Jiang Yang was stunned for a moment, then said nothing more.

He just nodded lightly and followed Ning Yi and Wei Feng out.

When they came outside, in front of their car, no one could get close to them.

After stopping, Jiang Yang also asked curiously:

“Is there anything else you want?”

Wei Feng said with a smile:

“Actually, it’s not a big deal. We’ve heard a lot of rumors about you recently.”

Wei Feng gently patted Jiang Yang on the shoulder and said:

“Jiang Yang, you are a talent and a rising star in our police community.”

“Staying in the criminal police force is a bit overkill for you.”

“How about going to Guoan with us?”

Hearing this, even though Jiang Yang thought he had seen too many shocking things.

But at this moment, his eyes widened involuntarily.


“Go…to the National Security Bureau?”

Wei Feng smiled and nodded noncommittally.


“Go to National Security!”

“Defend the country with us and fight on the real front line!”

Jiang Yang’s heart beat rapidly.

He admitted that at this moment, when he heard Wei Feng’s words, he was moved and excited!

Defend the country and fight on the real front line!

It can be said that as a passionate man, no one can refuse such a future!


Soon, Jiang Yang regained his composure.

He shook his head slightly.

“forget it!”

Upon hearing this, it was Ning Yi and Wei Feng’s turn to be stunned.

Wei Feng frowned slightly and said in disbelief:

“What’s wrong?”

“you are not willing?”

“Do you know where the Ministry of National Security is? It’s a place where no matter how many people squeeze through, they can’t get in.”

“But you refused?”

Jiang Yang took a deep breath and said:

“I’m not refusing, nor am I unwilling.”

“It’s just that I feel that right now, I’m not qualified to enter the National Security Bureau.”

In the silence of Ning Yi and Wei Feng, Jiang Yang continued to explain:

“To be honest, as a police officer, I believe everyone hopes to dedicate themselves and serve the country.”

“Including myself, it’s the same!”

“When you just invited me to join Guoan, my heart really moved for a second.”

“However, after thinking about it carefully, I feel that it is still too early for me now.”

“In the final analysis, I am just a newcomer who has just graduated, not even two months ago. Being transferred from the police station to the city’s criminal police team is already beyond my initial expectations.”

“Now I am suddenly asked to go to a place like the Ministry of National Security. To be honest, I really feel a little bit panicked!”

Jiang Yang continued dumbfounded:

“Guoan is a good place. Sooner or later, I will go there.”

“But that should be after I have accumulated enough experience in the police industry and had enough experiences. Then I will go, right?”

After listening to Jiang Yang’s answer.

Ning Yi and Wei Feng looked at each other.

Then a happy smile appeared on each other’s faces.

They patted Jiang Yang on the shoulders and said with sighs:

“Today’s newcomers, there are really not many people like you who are humble and not ambitious.”

“However, we also hope that you will not underestimate yourself. With your abilities, you are actually far better than most people!”

“But since you have no intention of going to Guoan with me for the time being, we will not force you to do so. When you are ready, our door to Guoan will be open to you at any time!”

Wei Feng said to Jiang Yang again:

“By the way, let’s add our contact information.”

“If you have anything to do in the future, you can contact me at any time.”

Jiang Yang naturally could not refuse this.

After all, Ning Yi and Wei Feng are the bosses of the Ministry of National Security!

To a certain extent, their status is higher than Zhou Ju! With their contact information, if something happens in the future, they might be able to help you a lot!

In this way, Jiang Yang added contact information to each other.

Afterwards, the three said goodbye to each other and drove away.

And this scene was naturally seen by colleagues in the criminal police team.

At this moment, they are already talking like crazy!

“What’s going on?”

“Who are those two people? Even Captain Xiao was very respectful when facing them! Could it be that some kind of leader is not good enough?”

“Shhh! When I just passed by Captain Xiao’s office, I seemed to hear something vaguely. They seemed to be people from the Ministry of National Security!”

“What? Department of Homeland Security!!!”

As criminal police officers, they know very well what the Ministry of National Security is.

What kind of existence!

They never imagined that the Ministry of National Security would come to their small criminal police team!

“What are the people from the Ministry of National Security doing in our criminal police team?”

“I don’t know! Something must be wrong, right?”

“Do you think you came to Jiang Yang for help?”

“It’s possible! After all, we all know how powerful Jiang Yang is, especially this kid Jiang Yang, who can now draw an old man at the age of three. It’s only normal for people from the Ministry of National Security to ask him for help.”



At this time, someone spoke again and expressed his guess:

“By the way, do you think it’s possible that they actually directly invited Jiang Yang to work in the Ministry of National Security?”

Hearing this, everyone present could not help but widen their eyes, full of shock and disbelief.

“What? Go… to the Department of Homeland Security?”


“Although it’s a bit unbelievable, if you think about it carefully, this is really fucking possible!”

“That’s right! People like Jiang Yang will definitely be competed for wherever they go.”

“If Jiang Yang really goes to the Ministry of National Security, then he is so awesome!”

“It’s just a pity. He has only been in our team for two days, and I haven’t even gotten along with him yet. Is he going to leave?”


I have to say that he is worthy of being a police officer and a criminal police officer.

The two things that Ning Yi and Wei Feng came to do today were almost guessed by them.

Xiao Zhiwei on the side listened to their discussion and felt anxious.

At this moment, after seeing Ning Yi and Wei Feng leaving, Xiao Zhiwei finally couldn’t control the anxiety in his heart.

He hurriedly walked out and walked to Jiang Yang’s side.

“Jiang Yang, what do they want from you?”

Although he knew that it was not good to inquire directly like this, Xiao Zhiwei still couldn’t help but want to know what happened just now!

After all, Jiang Yang finally begged Director Zhou to be transferred to the criminal police team.

But he, Xiao Zhiwei, is such a petty person!

As a result, Jiang Yang was snatched away by people from the Ministry of National Security within two days of joining their criminal police team.

Then he really didn’t even have time to cry!

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