Moonlight Demon

Chapter 283 - Vol. 4 - Epilogue

Note: Ash does some messed-up stuff here. Not super-gory, or anything, but still, just in case.




"Ugh, come on, dad! We're going to miss the sale!" 

"Hold on, hold on a moment," Hina's father replied. "I've nearly finished my coffee." 

Once again, it looked like the two of them were going to be late. After the events that had taken place with the Arcane, which many people, Hina's family included, believed was an assassination plot caused by some people at the Manor, some stores were making an effort to leave the city. As such, they were clearing out and dropping their prices, hoping people would buy everything they had soon. 

As for Hina and her family, they were going to stay at Amber, but the ongoing sales presented a great option for them. Due to this, on one random cold morning, they were scrambling to get ready for the oncoming day, just as the sun had begun to rise outside their restaurant. 

The Outskirts were still as harsh as ever, after all, and they'd need to hurry to avoid any stray monsters. 

"Ohohoho," her father said, his eyes glinting. "It's finished!" 

"Finally," Hina rolled her eyes. "And, here I thought you were go-..." 

She paused, however, when the door to their restaurant opened. 

This was, of course, rare, as they never got customers at this time. This was why they were heading into the city, to begin with, as they could reasonably expect all of the real business to start much later. However, as Hina turned toward the front door to see who had arrived, she gasped. 

A woman with dirty white hair, bags under her eyes, a pair of small horns, and golden armor covered in blood entered the building. 

As she did, she raised up a hand and smiled, and Hina swore she saw bits of meat and blood in her teeth. 

"Yo," the half-demon greeted them. "Got anything to drink? I had some food earlier, but I sort of wanna wash this down." 


Even Earlier


"Agh!?" A random knight at the front of the Manor croaked out one last breath as Ash held her up by her neck. 

Behind her, locals were running frantically from one place to another, screaming, as they had no idea what was happening or why. 

With her right hand, clad in her golden gauntlet, she stabbed through the guard's gut, and soon, the guard ceased moving. 

A couple of other guards were watching, but as they saw Ash take out some of their allies effortlessly, they ran away just like the rest of the locals had. 

Okay. The way should be clear, now.  Ash tossed the guard aside and walked in through the gates at the front. As soon as she entered the building, she found a few servants who all looked at her tensely, as their eyes fell to the blood on her body. 

"Leave," Ash told them. "If you stay, I'll assume it's cause you want to fight." 

As soon as one girl heard that, she threw away the broom she'd been using to sweep the floor, and sprinted in the opposite direction. The other maids and butlers soon followed her example, leaving the halls empty as Ash started walking forward. 

"Sword," she said, transforming her Savior's Weapon. She aimed the tip down and dragged it along the floor, producing an eerie scratching sound.

Looking from one side of the building to another, she tried to make sure she didn't miss anyone dressed in a white suit running away. 

Hm. Maybe they're eating? 

With that thought, Ash walked toward the room where she and her group would normally have their breakfast. Arriving at the door, she opened it and found a man dressed in a white robe eating by his lonesome. 

Oh. A senator. 

The man saw her and quickly stood up. 

"W-What? What is...?" 

He walked back, pressing his body against the wall at the opposite end of the room. Casually, Ash made her way over to him. 

Hm... Actually, Ash thought, looking down at her sword.  I could use this thing, but... That would be a little boring. And, it doesn't really make up for what they did to Arianna and her dad.

Ash stroked her chin with her free hand. 

I need to find a servant. Maybe one of them is still around.  As for this dude, though. 

She reverted her  Lust back into a cube and grabbed the guy by his head, and his neck. With a simple pull, she ripped his head off and tossed his torso aside. 

One down,  she thought, walking out. 

Thankfully, a servant ran straight into her then, colliding with her body. 

"Oof-" she said, falling back as though she'd run into a wall. Ash looked down at her. The girl opened her eyes and, with a nervous expression, it looked like she was about to try to escape. 

"Don't run!" Ash said, helping her up to her feet. "I need your help." 

"W-What?" The girl asked, her hands shaking. 

"Yeah, calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you." Ash pulled her away from the corridor then. "Dagger." 

Seeing Ash transform her cube made the girl pale, but, instead of whatever it was she had on her mind, Ash handed it to her. 

The girl looked up at her, confused. Ash took a deep breath. 

"Okay, stab me." 

"... What?" The girl asked. 

"Stab me," Ash replied. "Right here," she tapped her waist, in an open spot between her greaves and her breastplate. 


