Moonlight Demon

Chapter 203: Vol. 4 - Chapter 2


Once she felt like she had the process of cooking raptor soup down, Ash left the restaurant and began heading back to where Keiko and the others currently were, carrying chunks of those raptors' meat in a couple of bags she was given by the restaurant's owner.

In all honesty, Ash could tell she wasn't going to enjoy her time here. The unshielded sun, the dirt that surrounded her, the annoying monsters. She was thoroughly displeased with the fact that she had to be here. 

However, that didn't mean that she wasn't taking advantage of it. Since she'd arrived, she'd spent most of her time farming monsters, which wasn't too hard to do since they were everywhere. No matter where she went if she just walked in a straight line for a few seconds, she was bound to encounter some deadly creature. 

And that meant that her levels had gotten to this point: 

Level 70

MP: 330/330

EXP: 100/700


STR: 50

DEX: 30

CON: 32

INT: 20

WIS: 33

L: 100


Lust: 1/4



Iron Stomach 


Moonlight Nature (all Light and Dark spells are enhanced, though the bearer can only use Light and Dark)

Quick Learner

Demon Inside 

Moonlight Demon (While in Demon Form, all Light and Dark spells are further enhanced)



Aura of the Temptress (During Demon Form: Lust 4/4)




Heal 10mp (the basic Light spell)

Lumina's Presence 10mp (slower, gradual heal on one target)

Lumina's Spirit 15mp (energy boost)

Barrier 15mp (projects a white wall that blocks spells)

Empowered Light 40mp (the effects of Light magic are enhanced on multiple targets)

Curse Removal 100mp

Land of Grace 50mp (AOE heal)

Sacred Ground 20mp (AOE Turn Dark)

Flash of Brilliance 40mp (Blinding)

Cure Poison 10mp


Dark Sphere 10mp (the basic Dark spell)

Perish 15mp (mid-range slightly stronger Dark projectile),

Decimating Touch 15mp (touch-based Dark attack)

Living Vortex 20mp (grants a target lifesteal from wounded bodies around them)

Spirit Siphon 20mp (touch-based lifesteal spell)

Pain Amplification 50mp (Dark magic buff)

Weakening Grasp 50mp (Lower target's resistance to Dark magic)

Soul Tear 200mp (Killing an opponent with this temporarily enhances the user)


Champion of Magia 0mp


Weapon Proficiencies:

Bladed Gauntlets = 6 of 10

Sword = 4 of 10 

Bow = 4 of 10 

Spear = 3 of 10 

Naginata = 3 of 10

Ash's day mostly consisted of the following routine:

First, she'd wake up and have some of the breakfast that Metsumi would cook for everyone. Then, she'd train with Yumi, using different weapons. After that, she'd go look for monsters to fight, by herself, of course. Finally, she'd come back, and if it wasn't too late, she and Yumi would continue their training. 

All of this would take place on The Outskirts, just outside of Amber, as was Satsuhiro's request. 

As she saw her group's tents set up in the distance, she sighed, adjusting the raptor meat she was carrying. 

Metsumi was playing a little song on a four-string instrument she'd brought with her, from Jade, while Satsuhiro was reading something next to her. Yumi was meditating by her lonesome, a few meters away. Opah and Luvine were playing with some dolls Satsuhiro and Metsumi had bought, while Keiko was simply resting, as she sat down with her back to a rock. 

Of course, in a tent just to the left of Ash's own was Kaori, still unconscious.

Ash could just barely see a bump start to form in Keiko's belly, which made her feel strange every time she thought about it. 

As Ash arrived, all eyes went to her. 

"So, tell me again why we're in the middle of fucking nowhere instead of renting out a place in the city?" Ash asked. 

"I already told you," Satsuhiro sighed. "We are, quite literally, traveling with a pregnant woman and a woman in a coma. It would be extremely easy for anyone to take advantage of us right now." 

"I'm level 70. I'm pretty confident I could keep someone from hurting us." 

"If they attacked you from the front, like an idiot, yes. But, what if they slip a drug into your morning coffee? Or a high-level illusionist puts you to sleep? We have too big of a target on our backs," Satsuhiro explained. "This is the safest option for us." 

"Ugh," Ash rolled her eyes as she dropped the raptor meat on a black sheet. "So, how exactly are we supposed to find new magic for me to learn if we never go into the damn city?" 

"I'm still working that out," Satsuhiro told her. Ash just groaned. 

"... Anyway, here, brought something." 

"OH," Metsumi stopped playing her music, standing up to go inspect it. "Wow. Things took a turn over there?" 

"Yeah. Nothing I couldn't handle though."

Still, it was nice to sit in an actual building again.  Ash thought.  I needed that. 

"Good job, then," Metsumi said as she walked over to Ash and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, half-hugging her. "You've come a long way. I'm proud of you." 

Ash lightly shrugged her off though. 

"Not far enough..." She muttered as she looked over to where Kaori was laying. 

Metsumi gave her a reassuring smile though. 

"You'll get her back, kid. I believe in you." 

Ash nodded. 

"What was the place like?" Keiko suddenly asked from the side, and Ash turned towards her. 

"Meh," she shrugged. "Same as every other random building I've found out here. Covered in dirt, inside and out." 

"Really?" Keiko asked with a smile. "I'd like to see one of these with you, at some point." 

"Yeah? You're always welcome to come with me," Ash let her know. "By the way, want me to show you something I learned?" 

