143 At The Movies
An hour later, Arnold left Rebecca in the storage closet to go and get his things ready. He went into the specimen storage and retrieved a proper container, donned the right safety equipment to protect himself, then transferred his specimens and everything else he needed into the container, including cleaning items and anything else that was used in the lab. He made sure to only take exactly what he needed and closed the container.
Arnold cleaned up and picked up the container and went back to the storage room. Rebecca was fast asleep and he set the container down, then went up to the lab. He took out the laptop and the pile of paper sheets, then erased the number of rats and changed it to one. He also adjusted the appropriate cleaning supplies to reflect him taking them, which covered his tracks. He saved his work and put everything back, then went down to the storage area.
“Rebecca.” Arnold said and knelt as he gently shook her awake.
“Ahrnold.” Rebecca whispered and opened her eyes. “Mah dream came true.”
“We have to get back.” Arnold said.
“Shore.” Rebecca said and he helped her stand. “Ah'd like fer ya ta do this whit me again sometime.”
“Okay.” Arnold said and waited for her to put her dress back on.
Rebecca picked up her panties and looked at them, then at Arnold. “Do ya wanna keep these?” She asked. “Ya earned 'em.”
Arnold raised his eyebrows at her and she laughed.
“Nah, I guess ya would have a pile of 'em by now if'n ya collected 'em.” Rebecca said and took a deep breath and let it out. She bent over and stepped into the panties and pulled them up, then put the bottom of her dress back into place. “Okay, I'm ready.” She said and there was no trace of her accent.
Arnold opened the door of the storage area and picked up the container, then Rebecca led him out of the building and back to their dorm. She asked him what he was going to do during his time off and he tapped the container with his thumb.
“Hey, you two.” Doris said when Rebecca held open the door for Arnold. “Should I ask what you've got in there?” She motioned to the large container that Arnold had.
“They are specimens I caught and prepped for myself.” Arnold said.
“Caught?” Both Rebecca and Doris asked, a little surprised.
Arnold opened the container and showed them.
“Rats!” Both women exclaimed and let out girly shrieks at what they saw.
“Close it! Close it! Close it!” Doris said and retreated to her desk. “Good lord in heaven.” She said and waved a hand in front of her face. “I knew I shouldn't have asked.”
Arnold closed it and went over to the elevator. He put the container down and pushed the button. A moment later, the door opened and he carried the container inside. Rebecca stayed in the middle of the lobby and hadn't moved.
“Are you going back to your room?” Arnold asked.
“Ah'll... um... wait fer tha next elevator.” Rebecca said, her accent back in full force. “Ah need ta ask Doris something.”
“Okay.” Arnold said and let the doors close.
“What do you need to ask me?” Doris asked.
“Tha' wuz jus' an excuse.” Rebecca said and walked over to her. “Ah just didn't wanna be in tha elevator whit a buncha rats.”
Doris took a breath and let it out, then she nodded in understanding.
Kelly was in the middle of texting Annie about Arnold's situation with him having a whole week off before the fall semester starts, when she heard a beep from Arnold's computer. She walked over to it and woke it up, to see a message from the developers. A second later, another message appeared from the first guy Arnold had emailed and she read the subject line with a frown.
I'm sorry that you didn't understand what I meant? Kelly shook her head at the arrogance. She clicked it and read it, and it was full of self-serving comments and explanations of why he reacted like he did. There wasn't a hint of an apology, or even remorse, because the message was all about him and not about Arnold at all.
Kelly sat down and she copied everything, including the subject line, and sent it to the head developer with her second formal complaint about the guy's behavior. She didn't bother opening the other email, because that was something she knew that Arnold would want to see for himself. She was tempted to read it and then mark it unread, so it wouldn't look like she read it, then decided that she couldn't do that to him.
No sooner had she decided that when Arnold came into the dorm room. He carried a large container that she recognized as a specimen container.
