
167 Maid To Order


Arnold finished his preparations while Ida was still out. He stashed everything out of sight again and looked at the pledge flyer for Alpha Kappa Alpha. It gave him the date and time for their hazing ritual. He had looked up pledging a fraternity on the internet and saw what some people did to the pledges. He knew that something similar would be what they wanted to do to him, especially after what had happened. He also knew they would say no after torturing him, so he couldn't join them and then destroy them from the inside.

“What a great day for being learned.” Ida said as she came into the room with Dalla. “I'm also glad that no one spoke up about you being there with me.”

“Your father paid for me to audit your classes.” Dalla reminded her as she took off the backpack she wore and put it beside the dresser. “I'll be sending him reports about it and your progress.”

Ida chuckled and then with one fluid motion, pulled off her top to reveal a strapless bra that seemed to be held up with gravity defying magic. She pulled out the tie in her ponytail next and swished her head from side to side, to make her hair spread out in a straight blonde curtain that went past her shoulders and halfway down her back. The motion also made her large breasts jiggle from side to side.

“I'm making spaghetti and meatballs for supper.” Dalla said and walked over to Arnold to distract him from her mistress' blatant flirting. “Would you like some?”

“Are you using crushed crackers or rice for the binding ingredient?” Arnold asked and turned off his computer.

“I usually use long grain rice, then precook the meatballs to let them retain their shape while the sauce slow boils. I don't cook the spaghetti until fifteen minutes before it's to be served.”

“I can help.” Arnold said and stood up. He couldn't make spaghetti in his good college clothes, with so many chances of splashing sauce, so he changed into jogging pants and a t-shirt. Dalla had watched him for several moments, then she went to the kitchenette to start working on supper. Arnold joined her when he was dressed and after the rice was cooked, the two of them had the raw meatballs made in under ten minutes.

Two sets of hands made quick work of it and Dalla put the meatballs on a rack over a large pan and put them into the oven to cook. Any extra grease would drip out of them as they cooked. She and Arnold contributed different things to the sauce, with spices and herbs that neither of them had used before, which made Dalla smile. She didn't think he would know how to cook and his choices would add a nice flavor to her normal sauce.

Ida sat on her bed, a little perturbed that Arnold wasn't ogling her. She hadn't put on her other top like she had intended, because she had been waiting for his gasp or a sharp intake of breath at seeing her breasts mostly exposed. Instead, he had practically ignored her. She looked at her maid, Dalla, and thought she had intentionally distracted him with the food offer.

She sat there and waited for half an hour to see if anyone would mention her being almost half-naked, and they didn't. It was then that she realized Arnold must have been like Dalla and the statement that Arnold's mother had told her made more sense now.

Don't treat him like a servant. Ida thought and nodded mentally. He's giving me the same respect as Dalla does by not noticing if I'm naked or not.

Ida stood up and went to her closet, took off her skirt and her strapless bra, then put on a sports bra that was a lot more comfortable. She didn't bother with the over-shirt she normally wore and put on a pair of jogging pants that she usually reserved for relaxing out of sight of everyone.

“You two are working well together.” Ida said and sat down on her bed again.

Dalla caught her breath and turned to look at her mistress. “I'm sorry! I forgot to help you change.”

Ida chuckled. “It's all right. You were busy and I did manage to mostly get dressed.” She joked and Dalla had to smile. She knew her mistress was in her relaxing mode and wouldn't necessarily need the over-shirt she usually wore.

“Arnold, can you watch the sauce for me?” Dalla said to Arnold and he nodded as he took over stirring it occasionally. She turned back to her mistress. “You should probably start the required reading for tomorrow's class.” She said and retrieved the book from her backpack and handed it to Ida.

“I suppose you are right.” Ida said with a bit of a sigh and partially reclined on her bed. Dalla puffed up her pillow to let Ida prop herself up on her side. Ida started reading and Dalla put the backpack beside the dresser.

Things became quiet, even with the cooking going on, and the delicious smell of spaghetti sauce and cooking meatballs filled the room.

“Why didn't you eat in the cafeteria?” Arnold asked as he and Dalla carefully combined the oven cooked meatballs into the large pot of simmering sauce.

“Sometimes eating food you made yourself is better than what you can buy.” Dalla said. “I try to make at least one home cooked meal every week for my mistress, just so she doesn't get too used to the food here.”

Arnold thought about that. “Does that mean these are Swedish meatballs?”

Both Dalla and Ida let out laughs at that.

“No, that's a different recipe.” Dalla said. “I just meant that I don't want her eating out all the time.”

“My mom is the same way.” Arnold said. “At least one home cooked meal a week.”

“Is she visiting again this weekend?” Dalla asked, genuinely curious.

“No, I'm going home to visit.” Arnold said.

“Oh?” Dalla quickly glanced at Ida and back to Arnold. “I want to use the parking space while you're gone.”

“Okay.” Arnold said.

“Actually, we meant to talk to you about it.” Ida said and closed her book. “You don't own a car and we do.”

“My mother uses the space when she's here.” Arnold said. “When I go get groceries, it's been occupied as well.” He didn't mention that he no longer had a ride, because Cissily wasn't talking to him.