"Hm?" Keiko tilted her head. "Of course, what is it?"

"Sure," Metsumi added, smiling as she was surprised. 

"Okay. Boil some water for me, can you?" She asked Metsumi and the strong woman nodded. 

And so, Ash proceeded to cook that night's dinner. It took a lot of effort, but after ten or so minutes, she was handing out something that resembled food to everyone there, in small bowls they'd brought with them. 

Ash walked over to Yumi with her food and the woman's eyes opened. 

"Here you go... Made it myself," Ash told her. 

"Thank you," Yumi bowed and accepted it. And, as the silence stretched between them, Ash walked away. 

They hadn't talked at all about what they'd done together a couple of weeks ago. Ash felt it was best to leave it at that, anyway. It was just something they had needed to do to close the portal. That was it. 

So, why the fuck do I feel so strange around her?  Ash wondered, but she pushed the thought away as she walked around and handed out bowls of raptor soup to everyone else. 

Metsumi was the first to start eating and... 

"Well... For your first time cooking, this is... Not terrible." 

"That bad, huh?" Ash asked. 

"You'll get better!" 

"Great," Ash said as she sat down next to Keiko. Now, she was hesitant to taste her own food, but she forced herself to do it. And, as soon as she took a bite, she gagged.

Oh. Wow. This is awful. 

In front of her, both Opah and Luvine took a sip from her dinner, and Ash laughed when she saw expressions of pure disgust appear on their faces. 

"Eh, I've eaten worse," Ash mumbled to herself as she took another bite. 


A while later, after Ash forced herself to gulp down the sludge she'd made, she looked up at the sky and saw the sun just barely hanging onto the horizon. 

"... Still a bit of time left in the day," Ash said, standing up. 

Keiko, who was still in the same place, stood up all of a sudden as well. Ash raised a brow at her. 

"In that case," Keiko said, "can we take a walk? I haven't moved my legs in a long time." 

Ash nodded. 


"First sign of trouble, you double back over here," Satsuhiro said, "don't risk her getting caught by any stray spells or anything." 

"I can still fight," Keiko muttered. "I... I'm not that far down the process." 

Ash figured she was right, Keiko probably could trade a few blows still, but even then, she was inclined to agree with Satsuhiro on this. Regardless, she kept quiet and waited for Keiko to stretch a little before she slipped on some shoes. And, thus, the two of them started walking away. 

"W-Where are they going?" Ash heard Luvine ask. 

"They'll be back in a bit," Metsumi told her. "Don't worry about them." 

Eventually, the group faded into the background as Ash and Keiko wandered over to the east. 

And, in just a matter of minutes, they were able to see the canyon that Amber was built around. A city divided into two halves, constructed around both sides of this dirt structure, joined together by a series of small bridges. Ash looked over at it with determined eyes. 

"... I'd be surprised if the people there are as bad as Satsuhiro says they are," Keiko stated. "The way he talks about this place, it's as if there's not one redeemable soul there." 

"Vermia was from here, so," Ash countered, "if she's any indication..." 

"Even then, there have to be some good people here. Maybe even a teacher or two that we can find for you," Keiko told her. "You know, for your magic." 

"... Maybe." 

As Ash said that though, she looked over at Keiko. The woman was standing there, her hands held together in front of her, with a little smile that moved to Ash as she noticed the half-demon watching her. 

It struck her, at this moment, how different she looked, compared to when Ash had met her. She'd been a serious, stoic, statue of a person back then, but now... Now she seemed like an angel. 

One who could still slice her in half with a sword if they were even in levels, of course, but an angel nonetheless. 

"Are you doing alright?" Ash asked her. 

"Huh?" Keiko replied. 

"Just asking," Ash crossed her arms and turned away. "We... I don't know, it's been a while since we've been alone together like this. And..." She chuckled. "I'm not too sure what I'm supposed to do." 


Keiko looked away as well, seemingly thinking about it for a second as well. 

"... I suppose, something has been on my mind." 


"... I wonder, you know, this is the realm of magic," Keiko said as she looked at the city in the distance. "A strange place where reality itself shifts and morphs, according to Satsuhiro. Do... Do you think they have any spells or potions that can..." 

"Yeah?" Ash asked. 

Keiko went silent. 

"Nothing," Keiko waved a hand in the air. "I was just thinking out loud." 

"Wouldn't now be the time for that?" Ash asked. "We are by ourselves out here, after all." 

"... No, I'd rather take this time to do this," Keiko said. 

And then, she put a hand on Ash's shoulder, turned the half-demon towards her, got on the tips of her toes, and placed a gentle kiss on Ash's lips. 

Keiko's cheeks were slightly reddened. 

"It's... Been a while since we... ehm..." 

"Since we what?" 

"Well, you know..." Keiko said in a low tone, quiet and embarrassed. Almost ashamed. "And... I don't know. I'm feeling needy, I guess." 

Keiko turned away and Ash smirked a little. 

"We could fuck right here and I could try my hardest not to get sand on your clit." 


"Eh, you asked," Ash said, laughing as Keiko blushed furiously and looked away. 

They remained in silence for a little while longer. The sun lowered and now, they were covered in a dim, orange haze. Neither of them said anything for a while until Keiko finally spoke up again.

"... Could we?" Keiko suddenly asked. 


"Uh... Could you try that? Um, not getting sand on my..." 

Ash took a deep breath then and nodded.

"Yeah. I could give it a shot." 

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