“I was just sending another email to that idiot about the game.” Kelly said and stood up as Arnold put the container down at the side of the room and out of the way. “His apology wasn't anything of the sort, then he had the gall to ask for your help!” She said and looked at her phone. “Oh, and Annie said that she can't wait to see you back at the house, so she can...” Kelly scrolled back and read the message. “...give you as many hugs and cuddles as she can to make up for your job ending early.”
Arnold nodded and walked over to his computer. He saw the unread message and clicked on it.
“Oh, my god.” Kelly said as she saw what it was over his shoulder.
It was the Shaman skill tree and the full descriptions of the skills and what they did, how they affected the game, and how many points it would take to unlock all of them.
“You were right, Arnold. It would be a waste of points to mark everything and to make a map of the skill tree.” Kelly glanced at some of the skill descriptions and shook her head. “Why the hell would you want to experience the spirit's death for?”
“I don't know.” Arnold said and read the rest of the message. “You were right, too. I am the only one to qualify for the sub-class.” He said. “I'm also the only one to ever complete the Training Witch's open quest.”
Kelly chuckled. “I bet they were pretty shocked that you qualify as a magic user without being a magic user.” She said and leaned against his back as she got a closer look. It pressed her breasts into him and she knew that he wouldn't react to it. “Wow, look at the new user numbers they claim you've generated for them.” She said, then she gasped and pointed. “They're raising the level cap!”
Arnold read the part she pointed to and the developers said that there was no need to have the high level players stagnate while the new players gained new things.
“This is great!” Kelly said and hugged him from behind. “All of the old players are going to freak out when they make the announcement!”
“Next week.” Arnold said. “We have to stay quiet about it until then.”
Kelly nodded, even though... technically... Arnold had already violated his non-disclosure agreement by letting her see it. She didn't point that out, because the last thing she wanted was to stop him from telling her things.
“Arnold, what do you want to do this afternoon?” Kelly asked and hoped that he didn't say specimens.
Arnold just shrugged and that rubbed her chest.
“What about... going to the movies?” Kelly asked. “Annie said that the two of you had a great time when you went.”
“Okay.” Arnold said and stood up, so Kelly had to let him go. “You need to get ready. We can get the bus in half an hour.”
“That's plenty of time.” Kelly said and walked over to the room door and shut it. “I took a shower while you were gone.” She walked over to what was supposed to be her part of the closet and dug out a nice outfit. She stripped off completely and stood there as she played a little with the bra. She tried to delay putting it on, that way Arnold could look at her as much as he wanted, then she put it on. Her panties were next and then she dressed in a stylish outfit that showed off her curves and still left her concealed enough that she wasn't uncomfortable.
Kelly went to the bathroom and did up her make-up, just like how Annie had shown her, and she came back out. “I'm all ready.”
They left the dorm room and walked down the hallway. The few girls still there only waved and Arnold and Kelly rode the elevator down to the ground floor.
“We're going to the movies.” Arnold said to Doris before she could ask them where they were going.
“Cell phones?” Doris asked and they both took them out and showed her. She nodded and they left.
They walked off of the campus grounds and over to the bus stop, then boarded the local line. They had two transfers before they reached the spot where the theatre was and went inside. It was in the afternoon, so it was relatively quiet and only a little crowded.
“Oh, hey!” Pam said and smiled at them. “What are you guys going to see?”
“Is that fish movie still playing?” Kelly asked.
“Nope, that stopped last week.” Pam said. “If you're looking for a jump scare movie like that, I can recommend a couple of them.”
“As long as it's not too scary.” Kelly said, a little sheepishly.
Pam told her the least scary one. “I counted them and there's only six jump scares in the whole movie.”
“Whew, okay.” Kelly said. “I think I can take that.”
Pam laughed. “You've got a big strong hand to cover your face when it's necessary.” She said and looked at Arnold. “I can tell you when they happen if you want me to.”
“Okay.” Arnold said and leaned over the counter. Pam whispered in his ear and he nodded his head several times. “Thank you.” He said and gave her a quick kiss. “I want two tickets and the number three combo.”
