Moonlight Demon

Chapter 145: Vol. 3 - Chapter 18

Note: Lewdness coming in hot. 

Side Note: I know most people like/are literally here for the lewdness, but I still like giving these little warnings out just in case people are not in the mood or the place to read such stuff, ya know? 



Caroline had dragged Keiko to a table by the left side of the inn. All around them, the drunks were getting rowdier. She grabbed a random bottle from the nearby bar, along with two glass mugs, and poured some drinks for them. 

"I didn't expect to see you again, love, honestly," Caroline stated. 

"Really?" Keiko asked as she took a sip of the drink.  Wow. That tastes terrible. She put it back down with no intention to take another sip. 

"Mhm," Caroline nodded. "Given... that little thing that happened last time you were here, I really didn't think you would come back." 

"... It wasn't really my choice," Keiko said. "I, uhm, have work to do here." 

"Ahh... Shit," Caroline sipped from the mug. "You should be careful though. After that, a few guards came by our place here asking questions for like a whole week. The guard you fought survived, and I think he's still working. If he or his friends see you again, they could cause some trouble." 

Keiko sighed. 

However, she then remembered something. 

Hold on. I'm traveling with two Saviors. They absolutely outrank those guards. 

"If they try to start anything, I should be fine," Keiko muttered. 

"Alright, just saying," Caroline nodded. "So, those friends of yours... They were wearing some pretty cool gear... Kinda looked like Savior armor." 

"I... Yes," Keiko felt like it wasn't worth it to even try to deny it. "They are Saviors, yes." 

"Holy shit," Caroline said. "Damn. I think I've only seen like two Saviors in my entire life, and you're just running around with some of them? How did that happen?" Caroline asked, putting a hand under her chin. 

"I'm just helping them out for a little bit. It's not a big deal." 

"Says you," Caroline chuckled. "One of 'em um, was kinda hot. The blonde chick, what's her name?" 

"Kaori," Keiko replied. 

"Kaori, yeah, holy shit, she was something else," Caroline laughed. "I had to keep myself from staring at her. Is she single?" 

"No," Keiko very quickly replied. In all honesty, she didn't even know if what they were doing was exclusive or not, but hearing Caroline talk like that, she couldn't help but feel a little annoyed about it. 

"Aw. Tragic," Caroline leaned back and put her hands behind her head, looking to where the party was currently ongoing. "So, if we've got Saviors in Onyx... It's safe to assume there have been more demons in the area then?" 

At that, Keiko nodded. 

"... Crap," Caroline shook her head. "The more I hear about stuff like that, the more I feel like we're just putting on an act here." 

"What do you mean?" 

"Look," Caroline pointed at the others in the building. Keiko saw many men and women of varying sizes and ages laughing and drinking. "How many of them might die in the future if those demons choose to attack Onyx next?" 

There was a strange edge to Caroline's voice. 

"At the same time though," Caroline sighed. "Isn't it kind of my job to help them out like this? Give them a distraction to keep their mind on until those demons come knocking?" 


"Sorry," Caroline said, raising her mug and smiling a little. "Drinks have me thinking a bit much, love. Hey! You haven't even touched your beer!" 

Oh? Is that what it is? 

"Uh, yes, it's..." 

"Come on! Can't leave me drinking alone, right?" 

At that, Keiko sighed.  I'm already tired. 


By the time she was done and Caroline gracefully let her go, Keiko was just about to pass out on the stairs. She was walking up, feeling slightly dizzy from the drinks she'd been given, and was currently trying her hardest to drag her legs to the second room on the left. 

I need a warm bed so badly,  Keiko thought as she found the right room and tried to open it, finding that it was locked.  Hm.  She knocked on it twice, hearing strange sounds coming from within.  What the...? 

Focusing a little harder, she tried to discern them. Someone was moaning.  Huh?  Keiko shook her head, waking herself up a little. 

She knocked again, and thudding footsteps approached the door. It opened and Keiko's eyes widened. Ash was standing in front of her, in her full Lust Demon form, black wings on her back and a black leathery tail with a heart-shaped tip. Behind her, Keiko saw Kaori, her legs spread and aimed at the door, with a hand between her legs. 

... What? 

Keiko failed to register what she was seeing for a moment. 

"I..." Keiko started to say and then, Ash pulled her close. That was the trigger. As soon as she felt Ash's demon body close enough to her own, Keiko began to feel drawn to her.  Wait,  she thought.  Right. That weird effect... 

Before she could take note of what was happening, Ash pulled her into the room. 

"Had fun?" Ash asked, her voice strangely altered.

"Uh..." Ash sat Keiko down next to Kaori. The blonde quickly leaned against Keiko, and the Zayama felt like her body was so hot it was burning. 

"Um..." Keiko looked back and forth between Kaori and Ash. "I..." She couldn't force out more than one word at a time though, between the tiredness in her body and the magnetism that Ash was causing right now. 

Instinctively, as Ash approached her, Keiko found herself spreading her own legs. 

"You want this, don't you?" Ash asked with a low voice, her tail snaking up Keiko's right thigh. 

I need it.  Keiko clarified in her mind.  I feel like I'd fight ten demons right now to get it. 

Ash licked her left ear and Keiko shuddered, taking a deep breath. 

