Moonlight Demon

Chapter 164: Vol. 3 - Chapter 37


Above, Kaori saw nothing but violet. She felt cold. Absurdly cold. Currently, she sat in a field of grass with not a single sign of life around her. The blonde stood up and shook her head. 

She tried to call out for her friends, but no sound would come from her throat. She began taking steps towards the horizon but her feet dragged against her will. It was like an invisible force was holding her back. Kaori continued to search for anyone she knew, desperation bubbling in her heart until she swore she heard someone call out to her. It was faint, but it was coming from ahead. 

Pushing against that force, she began to move towards the sound of her own name being yelled, but whatever was holding her back was getting stronger. Eventually, though, she saw a few silhouettes in the distance and she smiled to herself. That smile faded away when she saw what was actually there. 

A giant Gluttony demon, a mass of rotten and rippling skin was sitting in front of Keiko and Ash's bodies. Both of them were seemingly unconscious, unaware of what they were laying next to. Kaori tried to scream at them, but again, nothing came from her lips. The force holding her back had gotten so much stronger that now, Kaori was not making any progress at all. She could only watch as the Gluttony demon picked Keiko up and slowly swallowed her whole. Kaori's heart was in pain at the sight. Keiko disappeared into its body, and Kaori fell to her knees. Then, the Gluttony demon's tongue wrapped around Ash's right leg and Kaori reached towards her, now completely unable to move forwards. 

Kaori saw Ash's eyes open, looking around her, confused. And, before she could do anything, she was swallowed as well. Kaori's arm, as she did not have her Savior's Weapon, fell limp by her side. And then, something started dragging her back. Kaori, startled, looked back and found that this entire time, it had been a tongue wrapped around her right leg that had been keeping her from moving. It belonged to a Gluttony demon even bigger than the last, grinning down at her. It opened its gaping mouth and Kaori froze. 

And finally, Kaori woke up. 

She gasped, the darkness of her room not allowing her to see anything, and for a couple of seconds she actually feared she'd been swallowed. However, as she began to ground herself, she realized she'd simply had a nightmare. Currently, she was next to Ash, who was still asleep, one of her legs thrown over Kaori. Keiko wasn't there.  Huh?  Kaori raised a brow at that, but then her head turned heavy with exhaustion. 

"... Crap," Kaori muttered as she put a hand to her head. The nightmares had lessened in frequency after the group's first visit to the shrine, but tonight was evidence that the same fear which constricted her heart was still there. It had simply been buried a little, but, maybe thanks to that level 80 demon, it made a comeback. 

Kaori gently moved Ash away in an effort to stand up. As Kaori slept naked, now, the cold midnight air was hitting her bare skin, almost making her shiver. Ash mumbled something and turned away, which made Kaori chuckle before she put some clothes on. 

... Maybe I should take a walk or something before I try to go to sleep again,  Kaori thought, and as she finished putting on a pair of sandals, she walked out, wearing white shorts and a long-sleeved white shirt. She looked down at her metallic arm and moved her fingers around. At this point, her new arm felt somewhat comfortable, though Kaori didn't know if that was just the sleep-deprivation forcing her not to care much about it. 

The New Age Inn never slept it seemed. When Kaori walked out, everyone downstairs was having a party. There was all manner of lewdness happening, with lapdances in multiple tables and one of the employees doing something  under a table for one of the patrons. 

Kaori was so tired, she ignored it all and headed straight for the door. She went to place a hand on the knob to leave, but someone had been in the process of doing the same thing, and so, Kaori's hand fell over theirs. 

She turned. 

"Oh, s-..." She stopped. 

It was Keiko. 

"Kaori?" The short girl looked up at her, with those beautiful clear eyes that, even though she'd seen on Yumi and on Eliza, she still felt were unique to Keiko. "You're awake," she noted. 

Kaori smiled. 

"So are you. Are you getting in on the festivities? That's kinda surprising. Didn't think this was your sort of thing," Kaori said, pointing at where one of the workers was making out with a customer. 

At that, Keiko blushed. 

"N-N-No, no, I just wanted to pick up some water before I took a walk." 

Keiko raised up a bottle of water and Kaori nodded. 