“You got it.” Pam said as she fought to keep the blush off of her face. She did up the combo and then printed off the two tickets. She took the money and gave him the change, then he did up an appropriate tip and gave it to her. “Thank you, Arnold.”
Kelly led Arnold away from the counter and down to the right theatre. They went inside and all the lights were on. “We have about half an hour before the movie starts.” She said and picked good seats for them to watch it. She wiped at some perceived dirt on the seat and sat down.
Arnold sat beside her and put the large cup of soda into the holder between them.
“Arnold, do you...” Kelly wasn't sure how to ask him what she wanted to know, without just saying it outright and it sounding like an accusation. “Are you thanking people all the time by kissing them?”
“No.” Arnold said and she relaxed.
“That's good.” Kelly said. “Annie was worried that you would go back to that behavior when... well...”
“When we broke up.” Arnold finished for her and she nodded.
Kelly looked at his profile and she knew that he wasn't going to do anything with her. Even though they were at the movies, and he had bought the tickets and the popcorn, he wasn't going to try and take advantage of her. The problem was, she wanted him to.
The two of them sat there and snacked on popcorn, the bag of candy that came with the combo, and sipped on the same soda. The lights started to decrease in luminosity and it plunged the theatre into darkness.
“Arnold, have you taken anyone else to the theatre like this?” Kelly asked.
“Just mom.” Arnold said.
“So, you haven't... shared a combo with anyone else?”
“No.” Arnold said and took another small sip of soda. Kelly smiled and took a sip herself, then the movie started.
It was absolutely terrifying.
Pam worked hard and she kept a huge smile on her face the entire time. It turned out to be the best day for tips as everyone seemed to enjoy seeing her so happy. She served them quickly and efficiently and made sure they were happy with their orders, then waved as they left.
“You're in a good mood.” Mike said from the door of the manager's office that was beside the concessions counter.
“It's just a nice day.” Pam said and gave him the same huge smile. He couldn't help but smile back at her obvious happiness.
“Well, keep up the good work.” Mike said and went back into the office.
It's not every day that I can torment Arnold's ex-girlfriend for trying to abuse his good nature. Pam thought, happily. She hadn't even gone to watch them during her break, because she knew exactly how their 'date' was going to go while watching that movie. Badly. She couldn't stop herself from smiling, even if she tried, and she didn't try. She wanted to keep this smile for as long as she could.
Oh. My. God. Kelly thought in shock as they left the darkened theatre. Her arms trembled and her hands shook after experiencing the scariest movie she had ever seen. Her mind reeled over the gory scenes she saw and to Arnold's credit, he blocked her eyes with his hand for every single jump scare. It was just unfortunate that he didn't do it for the whole movie. Also, he couldn't block her ears.
Kelly very easily imagined what was happening on the screen during those jump scares by the sounds she heard. She shook her head to try and get the imagery out of her mind and she knew that she wasn't going to forget that movie for a very, very long time. She clung to Arnold's arm tightly and didn't look up as they walked to the lobby.
“Hey, there!” Pam said and Arnold brought Kelly over to her. “I hope you liked the movie.” She said and looked at Arnold. “You protected her at the right times, didn't you?”
“Yes.” Arnold said. “She didn't see any of the jump scares.”
Pam nodded. “I'm glad I sent you to that one, because the other movie has eleven jump scares.”
ELEVEN! Kelly yelled in her mind and shivered.
“It's restricted, too.” Pam said. “It's too scary for anyone under fourteen.”
Kelly shook her head again. She couldn't imagine a more scary movie than the one she just saw, and she didn't want to think about what could possibly be in that movie to make it even more scary.
“Thank you both for coming by today.” Pam said and glanced at the office to see that Mike was busy. “You made my day so much better than it was.” She leaned over the counter. “Thank you, Arnold.”
Arnold gave her a quick kiss and she leaned back to her side of the counter.
“Have a great day!” Pam said and watched Arnold lead a slightly shaking Kelly out of the building. You really made my day. She thought, happily.