“Do you drive?” Dalla asked.

“Occasionally.” Arnold said.

“What if we put our vehicle at your disposal?” Dalla offered. “If we share the parking space and the vehicle, that's only fair.”

“I'll need it Friday afternoon for an hour.” Arnold said. “I'll also need you to drive me there.”

Dalla glanced at Ida, who nodded. “I would be happy to, and I'll make sure I park the van in another parking spot on the weekends, until you tell us your mother isn't coming.”

Arnold thought about that, then nodded and stepped close. “Thank you.” He said and briefly kissed her.

Ida took in a sharp breath and stared at them. What is he doing to my maid?

“Arnold.” Dalla whispered and looked into his eyes. “Why do you do that?”

“I'm the kissing bandit.” Arnold said and stepped back. “The sauce is ready.”

Dalla blinked her eyes for a moment, then nodded and put the spaghetti on. She wasn't sure what to say to that. She was both angry and pleased that he had a perfectly good reason for doing it. Angry because it wasn't because he liked her and pleased that he would kiss her anyway. Of course, her anger overrode her judgment and she spoke.

“Don't you like me?” Dalla asked, then she caught her breath. “I'm sorry. I don't know why I asked you that.” She said and blushed. “You don't have to answer...”

“I do like you.” Arnold said and both she and Ida caught their breath this time. “You're taking care of your mistress as if you are her mother.” He said and took her into a hug. “I won't insult you by not paying you the proper respect.”

Dalla's mouth made that little 'o' of surprise, which looked just like the cue for a kiss, so he took the cue and kissed her like he kissed Doris. Very well and for several minutes, while his hands discretely probed and caressed certain places.

Ida was shocked that he would do that in front of her. Just as she was about to say something, Arnold broke the kiss. Dalla was just as shocked and her face was bright red as she held onto him tightly. Her blush wasn't from embarrassment, though. She was quite turned on and she wasn't sure what to do about it.

Arnold noticed her reaction and put his lips by her ear to whisper. “I can fuck you after we eat.”

Dalla gasped and her hands clenched into fists, which pulled up the back of his t-shirt from being tucked into his jogging pants. Arnold leaned back to look at her face to make sure she had accepted. Dalla looked into his eyes as they stood there and hugged each other. She couldn't believe that he was completely serious and wasn't joking. She just couldn't.

“Ten minutes left for the pasta.” Arnold said.

“Oh! Right. Yes.” Dalla said and opened her hands to let him go. She turned to the stove and then fumbled the large pasta fork. She almost dropped it and took several deep breaths as she recovered her composure. It's all right. He won't actually do it. He was just joking. Just a joke. No, he won't do it.

Arnold helped her disperse the spaghetti and then added a few meatballs to each plate as Dalla scooped out a ladle of sauce onto the pasta. It looked and smelled delicious, and Arnold let Dalla and Ida sit at the table again.

Dalla was too stunned by what he did to mention that he should sit down to eat. Ida on the other hand, wasn't sure what she could say. Not about the seating arrangements, since those really didn't matter to her. It was the fact that Arnold, a good looking man and her roommate, said he liked her maid and not her. He had even kissed her several times and Ida couldn't help admire the techniques he used. She was also quite envious.

The three of them ate in silence and Dalla took extra time to eat. She was subconsciously delaying the end of the meal, so that she wouldn't finish when her mistress Ida did. Ida had noticed, since that was the very first time Dalla had done that, and she assumed that the kiss had shaken her maid up even more than it had shaken her. When Ida stood up from the table, she saw that Arnold was still eating, too.

What's going on? Ida asked herself as she went to her bed to keep reading. She only pretended to as she watched Arnold sit at the table in her spot and he exactly mirrored her maid. What is he doing?

When Dalla's last forkful of spaghetti entered her mouth, the last one on Arnold's plate did, too. Without a word, Arnold cleared the table and put the dishes in the sink to soak. He came back to the table and took Dalla's hand. She didn't resist as he helped her stand up, then he led her across the room to his bed.

Ida's mouth dropped open in shock as Arnold started stripping her maid. She closed her mouth and turned away, because she didn't want to witness what she thought she was going to witness, then she heard several loud moans. She just couldn't resist turning her head to look to see what was going on. She saw Arnold had his face buried between Dalla's legs and she quickly turned away.

I didn't want to see that! I didn't! Ida thought furiously.

When there were some sloppy wet sounds and muffled moans, Ida absolutely refused to look. She didn't want to know that badly. Or so she thought. After about ten minutes, the sounds changed to a kind of slapping wet sound and the urge to look was just too strong to resist. She turned her head just enough to peek over the top of her book and saw Dalla's joy filled face as her head hung off the side of the bed.

Arnold had one of her breasts in his mouth and sucked on it hard as he covered Dalla's mouth with his other hand. He also moved in and out of her at the same time, which was amazing for Ida to see. She pulled the book back up and turned her head back to pretend reading, because she had been right. Seeing Dalla like that was not how she wanted to see her maid. Her well composed maid. Her maid that was making moans and squeals that Ida had never heard someone make before.

