Moonlight Demon

Chapter 138: Vol. 3 - Chapter 11


When the two of them returned to the backroom, the eyes of the group quickly fell on them with curiosity. 

"How was the food?" Yumi asked, seeing that everyone had finished eating. 

"Bland as all hell," Ash stated and Metsumi smacked her shoulder. "Ow, what? She asked, I answered." 

"Be polite," Metsumi said. 

"Or she could just learn to make better shit," Ash shrugged. 

"I... see," Yumi chuckled. "Forgive me, I haven't had others taste my food in a long time. To me, I had assumed it tasted bland because it's all I've been eating for such a long time." 

Yumi sat down with the others and Keiko did the same, sitting next to her. 

Satsuhiro cleared his throat and crossed his arms. 

"So, you haven't explained yourself yet. Why were you so hostile to us when we arrived?" 

Briefly, Yumi glanced at Keiko but then she replied: 

"It has been a very long time since I've seen anyone who hasn't been a raider of some sort. I assumed you were the same. Again, I apologize." 

"You really couldn't tell we were different?" Satsuhiro asked, tapping his golden Savior's Armor. 

"... To me, you just seemed like very flashy bandits," Yumi shrugged. "Regardless, clearly you were different because you managed to restore this place, which had apparently been, as you put it, 'deactivated', under my very nose. For that, I thank you. I must ask, how did you accomplish this?" 

At that, Ash sighed. 

"The gods, they gave us the ability to do that." 

"Truly?" Yumi asked, looking down. "Then... The gods really haven't abandoned us. I had assumed that they'd turned their eyes away from this shrine, for some reason." 

"Speaking of," Satsuhiro started, "who is this shrine dedicated to? I haven't seen too many like this one." 

"That is because not many exist," Yumi chuckled, "these shrines are dedicated to all of the gods. All four of them. We do not have a preference." 

"All four?" Kaori asked, with a raised brow. "Even... Even the god of death?" 

"Of course," Yumi nodded. 

"Why's that?" Satsuhiro asked. 

"... It is wrong, I believe, to view the deities as spontaneous, transient, individual beings. They aren't. I believe it's more accurate to call them guards or guides. Each one served and continues to serve a role in the world. Magia created it, Lumina helped it grow, Alkoth kept it balanced, and Niven will take the ashes of that which expires. Then, the cycle starts again. That is how the world works and all four of the deities are required for this. Therefore, they are all worthy of praise." 

"Is that so?" Ash asked, putting a hand under her chin and narrowing her eyes skeptically at Yumi. "So, what's your take on the demons then? You haven't really made that big a deal out of my presence," she noted. "Why's that?" 

"Demons are part of the cycle. They simply... Accelerate the process. That is what I believe, at least. Therefore, though if I encountered one which was hostile I would not hesitate to kill it, I do not scorn them either." 

As heavy as the conversation was getting, there was something Keiko wanted to speak to Satsuhiro about. So, she spoke up. 

"Uhm, Satsuhiro." 

"Mhm?" The Savior replied. 

"So, I talked to Yumi and she told me a few things, did you know anything about these shrines?" 

"No," Satsuhiro shook his head. "I had heard there were many abandoned churches out in the wild, places that either deteriorated over time or fell to demons, but nothing like this one. Why do you ask?" 

"Ahem," Yumi cleared her throat. "I suppose I should explain myself." 

With that, she went on to relay most of what she'd told Keiko. Her role as a shrine maiden, her mask's magical properties, and the amount of time she'd spent here. The group listened intently and, with each new detail that Yumi threw at them, became more and more curious. 

"So," Ash said. "Is this shit possible or is she just lying her ass off?" 

"Excuse me?" Yumi asked, offended. Ash just shrugged. 

"I haven't heard of anything outside of Illusions that can do that," Kasumi shrugged. 

"Hm..." Satsuhiro stroked his chin. "Well, there is definitely magic out there that actually slows aging. Necromancy, mainly, does deal in that, hence why Vermia looked so young. I can believe that part. I have to ask though, so, no one but raiders came by? Not one traveler, not one explorer? No other Zayamas?" 

"A few innocents, here and there," Yumi replied. "But none stayed long enough to have the sort of conversation you and I are having right now." 

"You think it might have anything to do with you taking your sword out as soon as you saw them?" Ash asked. 

