


"Hope you had fun, Kaori," Ash said. "I... You know, I feel like saying some really deep, meaningful shit but, I am so fucking hungry right now, I can't even think of anything." 

Kaori chuckled at that and stood up as well. 

"Uh... Did you have fun?" Kaori asked. 

"Hm? Yeah. The tail was... A bit much," Ash said, wiping her eyes, "but yeah." 


"What, you don't remember?" Ash asked. "You know what? Maybe that's a good thing. Fuck, that was embarrassing." 

At that, Kaori smirked a little and walked around the bed, moving closer to Ash. 

"I thought you said it was fine to be embarrassed. Where's all that confidence gone?" She asked smugly, putting her hands on her hips.

"... Shit what have I created?" Ash asked, laughing as she wrapped Kaori up in a hug. "Alright, come on, let's get dressed. Your parents probably want you back soon." 

"I'm surprised you care that much," Kaori stated and Ash raised a brow. "Not in a bad way, I mean, like, you come across as... You know, a troublemaker type." 

Ash shook her head, chuckling. 

"I know. And, yeah, I do care. After all," She threw on a shirt and pressed a kiss between Kaori's horns, on her forehead. "If you'll have me, I'd like to make something out of... all of this," she gestured between them. "So, gotta keep the parents happy. Come on." 

At that, Kaori smiled, thinking this was the best morning she'd had in years. 

"Right behind you." 

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