Moonlight Demon

Chapter 311: Vol. 5 -

A Few Days Later

One week. One week was all that remained before Ash had to undergo the trial, and she'd gotten little progress done since the attack on the camp. Because she had no demons to fight, she had to settle for raising her attributes individually, which was what she was in the middle of now. 

With multiple targets set up ahead, Ash prepared a few arrows before letting them all fly. Each one was a bullseye, landing squarely in the center of every target. At that moment, the half-demon saw her Dexterity go up, and she checked her status. 

Level 81

MP: 330/330

EXP: 0/810

STR: 65

DEX: 41

CON: 40

INT: 34

WIS: 33

L: 100

… This isn't enough,  Ash thought.  What else can I do, though? I can't leave this camp to go farm because otherwise they'll all get wiped out, and until those reinforcements get here, I can't study any new spells either. So, what do I even do? 

"You're getting much more precise," Yumi said, as she, Keiko, and Sinneah stood behind her. 

"It's not that hard to hit things that aren't running to claw my face off." 

"That is certainly true, but still, I can see the improvement," Yumi added. 

"…" Somehow, that didn't make Ash feel any better. 

As they stood around there, though, Ash walked back and let the others have their turns shooting some arrows, as they two needed to get their stats up. She moved a bit of distance away, sitting down on the grass as she watched Yumi pick up a bow of her own that one of the soldiers had let her borrow and began going through the same routine Ash had done. 

In the middle of it though, Ash heard some soldiers speaking behind her. 

"Did you get a look at those Lust demons?" One soldier asked another. 

"Yeah. Damn shame we didn't get to capture any. Honestly, I'm starting to understand why everyone in Onyx is going crazy over these things," the other replied, and Ash narrowed her brows, turning around. 


"Yeah, I haven't seen tits like that in, well, ever. Almost made me feel bad for stabbing them." 

"Maybe one of these days we'll get to keep one of them, who knows?" 

"Don't they try to get you pregnant or some shit though?"

"What do you mean?"

"One of those things got Lady Elisa pregnant. I'm pretty sure I heard that a while ago. Listen, I'm not interested in having a tail poking me in the ass."

As their conversation went on, Ash eventually just shook her head and walked back over to the others. She already had a lot on her mind, she didn't need to be thinking about what Elisa was doing with her Lust demons back at Onyx. 

She walked over to where Keiko was, and as the shorter girl watched Yumi shoot some arrows, Ash let out a sigh and embraced the girl from behind, letting her chin rest atop Keiko's head. Even now, standing amidst the subtle remnants of what had been a brutal battle just a little while ago, the flowery scent that somehow, Keiko had managed to keep through all of it made being in her presence a numbing experience. 

"Ash?" Keiko asked. 

"I'm nervous." The half-demon replied quickly. "What the hell am I gonna do about Kaori's thing?" 

"Oh? I think you'll be fine," Keiko told her, with no hesitation. 

"I'm not doing anything, though," Ash replied, as Sinneah looked over at them. She held a curious expression before turning her eyes back over to Yumi. "What if every enemy I fight in that thing is like, level 100 or something? What do I do?" 

"Well, remember what Satsuhiro said?" Keiko asked, placing her hands on Ash's arms, crossed over her. "Even if they're higher level than you, the fights will still be doable because of how leveling works. Levels make less of a difference the higher you go." 

"I guess," Ash shrugged. "But… I don't know. It's no ordinary fight. If I fail…" 

"You won't," Keiko quickly cut her off. "I trust you to win. And, I'm sure Kaori does too." 

… I don't know. I have to figure something out cause this just feels like it isn't enough. 

Before she could ponder the matter for too long, however, sounds began to make themselves heard. It sounded like that of horses pulling wagons along, and Ash's ears perked up, just as the others nearby noticed the sounds as well. A few of them grew suspicious, though Ash waited to see who or what was coming along. 

It took a few seconds for the owners of those sounds to appear, but when they did, everyone at the camp stood up to get a good luck at them. Another caravan had come. One that had every wagon packed full with people in them. Some were dressed in the typical white and gold armor of Jade, but others were suited in black and blue. 