"I..." Yumi looked down. "I suppose that may have had an effect. But, by now, I have simply grown used to the attacks of raiders. So..." She shrugged. 

Satsuhiro sighed and closed his eyes. 

"I see what you're concerned about," he told Keiko. "But, I need to check with the Council. If anyone can tell us what happened here, it would probably be them." 

"Or the Compound," Keiko added. 

"Wait, I don't get it, what do you mean?" Ash interrupted. 

"Well, if she's telling the truth then she's been wasting away here for no reason, because clearly, whoever was in charge of her is either gone or doesn't care about this place anymore," Satsuhiro explained. 

"... Impossible," Yumi muttered, sounding hurt. "I... The shrines were an important piece of our clan's culture," she gestured at Keiko. "There is no way that..." 

"I hadn't heard about these shrines up until I came here either," Keiko said softly. "Sorry." 

"Whatever the case is," Satsuhiro said, "we'll figure it out. For now..." He paused. "Maybe you should consider leaving." 

At that, Yumi didn't respond. She simply lowered her head and remained silent.  This is a lot to think about at once,  Keiko thought.  Maybe it would be best to get her mind off of this? 

She placed a hand on Yumi's wrist and the masked woman looked over at her. 

"Um, Yumi, how did you reach your level?" Keiko asked. 

"Actually, yeah. How the hell did you reach level 40 fighting bandits?" Ash also inquired. At that, Yumi straightened up a little. 

"Ah, well, mostly, my levels weren't gained from the bandits themselves, but from monsters. Monsters I'd hunt for food, and monsters the bandits brought with them," she stated. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I think I can answer this," Satsuhiro said. "So, basically, one thing bandits like to do is kidnap reavers or goblins and train them to fight on their behalf. A lot of the time, those monsters will be slightly higher level than the bandits themselves. They don't always do this, but enough to where it's a thing to consider. It was probably through killing them that Yumi got this strong."

"How do you train a monster?" 

"Well, we call them monsters but they're animals like any other, right? Starvation, abuse, incentive, there are many methods. It's just that it goes wrong just as often as it goes right, so not many people are stupid enough to try." 

"So," Keiko stepped in, trying to put on a polite smile, "could you teach us anything? I mean, since you are so strong."  Compliments should be distracting enough, right?

"Heh," Yumi chuckled, leaning closer to Keiko. Into her ear, she whispered: "flattery is like telling a good secret. It is best done when it is subtle, dear." The maiden said and Keiko blushed.

"But, yes." She backed off. "I could teach you a thing or two. I... I might be a glorified recluse but I do believe I've grown to be fairly good with weapons. Of course," she paused, "I would like to know your names first." 

"Right, haven't introduced ourselves," Satsuhiro nodded. "I'm Satsuhiro, that's Ash, Kaori, Keiko, Metsumi, Kasumi, and Opah." He went one by one, pointing at each of them. 

Yumi nodded. 

"I see. Very well, come. We will practice in the front.

She led them to the entrance, where a few weapons were placed against the walls next to the door. Here, Yumi took a naginata and twirled it a few times in her hands. 

"Keiko," she said, "what are your proficiencies?" 

"Oh, um, my highest is my sword. It is at a 7." 

"7?" Yumi sounded surprised. "That's fairly impressive. You are a hard worker." 

"And yours?" 

"... 9." 

Hearing that, Keiko's jaw dropped. So did Ash and Kaori's. 

"9???" Ash asked. "Seriously?" 

"Mhm," Yumi replied. 

"With what weapons?" Keiko followed up. 

"Naginata, sword, spear, bow and arrow, and kunai." 

"You're at a 9 with all of them!?" 

"Yes," Yumi replied nonchalantly. 

Ash tapped Keiko's shoulder. 

"What were the ratings like again?" Ash asked. 

"U-Uh, 1 designates an amateur, 5, someone who is experienced, and 10 is the single best user of that weapon in the entire world." 

"So, if she has a 9 with all of those weapons..." 

"It means," Yumi stepped in, "I have the experience of someone who has done nothing but train, every day, for the last 15 years." 

Now, as Keiko looked at the woman, standing in the middle of the dirt road that led up to the shrine with her naginata at her side, her clear eyes cast at the group, she felt an imposing aura around her. 

"So, who would like to start?" 

And, Keiko felt like that was exactly what she needed. 


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