Another movie let out and Pam smiled and waved to the people as they left, then the time for another movie to start approached. She became busy again as she sold tickets and snacks to the start of the evening crowd, their busiest time, and it seemed to fly by like it didn't even happen.
Being happy at your job really does make the time go by quicker. Pam thought.
By the time her shift ended, the whole place had cleared out and it was only her and a couple other workers doing the final clean-up on the last theatre. They laughed and carried on, quickly finished up, and went back out to the manager's office to sign out on the sheet.
“See ya, Pam.” One guy said.
“Bye, Pam!” The other guy and girl said at the same time, then the three of them left.
“Pam, can I talk to you?” Mike asked.
“Oh, shit. You're firing me.” Pam said and her smile faded. “I knew you stayed behind for a reason.”
Mike laughed and shook his head. “No, I'm not firing you.” He said. “I did stay behind for a reason, though.”
“Okay.” Pam said and braced herself for the worst.
“I'm giving you a raise.”
“WHAT?!?” Pam yelled and it echoed through the empty lobby.
“Geez, Pam. Tone it down a little.” Mike rubbed his ears. “I didn't want the others to know.”
Pam stared at him in disbelief. “You're serious? You're actually giving me a raise?”
Mike nodded. “I hope you're happy with it.” He said and passed her a paper with her new pay on it. “You've always been a good worker; but, the last few weeks you've been exemplary.” He said. “Whatever you're doing, keep it up.”
Pam blinked her eyes and had to read the paper a few times. “Mike.” She looked up from the paper. “If you weren't my boss, I would almost be tempted to offer to kiss you.”
Mike laughed. “That's the most mealy-mouthed anti-sexual assault wording I've heard yet.”
“Hey, I gotta be careful.” Pam said with a grin. “These lips are a dangerous weapon.”
She skipped continuing on and saying that they were cocked and loaded, even though she wanted to.
Mike laughed again. “Yeah, okay. Get out of here.” He said. “See you next weekend.”
“You sure will!” Pam said as her good mood became great. She grabbed the full garbage bag of popcorn from behind the counter and left the theatre almost jumping for joy.
An hour later, Arnold left Rebecca in the storage closet to go and get his things ready. He went into the specimen storage and retrieved a proper container, donned the right safety equipment to protect himself, then transferred his specimens and everything else he needed into the container, including cleaning items and anything else that was used in the lab. He made sure to only take exactly what he needed and closed the container.
Arnold cleaned up and picked up the container and went back to the storage room. Rebecca was fast asleep and he set the container down, then went up to the lab. He took out the laptop and the pile of paper sheets, then erased the number of rats and changed it to one. He also adjusted the appropriate cleaning supplies to reflect him taking them, which covered his tracks. He saved his work and put everything back, then went down to the storage area.
“Rebecca.” Arnold said and knelt as he gently shook her awake.
“Ahrnold.” Rebecca whispered and opened her eyes. “Mah dream came true.”
“We have to get back.” Arnold said.
“Shore.” Rebecca said and he helped her stand. “Ah'd like fer ya ta do this whit me again sometime.”
“Okay.” Arnold said and waited for her to put her dress back on.
Rebecca picked up her panties and looked at them, then at Arnold. “Do ya wanna keep these?” She asked. “Ya earned 'em.”
Arnold raised his eyebrows at her and she laughed.
“Nah, I guess ya would have a pile of 'em by now if'n ya collected 'em.” Rebecca said and took a deep breath and let it out. She bent over and stepped into the panties and pulled them up, then put the bottom of her dress back into place. “Okay, I'm ready.” She said and there was no trace of her accent.
Arnold opened the door of the storage area and picked up the container, then Rebecca led him out of the building and back to their dorm. She asked him what he was going to do during his time off and he tapped the container with his thumb.
“Hey, you two.” Doris said when Rebecca held open the door for Arnold. “Should I ask what you've got in there?” She motioned to the large container that Arnold had.
“They are specimens I caught and prepped for myself.” Arnold said.
“Caught?” Both Rebecca and Doris asked, a little surprised.
Arnold opened the container and showed them.