"Just do it." 

"Uh, okay... You're not gonna get mad?" 

"Oh, I will," Ash nodded. "Just, not at you." 

"..." She looked confused, but then, she promptly stuck the blade inside of Ash. The pain was sharp, accentuated by the fact that getting the knife into Ash's body gave the girl some trouble, but she managed it. 

"Agh," Ash hissed. "Okay, pull it out." 

Then, she did that, and some violet blood came out of Ash. Then, she healed herself. 

"Alright. Do it again." 

This went on for several stabbings. 

A couple of minutes later, Ash's horns grew longer, and her fingers turned into claws. As she felt herself changing, Ash held herself back from tearing the girl in half. 

"Thanks. Leave," Ash told the girl and she left the dagger in Ash's hands, before sprinting away. 

As Ash was in her Demon Form. 

Taking a deep breath, Ash licked her fangs. 

Yeah. This is better. 

Reverting her dagger into a cube, the woman went back into the same corridor. Moving down the hall, she checked one door after another, without finding many people. 

Hm... If they aren't out here, they're probably in that one meeting room,  Ash snarled.  Where was that place? 

A couple of turns later, and, finally, Ash arrived there. 

She opened the door, which was left unlocked, and entered the room. 

"Where is he!?" A woman was yelling at a senator. 

"Zafir has yet to return, we still do not know..." He paused, as Ash appeared in front of them. 

"S-Savior..." one guy said. 

Ash closed the door then, locking it behind her. 

Then, she got started. The first thing she did was bite into the closest senator's neck. Tearing out as much of it as she could, a spray of blood showered her as the guy fell down. The woman ahead screamed.

The senators began launching spells at her then, but Ash moved too quickly. Dodging out of the way of each projectile, she stuck her hand straight through a man's chest. Then, she grabbed another senator by the head and pulled him down, delivering a crushing knee. 

One by one, she made her way through the room, until the only person left was the woman who'd been shrieking before. Ash approached her, curious. 

"Who are you?" She asked, resisting the urge to kill her momentarily. 

"..." She didn't answer. She was too horrified. 

"Eh, whatever," she muttered, before showing off her claws. 

"I-I am Zafir's wife!" She yelled, then. "I am Zafir's wife!" Ash's eyes widened. "When... When my husband returns, you are going to be hung in the middle of the city, for everyone to see!" 

Ash glared at her. 

"Really?" Ash tilted her head. "Does the name, 'Arianna' mean anything to you? Oh, along with the word, 'torture', too." 

The girl's eyes widened. 

"I-I knew, I knew that Jade trash like you would be nothing but trouble for us!" She yelled out, looking as though she was getting confident in her insults. "We'd all be better off without you!" 

"... You wanna know something?" Ash asked then, walking closer to her. She scurried back, and Ash followed. "When I first turned into this," she looked down at her hands, "I tasted blood for the first time. I was so grossed out with myself that day because I felt like I'd turned into an animal. Like I'd turned into a demon. But, now, I've realized something." 

Ash grinned at her. 

"Maybe, that's not such a bad thing sometimes." 

Then, with her fangs ready, she pounced on her.


A Short While Later


The woman hadn't left. 

Covered in blood from the neck down, she sat in the middle of the restaurant, drinking some water. 

"Oh, fuck, that's good," Ash said.  "Thank you." 

"You're welcome..." Hina replied as she realized why she looked so familiar. "Um... Sorry, but, are you the woman I ran into earlier this month?" 

"Yeah," the half-demon said. "The food here was nice. Figured I'd come back before I left town." 

"Oh... Uh, thanks." 

"Are you in a hurry?" She asked, tilting her head at Hina. "You look like you want me to leave." 

"S-Sorry!" Hina raised her hands. "I'm just... We were going to head into the city, soon." She gestured at herself and her father. 

"Ah. My bad, then," the woman replied. She stood up then, downing the rest of her water in a couple of sips, and then leaving the cup on the table. "I'll get out of your hair." 

"Um... I really don't want to seem like I'm kicking you out," Hina jogged over to her. The woman paused. "It's just... Uh, yeah," Hina gestured at her armor. 

"I understand, don't worry," she shrugged. "Hope your trip goes well. You won't find any monsters on the way, it's all good." 

"W-Wait," Hina said. "What was your name, again?" 

The half-demon turned toward her. 

And, although she looked painfully tired, she smiled, and Hina didn't see any meat in her teeth anymore. 

"Ash.. I'm a Savior."

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