But...  Keiko thought.  Last time... She, uh, flooded me with... something. What was that?  Keiko asked herself as Ash's tail teased her clit. And, the most important question, she thought as Ash pulled her tail away and instead, knelt down in front of Keiko. 

Do I care? All I know is I want more of it. 

"What are you going to...?" Keiko mumbled as Ash put her demonic hands on her legs. 

"It would be a shame to start off with fucking you. I have to lube it up a little first." 

"Um, but what does that me- oh, Magia..." Keiko sighed as Ash stuck her tongue out and dragged it over Keiko's lower lips. Beside her, Kaori kept her head on Keiko's shoulder as she took Keiko's left hand, their fingers intertwining. 

"You taste so good," Ash said and Keiko blushed. "And, you know, there is one advantage to having a longer tongue when I'm in this form," Ash giggled in a way that was completely uncharacteristic for her. "It's that I can do this." 

And then, Ash stuck that long tongue inside Keiko. Keiko's eyes widened and she leaned her head back, trying her hardest to keep herself from screaming at the sensation. 

"MMM!" She hummed, her mouth shut tight. Kaori laughed upon hearing that. 

Ash pushed and pulled her tongue and Keiko's toes curled. She very nearly came, but Ash pulled her tongue out before she could do that. Keiko breathed heavily. The room felt like it was spinning. 

"Ready?" Ash asked and Keiko nodded eagerly. "Adorable."

Then, she pushed Keiko down and the Zayama felt both incredibly excited and slightly anxious at the thought of having that tail in her again. A small seed of logic was still in her mind telling her that maybe they should stop until they could have Ash ask what that  stuff  that she poured into Keiko, and was about to pour into Keiko, actually was and did. 

Instead, as Ash mounted Keiko, her tail poking Keiko's lower entrance, the Zayama simply stated:


"Please what?" Ash asked, pulling her tail away. 

"Y-You know..." 

"No, I don't," Ash replied. "Actually, I feel like I'm forgetting what I'm even doing. I might just get off you, walk away, and go to sleep or something if you don't remind me."

"... You're evil," Keiko mumbled, looking away with a red face. 

"So?" Ash smiled down at her. "What do you want me to do?" 

"Um... P-Push that thing in..." 

"Push what in?" 

"Your tail." 

"Push it in where?"



"I hate you," Keiko responded and Ash laughed out loud. 

"Alright, alright," Ash conceded. "I'll stop torturing you... Even though it's so fun." 

And then, with no warning, she slipped it in. 

Keiko arched her back, gasping. 

"There," Ash said. "Enjoy." 

Doing the same thing that she'd done with her tongue, pushing and pulling, Keiko looked around and found a pillow. She placed it over her face and moaned into it. And then, Ash removed it. 

"Oh no," Ash said. "I want to see you." 

She continued after that, her tail working hard at screwing Keiko. Ash pulled her up easily and embraced her tightly, Keiko wrapped her arms around her in response. 

"You two are so hot," Kaori said from Keiko's left. She couldn't respond. She was too busy trying not to lose her mind. 

"I'm already so close..." Ash muttered into Keiko's ear. Keiko's response was to hold on more tightly. With her legs locked behind Ash, that tail action went on for a few more minutes, and then, Ash's hands clutched Keiko so tightly it hurt. 

"Mmh!" Keiko used Ash's shoulder to muffle herself as she reached an orgasm, just as Ash flooded her insides with... Whatever that was. 

And instantly, she felt five times more tired than she had been before. 

She let go of Ash and laid down on the bed, trying not to hit Kaori as she swung her legs. 

"Are you okay?" Ash asked suddenly, sounding a little more like herself. 

"Mhm. I'm just... I'm tired." 

"Oh, okay," Ash replied, relieved. "I..." She stood up. "I should take care of this. Be right back." 

With that, she walked over to a corner in the room, and Keiko tried her hardest not to get up and follow her. 

As she was about to close her eyes and try to catch some sleep, she felt that warm liquid inside of her and hoped that it wouldn't be a big deal.  It's probably nothing. 


The next morning, everyone was getting breakfast downstairs. Ash, Keiko, and Kaori, all had their hair ruffled, which drew a few curious glances from Caroline, who served them their food. Satsuhiro was writing something on a piece of paper.

"So," Ash said, her voice slightly gravely, "what do we do today?" 

"Yumi," Keiko quickly stated. "We should look to get some training in with her. Those skills of hers, she's too good at fighting to pass up on."  I also need to look through that book she gave me. 

"Agreed," Satsuhiro nodded. "That kind of talent is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. You'll want to take advantage of it." 

"Satsuhiro?" Keiko asked. "What are you writing?" 

"A letter to the Council. Just so they check out Vermia's house and bring us any spellbooks she left behind. Though..." He paused. "If I know her, she'll definitely have some secrets they won't be able to find. So, Ash, you'll probably want to see that place for yourself anyway." 


And, at that moment, someone knocked on the front door. Caroline went to open it and the party turned around. 

Vyl was standing there. 

"Oh shit," Caroline said, seeing that Vyl was literally naked, but the alchemist simply walked past her. 

"I need to tell you something," Vyl said to the group. 

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