“Rats!” Both women exclaimed and let out girly shrieks at what they saw.
“Close it! Close it! Close it!” Doris said and retreated to her desk. “Good lord in heaven.” She said and waved a hand in front of her face. “I knew I shouldn't have asked.”
Arnold closed it and went over to the elevator. He put the container down and pushed the button. A moment later, the door opened and he carried the container inside. Rebecca stayed in the middle of the lobby and hadn't moved.
“Are you going back to your room?” Arnold asked.
“Ah'll... um... wait fer tha next elevator.” Rebecca said, her accent back in full force. “Ah need ta ask Doris something.”
“Okay.” Arnold said and let the doors close.
“What do you need to ask me?” Doris asked.
“Tha' wuz jus' an excuse.” Rebecca said and walked over to her. “Ah just didn't wanna be in tha elevator whit a buncha rats.”
Doris took a breath and let it out, then she nodded in understanding.
Kelly was in the middle of texting Annie about Arnold's situation with him having a whole week off before the fall semester starts, when she heard a beep from Arnold's computer. She walked over to it and woke it up, to see a message from the developers. A second later, another message appeared from the first guy Arnold had emailed and she read the subject line with a frown.
I'm sorry that you didn't understand what I meant? Kelly shook her head at the arrogance. She clicked it and read it, and it was full of self-serving comments and explanations of why he reacted like he did. There wasn't a hint of an apology, or even remorse, because the message was all about him and not about Arnold at all.
Kelly sat down and she copied everything, including the subject line, and sent it to the head developer with her second formal complaint about the guy's behavior. She didn't bother opening the other email, because that was something she knew that Arnold would want to see for himself. She was tempted to read it and then mark it unread, so it wouldn't look like she read it, then decided that she couldn't do that to him.
No sooner had she decided that when Arnold came into the dorm room. He carried a large container that she recognized as a specimen container.
“I was just sending another email to that idiot about the game.” Kelly said and stood up as Arnold put the container down at the side of the room and out of the way. “His apology wasn't anything of the sort, then he had the gall to ask for your help!” She said and looked at her phone. “Oh, and Annie said that she can't wait to see you back at the house, so she can...” Kelly scrolled back and read the message. “...give you as many hugs and cuddles as she can to make up for your job ending early.”
Arnold nodded and walked over to his computer. He saw the unread message and clicked on it.
“Oh, my god.” Kelly said as she saw what it was over his shoulder.
It was the Shaman skill tree and the full descriptions of the skills and what they did, how they affected the game, and how many points it would take to unlock all of them.
“You were right, Arnold. It would be a waste of points to mark everything and to make a map of the skill tree.” Kelly glanced at some of the skill descriptions and shook her head. “Why the hell would you want to experience the spirit's death for?”
“I don't know.” Arnold said and read the rest of the message. “You were right, too. I am the only one to qualify for the sub-class.” He said. “I'm also the only one to ever complete the Training Witch's open quest.”
Kelly chuckled. “I bet they were pretty shocked that you qualify as a magic user without being a magic user.” She said and leaned against his back as she got a closer look. It pressed her breasts into him and she knew that he wouldn't react to it. “Wow, look at the new user numbers they claim you've generated for them.” She said, then she gasped and pointed. “They're raising the level cap!”
Arnold read the part she pointed to and the developers said that there was no need to have the high level players stagnate while the new players gained new things.
“This is great!” Kelly said and hugged him from behind. “All of the old players are going to freak out when they make the announcement!”
“Next week.” Arnold said. “We have to stay quiet about it until then.”
Kelly nodded, even though... technically... Arnold had already violated his non-disclosure agreement by letting her see it. She didn't point that out, because the last thing she wanted was to stop him from telling her things.
“Arnold, what do you want to do this afternoon?” Kelly asked and hoped that he didn't say specimens.
Arnold just shrugged and that rubbed her chest.
“What about... going to the movies?” Kelly asked. “Annie said that the two of you had a great time when you went.”