"Ah, gotcha. So... Can I join you? I was gonna do the same," Kaori told her and, at that, a smile so bright came out of Keiko that Kaori's heart melted. 

She hadn't seen such an expression on the woman in a while. Maybe because it was late at night, Keiko's guard wasn't up. She nodded. 

"I'd love that," Keiko softly replied. 

... She really is the cutest,  Kaori giggled a little as she opened the door for her, and both girls walked out. 

Outside, like at Sapphire, there were poles with small orange orbs at the top dimly illuminating the street, along with some sconces on a few building walls here and there. Kaori and Keiko walked side by side, past a few guards whose eyes remained on them for longer than Kaori thought was normal. She noticed Keiko glancing at a few of them as well, but it didn't seem like that big a deal. 

"Uhm, so..." Keiko started. "You couldn't sleep?" 

"Mhm," Kaori answered. 

"Why is that?" Keiko asked, slightly concerned. The blonde paused for a bit. 

"Could you?" Kaori deflected. 

"Me neither." 

"Then, you tell me first and I'll tell you after," she answered. She knew, of course, that at some point she'd have to talk to Ash and Keiko about these nightmares she'd been dealing with and the general fear she'd been feeling, and well, maybe tonight was the best time to do that but even if she talked about it tonight, she wanted to break the ice first. 

Keiko nodded. 

"I... I woke up feeling sick," Keiko sighed. "I went to the restroom and, well, I..." She gestured and Kaori nodded. 


"And, well, I figured maybe a walk would help my body settle down. At least, I hope it does. So, I bought some water, and now I'm here. And you?" Keiko asked. "A bad dream?" 

"... Yeah," Kaori replied slowly. "I..." 

Come on, just tell her.  Kaori told herself. 

"I see," Keiko answered. "It's understandable, we do have a battle coming up, after all. I had a few bad dreams too before the Sapphire fight happened. I think I understand." 

No, you really don't,  Kaori answered in her thoughts. 

"But," Keiko continued, "whatever happens in these dreams... The reality will likely be better, right?" 

She then looked up at Kaori with a slightly hopeful smile. Or, maybe a better way to put it was that it looked like she was begging Kaori to say that she was right. 


"Of course," Keiko quickly replied. "I... We do have a tendency to worry for nothing, I suppose." 

At that point, as they walked farther away from the inn, they settled into a comfortable silence. They looked around, noting the differences in the city at this point in the day compared to when they usually walked around. To Kaori, it felt like they were moving through ruins. Some of the vandalized buildings, the lack of anyone except a few guards here and there on the streets, the general emptiness of it all, reminded Kaori of those ruins she and Ash had visited before, where they'd fought those Nightmares together. 

It was a memory Kaori held dear, as it was the first time she truly protected Ash, which was something she took great pride in. When someone was standing behind her, with Kaori acting as their shield, that was when she felt the most like a real hero. 

Even if she didn't believe herself to actually be one. After all, she'd seen what a real hero had looked like. One had almost become Kaori's trainer before the battle of Sapphire took him away. 

"Kaori," Keiko said, and Kaori snapped out of her thoughts. 


"..." Keiko looked around. "Can we sit down over there?" She pointed at a bench next to some hitching posts for horses. They were in front of what looked like a bank of some sort. 


And so, both of them sat down, bathed in the orange light from the nearby poles and sconces. Kaori had her legs crossed while Keiko kept her eyes low. The pause in their conversation stretched for long enough to where Kaori was beginning to think that Keiko had something heavy to say. And that was when she said this:

"Kaori... Could I... Could I be honest with you for a moment?" 


A Couple of Hours Earlier


Keiko had just finished puking her brains out. When she was done, the inn's restroom was left smelling like demons and Keiko was dragging herself out to the tables at the main room.  I need to sit down. 

She'd awoke just before midnight, her body threatening to spill its contents all over Ash's face, which she figured the half-demon wouldn't appreciate, so she had practically sprinted to the nearest toilet. Now, she was sitting down and leaning back, trying to let her body settle down. 