As far as Ash was concerned, however, all she cared about was that, maybe, they could finally get moving again. She was close to just yanking all of these soldiers out of their carts right now and pushing them down the hill to start the fight. 

Instead, as Satsuhiro walked over to her and the others, she watched as they arrived. 

"Well, this is fortunate timing," Satsuhiro stated. 

"How long will it be before we start fighting?" Ash asked. 

"Hm. Calm down," Satsuhiro told her. "Just cause they got here doesn't mean we can skip out on the prep that needs to be done. A plan will need to be made, and the new soldiers will have to get settled in before we kick things off." 

"Why? We can just walk down there right now? If we're going to be taking the city back they can just wait till we're done and go back to their old houses or some shit." 

"Ash, calm down," Satsuhiro reiterated. "You still have some time before the trial. Just wait for them to do their thing. It's fine." 

Ash rolled her eyes with a sigh, but she nodded and Satsuhiro walked over to the wagon at the front, to speak with the soldiers. 

… So, who did they send?  Ash asked, following behind him. Are these people gonna be of any actual use? What are their levels like?

Her violet eyes inspected each of the new arrivals, and what she saw left a lot to be desired. 

Level 21, level 17, level 15, level 15 again, really? Well, at least the portal won't be buffing those things anymore. The fight should be more even on their front. As for me, though, it's that one Nightmare I need to be cautious of. 

As the soldiers jumped off the wagon, the others who were already here greeted them as they spread throughout the encampment. One of them, however, stood out from the rest. 

A woman with silver eyes and golden hair tied into a ponytail, wearing a suit of what looked like black steel, carrying the biggest bow on her back that Ash had ever seen. 

She saw Satsuhiro, and then noticed Ash behind him, and went straight over to them.

She had a stern look on her face, one that didn't change as she approached and bowed to them. 

"Blessings of Alkoth, Saviors. My name is Ichigo. I am here to aid you in this venture." 

Keiko walked up then, though she didn't get any closer than standing a few steps behind Ash. 

Okay, let's see… 

Level 30

MP: 300/300

… Wait,  Ash thought.  She's actually fairly strong. Damn. 

"Hm… I didn't think the Compound would send someone of such a high level." 

"With all due respect to my distant cousins," Ichigo said, "the Compound did not send me. I am here of my own volition." 

"Really?" Satsuhiro sounded just as surprised as Ash felt. 

"Yes," she nodded. "On behalf of the Church of Alkoth in Sapphire," she added. "I, and some others, heard Pearl was to be retaken. And so, we came to assist you." 

"So, you're not from the Compound?" Keiko asked, walking up to her. 

"Hm? No, in case I did not make it clear enough," she chuckled. "Goodness. I can't remember the last time I stepped foot in the Compound. Regardless, however, what sort of preparation will we be conducting?" 

"Don't you want to find someplace to sleep first? I imagine it was a long trip," Satsuhiro replied. 

"I do not have any particular preferences. If there is any space for me, I will accept it, but I do not mind sleeping in the wagons if I have to," she shrugged. "I would like to know, though, if you-" 

She stopped speaking, however, when her eyes fell on someone behind Ash. Ash turned to see who she was looking at. 

Yumi was still shooting her arrows at the targets they'd set up earlier, though she had some soldiers watching her train now. A few of the new arrivals though were looking at Sinneah's tail more than Yumi. 

"I heard… That woman, she is part of your group, right?" Ichigo asked. 

"Uh, yeah, how do you know?" Ash raised a brow. 

"What is her name?" 

"Yumi," Keiko replied. 

"Ah… Yumi," Ichigo said. "I see. I had heard about her," she stated. "I didn't think I'd actually get to see her in person." 

"What are you talking about?" Ash asked. 

"A few soldiers I know from Onyx told me about her. Many soldiers, actually, reported seeing her cleaving through countless demons like they were barely any threats at all. She… I had hoped to see  her one day." 

She shook her head. 

"I apologize. Where were we?" 

"Well," Satsuhiro said, "with everyone here, we should start preparing for whatever it is we're going to do." 

"Right.. Lead the way." 

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