What is he doing to her to make her make sounds like that? Ida asked herself. She didn't let her curiosity override her common sense this time, though. She stayed facing away from them and didn't do or say anything that would let them know that she had noticed them or what they were doing. To her surprise, the sounds didn't lessen or abate until half an hour later.

Ida was about to comment that she needed to change for bed, when a naked backside walked by her and Arnold bent over and grabbed two water bottles from the refrigerator. She nearly choked when he turned around and his erect penis was almost fully revealed. It was wrapped in a condom and it glistened when the light hit it. Her eyes immediately saw that the little receptacle on the end didn't have anything in it.

But... he just... Ida couldn't finish forming the thought, because it just didn't make sense to her.

Arnold walked back to the bed and Ida heard several gulps of water be drunk, then there was a loud sigh and a moan mixed together and the slapping wet sounds started up again.

I think I'll sleep in these clothes tonight. Ida thought and managed to put her book down, lifted the blanket on her bed, and climbed inside without looking at what was happening over on Arnold's bed.


Sometime later, Dalla was snuggled up to the handsome man that had made love to her like she was the only girl in the world. He was attentive and read her body and her reactions like he had a road map and she was a twisting highway. He knew every curve to hug, every hazard to avoid, and then he rode on her pavement like he owned it and had ridden on it for years.

It took Dalla nearly half an hour to realize what had happened and she gasped and sat up. I did all of that with my mistress right there! She thought in surprise and looked over at Ida's bed. She looked like she was asleep and Dalla wasn't sure if that was better for her chances of keeping her job or not. “I hope I don't get fired for this.” She whispered and looked at the man in bed with her.

“I can fuck her, too.” Arnold whispered and sat up.

“Wh-what?” Dalla whispered loudly in surprise.

“She can't fire you for doing something she did, too.” Arnold responded. “She's only pretending to be asleep.”

“You... would you really do that for me?” Dalla asked in disbelief.

“Yes.” Arnold said and got out of bed. He walked over to the bathroom and used it, disposed of the condom, then came back out.

“No.” Ida said and looked up at him. “I don't want to be used like that.”

“Are you going to fire her?” Arnold asked.

Ida sighed. “No, she... she didn't do anything wrong.” She glared at Arnold. “You did.”

Dalla gasped. “Mistress, please...”

“You wanted to be first?” Arnold asked and Ida had a strange look on her face, one that he recognized as the same one that Heather wore when they had broken up. “You wanted to be the only one.”

Ida open her mouth and then closed it, then she sighed. “I have huge breasts, hips that men would kill to feel, and legs that most girls hate me for.” She said. “You, on the other hand, treated me with the same respect that Dalla does and ignored my body. I was fine with that, until you said you liked her and then slept with her.”

“Mistress!” Dalla exclaimed.

“It's all right, Dalla.” Ida said. “I don't blame you.”

“No, you blame him.” Dalla said with a sigh. “I'm sorry. I didn't meant to...” She shook her head. “I promise to never sleep with him again.”

Ida gave her a surprised look. “Dalla, that... you don't have to give up...”

“I've made you uncomfortable with this and I'm very sorry.” Dalla said, her voice adamant. “Having sex with Arnold isn't worth hurting you.”

“Dalla...” Ida started to say.

“Arnold, we can't have sex anymore.” Dalla said.

“What about fucking?” Arnold asked and Ida took in a sharp breath.

“Nothing sex related, named something else, or simulated.” Dalla said. “Please respect my wishes.”

Arnold nodded and walked over to her. Dalla thought about covering up, then realized how stupid that would be after everything that happened in the bed. Arnold took her hand and helped her stand, then he took her to the bathroom.

“What are you doing?” Dalla and Ida asked at the same time.

“Cleaning up.” Arnold said and did exactly that. He gave Dalla a full shower and cleaned her, everywhere, then he dried her off. He took her back out to the bedroom and dressed her in reverse. That surprised both Dalla and Ida, especially since he was pretty much doing Dalla's job. “Goodnight.” He said and kissed her for three seconds, then he led her to the door and opened it.

“Goodnight.” Dalla said and stepped out, then the door closed and she thought that was more than just a simple door closing. She walked down the hallway and went to the elevator, then she thought about what was going on in the room, now that she wasn't there. She took out her cell phone and sent a quick message to her mistress.

'Everything's fine. He's taking a shower.' Ida responded.

'I was worried he would be angry at me for refusing him.' Dalla typed.

'You didn't have to do that.' Ida responded.

'Yes, I did. I can't have him distract me like that again. My priority is taking care of you and ensuring your welfare.' Dalla sent and her phone was quiet for almost ten seconds. The elevator arrived and she stepped in. 'I'll have the van with me and parked in the morning. I'll be that close every night from now on.'

The elevator arrived on the ground floor and her phone beeped.

'Thank you, Dalla.' Ida sent.

Dalla smiled, because she gave her mistress a way to thank her without her embarrassing herself for giving up a guy for her. She left the building, walked over to her car, and drove back to their temporary home. She couldn't wait to start living with her mistress again.

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