“Okay.” Arnold said and stood up, so Kelly had to let him go. “You need to get ready. We can get the bus in half an hour.”
“That's plenty of time.” Kelly said and walked over to the room door and shut it. “I took a shower while you were gone.” She walked over to what was supposed to be her part of the closet and dug out a nice outfit. She stripped off completely and stood there as she played a little with the bra. She tried to delay putting it on, that way Arnold could look at her as much as he wanted, then she put it on. Her panties were next and then she dressed in a stylish outfit that showed off her curves and still left her concealed enough that she wasn't uncomfortable.
Kelly went to the bathroom and did up her make-up, just like how Annie had shown her, and she came back out. “I'm all ready.”
They left the dorm room and walked down the hallway. The few girls still there only waved and Arnold and Kelly rode the elevator down to the ground floor.
“We're going to the movies.” Arnold said to Doris before she could ask them where they were going.
“Cell phones?” Doris asked and they both took them out and showed her. She nodded and they left.
They walked off of the campus grounds and over to the bus stop, then boarded the local line. They had two transfers before they reached the spot where the theatre was and went inside. It was in the afternoon, so it was relatively quiet and only a little crowded.
“Oh, hey!” Pam said and smiled at them. “What are you guys going to see?”
“Is that fish movie still playing?” Kelly asked.
“Nope, that stopped last week.” Pam said. “If you're looking for a jump scare movie like that, I can recommend a couple of them.”
“As long as it's not too scary.” Kelly said, a little sheepishly.
Pam told her the least scary one. “I counted them and there's only six jump scares in the whole movie.”
“Whew, okay.” Kelly said. “I think I can take that.”
Pam laughed. “You've got a big strong hand to cover your face when it's necessary.” She said and looked at Arnold. “I can tell you when they happen if you want me to.”
“Okay.” Arnold said and leaned over the counter. Pam whispered in his ear and he nodded his head several times. “Thank you.” He said and gave her a quick kiss. “I want two tickets and the number three combo.”
“You got it.” Pam said as she fought to keep the blush off of her face. She did up the combo and then printed off the two tickets. She took the money and gave him the change, then he did up an appropriate tip and gave it to her. “Thank you, Arnold.”
Kelly led Arnold away from the counter and down to the right theatre. They went inside and all the lights were on. “We have about half an hour before the movie starts.” She said and picked good seats for them to watch it. She wiped at some perceived dirt on the seat and sat down.
Arnold sat beside her and put the large cup of soda into the holder between them.
“Arnold, do you...” Kelly wasn't sure how to ask him what she wanted to know, without just saying it outright and it sounding like an accusation. “Are you thanking people all the time by kissing them?”
“No.” Arnold said and she relaxed.
“That's good.” Kelly said. “Annie was worried that you would go back to that behavior when... well...”
“When we broke up.” Arnold finished for her and she nodded.
Kelly looked at his profile and she knew that he wasn't going to do anything with her. Even though they were at the movies, and he had bought the tickets and the popcorn, he wasn't going to try and take advantage of her. The problem was, she wanted him to.
The two of them sat there and snacked on popcorn, the bag of candy that came with the combo, and sipped on the same soda. The lights started to decrease in luminosity and it plunged the theatre into darkness.
“Arnold, have you taken anyone else to the theatre like this?” Kelly asked.
“Just mom.” Arnold said.
“So, you haven't... shared a combo with anyone else?”
“No.” Arnold said and took another small sip of soda. Kelly smiled and took a sip herself, then the movie started.
It was absolutely terrifying.
Pam worked hard and she kept a huge smile on her face the entire time. It turned out to be the best day for tips as everyone seemed to enjoy seeing her so happy. She served them quickly and efficiently and made sure they were happy with their orders, then waved as they left.
“You're in a good mood.” Mike said from the door of the manager's office that was beside the concessions counter.
“It's just a nice day.” Pam said and gave him the same huge smile. He couldn't help but smile back at her obvious happiness.
“Well, keep up the good work.” Mike said and went back into the office.
