The third target, Song Mingyuan, male, 58 years old, is from Funing Village, Xuqing County, Rongcheng City.

At the same time, he is also suspected to be the real culprit behind the 313 major murder case!

Jiang Yang, Xu Fei, Lin Yu and others drove for nearly two hours, twisting and turning, and finally arrived at Funing Village!

It has to be said that although Funing Village is hundreds of kilometers away from the city, it is considered extremely remote.

But Funing Village has developed extremely well!

First of all, except for the road they came from, as they approached the village, the road began to become extremely wide. After arriving at the village, at first glance, it was filled with small bungalows and villas.

Every household has a car, and they even saw several luxury cars!

The village was peaceful and happy, which looked enviable.

“Good guy! The life in Funing Village feels better than our life in the city!”

Guo Jin on the side couldn’t help but sigh.

This also made Jiang Yang and others nod in agreement.

However, Jiang Yang and others soon discovered that something was wrong with the situation!

After they arrived, many people in the village saw themselves, and their expressions changed more or less.

What’s more, he turned around and went back to his home, as if he didn’t want to see them.

This immediately made Jiang Yang and the others feel something was wrong!

At this time Xu Fei asked:

“Brother Yang, do you feel that the people here don’t like us very much?”

Lin Yu on the side also echoed:

“Yes! I feel the same way, as if… they are avoiding us!”

Zhang Jianbai analyzed with solemn eyes:

“Is it possible that there is something fishy in this village?”

“Although every household in Funing Village is quite wealthy, I have never heard of how the people in the village made their fortunes. There doesn’t seem to be any industries or factories in the village.”

“This makes people think too much.”

After hearing Zhang Jianbai’s analysis, Jiang Yang and others suddenly fell into deep thought.

yes! Although the people in this village are wealthy, I have never heard of how they made their fortune.

As for industries and factories, there are no such things, so where does their money come from?

It couldn’t have been brought by the strong wind!

In addition, the eyes they saw when they saw them were full of vigilance and avoidance. If there wasn’t something fishy here, there was something!

At this time, Lin Yu on the side suddenly spoke again:

“By the way, have you ever watched “Operation Icebreaker”?”

Hearing this, everyone was suddenly shocked.

As a criminal police officer, they have naturally watched “Operation Icebreaker”. This drama is based on the 2013 “Thunder Anti-Drug” special operation on December 29 in Guangzhou, showing the case of the “No. 1 Drug Manufacturing Village” being overturned overnight. Beginning and end.

Guo Jin took a breath and couldn’t help but said:

“You mean…”

Lin Yu nodded and said:

“Tazhai Village in “Operation Ice Breaking” was originally a poor and backward village, but under the leadership of village chief Lin Yaodong, the entire village was engaged in drug production.”

“Since then, the economy of Tazhai Village has developed continuously, and every household in the village has lived a prosperous life.”

“Do you think this Funing Village looks like Tazhai Village in the TV series?”

Hear this.

Everyone was shocked again.

Jiang Yang sniffed violently, trying to use his sense of smell that was 1,200 times better than ordinary people to find any clues in the air, but he didn’t smell anything wrong.

So Jiang Yang decisively turned on the crime radar. If someone in this village committed a crime, he would definitely be able to tell it at a glance!

However, what surprised Jiang Yang was.

The vast majority of people in this village are all clean and have no problems at all!

At most, some people inside were suspected of being involved in fights or group fights.

But after all, they are all human beings, and in a village, it is quite normal for them to get into fights from time to time, so naturally there is nothing to catch.

That made Jiang Yang even more curious. What is the situation of the people in this village? Why does the crime radar clearly show that no one in this village has ever committed a crime, but everyone looks so sneaky?

What is the unknown secret?

Guo Jin, who was walking beside Jiang Yang, whispered:

“Brother Yang, should we investigate this village?”

After Jiang Yang thought briefly, he said:

“The investigation is impossible. After all, we don’t have any substantial evidence to prove that they did anything illegal.”

“And the main purpose of our coming here today is to find Song Mingyuan.”

After thinking about it

, Jiang Yang continued:

“But we can use the excuse of investigating Song Mingyuan to secretly inquire about the situation in the village!”

After listening to Jiang Yang’s instructions, several people nodded.

Then they dispersed and found people in the village to inquire.

It was a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties. He had just gotten off a Mercedes-Benz and Jiang Yang walked up to him in two steps.

“Hello, comrade!”

“I would like to ask if there is such a person in your village.”

“His name is Song Mingyuan, and he is from your village.”

When he first saw Jiang Yang walking towards him in a police uniform, the middle-aged man was also startled.

A look of nervousness and vigilance instantly appeared on his face.

But after hearing that Jiang Yang was here to inquire about someone, his expression softened slightly.

Then he looked at the photo Jiang Yang took out, shook his head, and replied:

“do not know.”

Jiang Yang nodded, and then gave him another cigarette, trying to get closer and find out about the situation in the village.

However, he refused directly and stayed away from Jiang Yang and returned home on the grounds that he had other things to do.

Seeing this, Jiang Yang was not discouraged.

Turning his head, he saw a girl not far away who just came out of home, still wearing pajamas, and went out to take out the trash.

So Jiang Yang ran over in two steps and took the initiative to speak:


This girl was obviously much easier to talk to when she saw Jiang Yang running towards her.

I also said hello politely.



But before she could say anything, she was stunned.

Her eyes widened, her little cherry mouth opened wide, and she screamed:


“You are Jiang Yang, Officer Jiang???!!”

Jiang Yang’s eyebrows twitched. Seeing the surprise on this girl’s face, she might be a fan of his too!

And the fact is just as Jiang Yang thought.

After recognizing Jiang Yang, the girl showed unabashed surprise on her face. She took Jiang Yang’s hand and jumped up and down:

“Hello, Officer Jiang! I, I, I… my name is Song Qingqing.”

“I am your fan!”

“I adore you!”

“Oh my god! I actually saw you in person!”

“Officer Jiang, can I take a photo with you?”

After saying that, without waiting for Jiang Yang’s consent, Song Qingqing took out her phone and took a photo of herself and Jiang Yang.

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