Xiao Zhiwei frowned and asked:


“Someone died?”

“What exactly is going on? Please tell me carefully.”

Kidnapping itself is a felony.

And if someone dies due to kidnapping, then the case will be huge! This has to be taken seriously!

The police officer also frowned, indicating the seriousness of this case.

He reported it truthfully:

“According to Fan Xiaochao’s explanation, the incident happened because his family elders introduced him to Du Jie, an executive of Hengyuan Group.”

“In order to get a good job from Du Jie, Fan Xiaochao gave him no less than 100,000 yuan in gifts, and even used coaxing methods to lure his online girlfriend to meet, kidnap him, and send his online girlfriend to Du Jie’s family hopes that in exchange for Du Jie’s happiness, he can get a job.”

Listen to the police officer’s report.

Xiao Zhiwei and Jiang Yang couldn’t help but look at each other, both feeling outrageous.

Damn it, I see so many people giving gifts and money for a good job.

He kidnapped his online girlfriend and gave it to someone else. This was the first time they had seen her!

The police officer continued:

“Fan Xiaochao’s online girlfriend is named Gu Yanhui. It is reported that she is a junior student at Rongcheng University. Half a month ago, her classmates and family members reported the case because of Gu Yanhui’s disappearance, but the person responsible for Gu Yanhui’s disappearance was The police station responsible for the case has been unable to find any clues.”

“After interrogation, Fan Xiaochao also confessed that after he kidnapped Gu Yanhui and gave it to Du Jie half a month ago, there was no news about Gu Yanhui. He had approached Du Jie many times for questioning, and he also accidentally heard Du Jie leaking Only then did I learn about Gu Yanhui’s death.”

“And this Du Jie is highly suspected of murder!”

“Captain, we…”

Xiao Zhiwei interrupted him and said loudly:

“Then what are you waiting for? Take action immediately and arrest this Du Jie!”

The police officer immediately stood upright and saluted:


When Jiang Yang saw this, he immediately followed suit and saluted:

“Captain Xiao, I apply to also participate in the arrest operation!”

Hearing this, Xiao Zhiwei glanced at Jiang Yang.

Without saying anything more, he nodded:


After all, the clues to this kidnapping and murder case came from Fan Xiaochao, who was arrested in Jiangyang.

He has no reason to refuse Jiang Yang’s participation in the next actions of this case!

It also allows Jiang Yang to get familiar with the cooperation with his new colleagues.

After receiving Xiao Zhiwei’s approval, Jiang Yang raised his lips slightly.

Then he followed the police officer, called two more colleagues, and headed towards the Hengyuan Group where Du Jie worked!

On the way, Jiang Yang also got to know each other with three colleagues.

The police officer who reported to Xiao Zhiwei before was named Xu Fei, and the other two police officers were named Lin Yu and Zhang Jianbai.

Except for Xu Fei, the other two are considered old men in the criminal police team, and they are also several years older than Jiang Yang.

But all of them are fans of Jiang Yang.

The three of them were extremely excited when they went on a mission with Jiang Yang for the first time.

Along the way, Xu Fei called Yang Ge Yang Ge one after another.

“Brother Yang, do you still remember me? I acted with you during the siege of Shui’an Jinhua KTV.”

“Brother Yang, you were so handsome back then! Especially when we were arresting Li Hu and the others, we were all beaten so hard that we didn’t dare to go out. You were the only one holding a gun and fighting off more than 40 of them!”

“It’s a pity that the iron gate behind was blown up and the corridor collapsed, otherwise I would have seen with my own eyes Brother Yang holding the helicopter in your hand!”

At this time, Lin Yu on the side interrupted Xu Fei’s chatter and spoke:

“Jiang Yang, when we arrest people later, do you need us to do anything?”

With Jiang Yang, the criminal murderer, the arrest would naturally not be their turn.

So the three of them had the intention to serve as assistants and cooperate with Jiang Yang from the beginning.

Jiang Yang thought for a while and then said:

“When you arrest people later, pay attention to your law enforcement recorders.”

“You also know that I hate evil so much that I don’t care about the severity of my actions. What if…”

Jiang Yang’s words were not very clear.

But the three people understood what Jiang Yang meant as soon as they heard it!

Xu Fei immediately said:

“Don’t worry, Brother Yang, our law enforcement recorders are too old. It’s normal for the camera to lose power or get bumped and lose the picture!”

It is true that with Jiang Yang’s current contribution, even if he really beats the criminals, there won’t be much trouble.

But after all, one thing less is worse than one thing more.

When I see that my new colleagues are all so smart, I can understand them with just one click.

Jiang Yang also looked at them and smiled.

Soon, they drove to the downstairs of the Hengyuan Group building and walked straight inside.

at the same time.

On the 32nd floor of Hengyuan Group Building, in a manager’s office.

The fat-faced Du Jie took off his black-rimmed glasses and looked at the intern whom he had left behind with a lewd look.

His hands were caressing the intern’s shoulders, arms, and other parts of his body without restraint, and he said:

“Awei, you don’t want to fail your internship, right?”

The intern named A Wei looked terrified:

“Brother Jie, what are you doing?”

“Brother Jie, don’t do this!”

“Brother Jie, no!”

However, Ah Wei’s refusal not only failed to make Du Jie stop, but instead aroused the animal desire in Du Jie’s heart!

Du Jie excitedly punched Ah Wei and knocked him down on the sofa.

Taking advantage of Ah Wei’s confusion, he pounced directly at Ah Wei and tore the clothes off Ah Wei’s body wantonly!

Du Jie was about to succeed at this moment.


The door to the manager’s office was kicked open!

The sudden situation suddenly frightened Du Jie.

As soon as he turned his head and looked around, he was shocked to find that a policeman had already arrived in front of him.

“Who the hell are you?”

“Who asked you to come in…”

However, before Du Jie could finish his words, a 44-yard kick hit his chest mercilessly.


With this kick, Du Jie was instantly kicked out and hit hard on the desk behind him, causing the entire desk to break apart!

Du Jie fell to the ground. He could feel his sternum breaking and his chest obviously dented. “Poof!” A mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out.


Jiang Yang didn’t let him go just like that!

When he entered the office, Jiang Yang knew what was happening here.

What Jiang Yang hates most in his life is that some people, relying on a little power, make unspoken rules for newcomers who have no identity or background.

In addition, Du Jie’s body was not clean to begin with.

So after Jiang Yang kicked him, he then rode on Du Jie.

The confession slap sounded like a storm, hitting Du Jie hard on the face.

The level of cruelty shocked Xu Fei and others who were on a mission with Jiang Yang for the first time.

But he didn’t forget to turn off the law enforcement recorder on his chest.

It didn’t take long, but there were already hundreds of slaps on Du Jie’s face.

Du Jie’s cheeks were swollen like pig heads, and there was not a single tooth left in his mouth. Finally, Du Jie couldn’t bear the severe pain, and after screaming, he fainted!

But could Jiang Yang let him faint like this?

Obviously not!

So Jiang Yang grabbed him and punched him in the stomach with a sinful punch.

The huge force immediately caused Du Jie’s nearly 200 kilograms of belly to churn, and he vomited out the breakfast he had just eaten this morning along with blood and gastric juice.

The refreshing effect immediately made Du Jie wake up instantly.

Jiang Yang threw Du Jie on the sofa.

He put a foot on his chest and lit a cigarette.

He spoke calmly:

“Just tell yourself.”

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