It's not every day that I can torment Arnold's ex-girlfriend for trying to abuse his good nature. Pam thought, happily. She hadn't even gone to watch them during her break, because she knew exactly how their 'date' was going to go while watching that movie. Badly. She couldn't stop herself from smiling, even if she tried, and she didn't try. She wanted to keep this smile for as long as she could.
Oh. My. God. Kelly thought in shock as they left the darkened theatre. Her arms trembled and her hands shook after experiencing the scariest movie she had ever seen. Her mind reeled over the gory scenes she saw and to Arnold's credit, he blocked her eyes with his hand for every single jump scare. It was just unfortunate that he didn't do it for the whole movie. Also, he couldn't block her ears.
Kelly very easily imagined what was happening on the screen during those jump scares by the sounds she heard. She shook her head to try and get the imagery out of her mind and she knew that she wasn't going to forget that movie for a very, very long time. She clung to Arnold's arm tightly and didn't look up as they walked to the lobby.
“Hey, there!” Pam said and Arnold brought Kelly over to her. “I hope you liked the movie.” She said and looked at Arnold. “You protected her at the right times, didn't you?”
“Yes.” Arnold said. “She didn't see any of the jump scares.”
Pam nodded. “I'm glad I sent you to that one, because the other movie has eleven jump scares.”
ELEVEN! Kelly yelled in her mind and shivered.
“It's restricted, too.” Pam said. “It's too scary for anyone under fourteen.”
Kelly shook her head again. She couldn't imagine a more scary movie than the one she just saw, and she didn't want to think about what could possibly be in that movie to make it even more scary.
“Thank you both for coming by today.” Pam said and glanced at the office to see that Mike was busy. “You made my day so much better than it was.” She leaned over the counter. “Thank you, Arnold.”
Arnold gave her a quick kiss and she leaned back to her side of the counter.
“Have a great day!” Pam said and watched Arnold lead a slightly shaking Kelly out of the building. You really made my day. She thought, happily.
Another movie let out and Pam smiled and waved to the people as they left, then the time for another movie to start approached. She became busy again as she sold tickets and snacks to the start of the evening crowd, their busiest time, and it seemed to fly by like it didn't even happen.
Being happy at your job really does make the time go by quicker. Pam thought.
By the time her shift ended, the whole place had cleared out and it was only her and a couple other workers doing the final clean-up on the last theatre. They laughed and carried on, quickly finished up, and went back out to the manager's office to sign out on the sheet.
“See ya, Pam.” One guy said.
“Bye, Pam!” The other guy and girl said at the same time, then the three of them left.
“Pam, can I talk to you?” Mike asked.
“Oh, shit. You're firing me.” Pam said and her smile faded. “I knew you stayed behind for a reason.”
Mike laughed and shook his head. “No, I'm not firing you.” He said. “I did stay behind for a reason, though.”
“Okay.” Pam said and braced herself for the worst.
“I'm giving you a raise.”
“WHAT?!?” Pam yelled and it echoed through the empty lobby.
“Geez, Pam. Tone it down a little.” Mike rubbed his ears. “I didn't want the others to know.”
Pam stared at him in disbelief. “You're serious? You're actually giving me a raise?”
Mike nodded. “I hope you're happy with it.” He said and passed her a paper with her new pay on it. “You've always been a good worker; but, the last few weeks you've been exemplary.” He said. “Whatever you're doing, keep it up.”
Pam blinked her eyes and had to read the paper a few times. “Mike.” She looked up from the paper. “If you weren't my boss, I would almost be tempted to offer to kiss you.”
Mike laughed. “That's the most mealy-mouthed anti-sexual assault wording I've heard yet.”
“Hey, I gotta be careful.” Pam said with a grin. “These lips are a dangerous weapon.”
She skipped continuing on and saying that they were cocked and loaded, even though she wanted to.
Mike laughed again. “Yeah, okay. Get out of here.” He said. “See you next weekend.”
“You sure will!” Pam said as her good mood became great. She grabbed the full garbage bag of popcorn from behind the counter and left the theatre almost jumping for joy.
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