I'm so tired...  Keiko thought as, suddenly, a cup of water with ice was placed in front of her. Caroline gave her a sympathetic look before she walked off to go serve others, as the night was in full swing. Keiko took a sip and felt slightly better, feeling the cold liquid slide down her throat. 

Maybe later...  Keiko thought.  I could ask about... 

"Keiko," a voice said and she turned towards it. Metsumi was there, carrying Opah on her back. Her daughter was asleep and had her legs wrapped around her mother's torso. It was a pretty cute sight. 

"Metsumi?" Keiko asked. "What..." However, as she spoke, she felt her stomach churn a little and she stopped, trying to calm it down by sheer force of will. 

Metsumi chuckled and said:

"See those musicians over there?" Metsumi gestured back and Keiko looked. There were a pair of inn employees playing strings. "I wanted to show them to Opah before she went to sleep and the inn turned, you know, less family-friendly. She knocked herself out in the middle of it though," Metsumi laughed. "Guess it wasn't her style." 

"I'd like to know what is her style, I don't think I've heard Opah gushing over any music," Keiko replied. 

"Nothing's really impressed her since the last time we went to Pearl, sadly. So, what's up with you?" Metsumi asked, still smiling but a bit concerned. 

"Oh, I... felt a little sick, so I wanted to sort of, sit down for a while." 

"Ah. I see. Well, how about I put Opah to sleep and I keep you some company." 

"Sounds good," Keiko nodded. 

"Alright. Be right back." 

And so, the large woman walked upstairs, deposited her child in her room, and walked back down by herself. She sat down in front of Keiko and smiled at the Zayama. 

"So, how are you feeling now?" 

"... Better," Keiko replied. "I really hope I don't have more nights like these though." 

"Give up on that hope right now, cause you definitely will," Metsumi responded and Keiko sighed. 

"Understood then." 

Metsumi chuckled a little and then, she put rested her head on one of her hands, leaning a little to the side. 

"So... Ash planted that seed in you, huh?" Metsumi asked. Keiko nodded, blushing. "Wow. I guessed there would be some differences between Ash and other girls since she's half-demon and all, but I really didn't expect her to be capable of that." 

"I didn't either..." Keiko muttered. 

"... Are you alright though?" Metsumi asked her. "I'm guessing this came as a shock to you." 

At that, Keiko looked down into her cup. 

"... I'm not ready," Keiko simply stated. "That's... That's all I can think about this, at the moment. I... I certainly wish it hadn't happened. N-Not that I blame Ash, of course," Keiko waved her hands, "she didn't ask for this either. It's just..." and, she sighed. "There were already a lot of things on my mind and now, between this and Kaori, there's just so much." 

"Kaori?" Metsumi asked.  Oh.  Keiko thought.  I slipped up. "What happened with her?" 

"... Nothing, it's..."

"... Keiko," Metsumi put on her motherly voice, "you two have a lot to do in these coming weeks, if something happened and it might get in the way, it's best to get it off your chest and try to work on it." 

At that, Keiko sighed. 

...  Is this something I can discuss with her? She wondered, looking up at her.  It's embarrassing though... But... 

"I..." Keiko started. "I just..." She sighed. 

I like her, and Ash, I appreciate and adore them both, but I don't know how to show that to them.  Keiko thought. 

Or, she felt like it was a thought, but she'd actually said this aloud, in a low mumble. 

"Oh..." Metsumi nodded slowly. "So... You're worried things are getting stale between you, is that it?" 

"I suppose?" Keiko shrugged.  If that's what would lead her to kiss another woman, then, yes. I suppose that's true. 

Again, she actually said this. 

"She did what?" Metsumi asked. 

"I mean..." Keiko muttered. "It makes sense... I just... I don't know what to do. I've never done this before. I don't know how to, ehm, I guess... treat her?"

"You don't know how to be a girlfriend?" Metsumi asked and Keiko hung her head, nodding. Now she really felt like a failure, when it was put like that. 

And then, Metsumi laughed. 

"Is that it?" She asked and Keiko raised a brow. "Oh, I thought it was something way more serious. I'm so relieved." 


"Keiko," she chuckled again. "I can see why this is happening already. Tell me, what is Kaori like?" Metsumi asked. "Describe her to me." 

"Um... She's beautiful," Keiko started but Metsumi cut her off. 

"No, no, her personality."

"Oh. Uh, she's... Very outgoing, kind, and... A bit naive. The type that tries to see the best in people... She's extroverted and open-minded. I think that about sums her up," Keiko concluded. 

"Now, tell me," Metsumi said, "does that sound like someone who wouldn't help you through this if you asked them to?" 

"... What? But, I can't just... Lovers," Keiko said, lowering her volume a bit, "aren't supposed to do that..." 

"What do you mean?" 

"I, well, you can't just ask someone 'hey, what can I do to make you happy?' Right?" 

"Why not?" Metsumi shrugged. "How do you think Satsuhiro and I have been together for so long? We come from two completely different worlds and we're two completely different kinds of people," she told Keiko, "how was he ever supposed to know what I like if he didn't ask?" 

"... But..." 

"Keiko," Metsumi smiled at her kindly. "The issue here is that you're treating Kaori like... A prize to be won, rather than a human being that you can talk to, you know? Personally, I think if you just tell her how you're feeling, she won't need to look for other women to kiss." Metsumi shrugged. "But, and I'm sorry to say this, if you just keep these things bottled up, you'll push her away before you ever find the solutions yourself." 

Keiko leaned back, looking up at the ceiling. 

"So... What, I just go up and ask her what she likes?" 

"Sure, why not?" Metsumi asked. 

And that was what led Keiko to this current moment. 



Keiko had been silent for a few seconds. Kaori had nodded and told her "yes", but Keiko hadn't spoken to her again. The two were sitting on that bench, moonlight pouring onto them from above, coalescing with the sconces and light poles. 

And then, Keiko turned towards her. 

"Kaori... What... Uhm... What do you like?" 

Kaori blinked. 


"In... In uhm, you know..." Keiko blushed. "In bed," she muttered. 

Kaori recoiled. 

"Wow, that came out of nowhere," she said with a smirk. 

"F-Forget it, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked, I just..." Keiko trailed off. 

"No, no," Kaori raised a hand, chuckling. "You just caught me by surprise, is all. Uh," she looked away. "I guess I like being eaten out a lot..." 

"O-Oh..." Keiko's face was now fully red, even noticeable in the slight darkness. Kaori giggled at that. 

"Why do you ask?" 

"..." Keiko looked back at her. She paused, her eyes gleaming in the night. They were so close, Kaori could feel her body almost pressing into her right side. "I want to make you happy," Keiko stated. 

And, at that, Kaori pulled back. She hadn't expected that to come out of Keiko. 

But, now that it was out, Keiko added to it. 

"I know you like me and all but... I can't help but think that as I am, I'm not good enough to keep your interest. And... I know there are other women out there who could do better for you. so... I guess..." Keiko hunched over. "I guess what I am trying to say is..." 

She looked up at Kaori. 

"I don't want to lose you." 

And at that, Kaori felt her eyes tear up as she started laughing. 

She couldn't help it. She hugged Keiko tightly, catching the Zayama by surprise. 

"You don't need to worry about that," Kaori informed her. 

"But... I'm still learning this," Keiko said. "I'm still learning what a relationship is like and... I know you'd rather be with someone who already knows. Someone..." But Keiko didn't finish that sentence. 

"I don't think anyone else is this cute, so I think you're wrong on that one," Kaori told her. It was something that barely ever showed up, but Keiko, at times like these, was truly just adorable. 

"Seriously," Kaori continued. "I know you're still learning. And, don't worry, I'd be happy to show you some tips and tricks," Kaori winked at her and Keiko looked away. "It'll have to be later though, we have a bunch of stuff to do. Come on," Kaori stood up, stretching a hand towards Keiko. "I think it's about time we go to sleep." 

Once again, Kaori had missed an opportunity to vent, but given where Keiko's mind was, she didn't think this was the right time. Besides, she'd rather have both Ash and Keiko be present for that conversation, rather than tell one and not the other. 


Keiko took Kaori's hand and the two walked back to the inn, with that nightmare that had awoken Kaori up in the back of her mind for now. 

She hoped she could keep it there, at least until the battle for Onyx was over, but she didn't know. 

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