Mortal counterattack

Chapter 120 Return to Fenghua County

Zhou Chen froze in the middle of his words, because the content was different from what he had seen before. It was not Fenghua County but another county, and the content was suspected to be a ninth-grade monster attack.

Zhou Chen looked at Qin Hong with doubt, and Qin Hong smiled and said, "You are still too young. You didn't even read the content clearly, and you went out to perform the task in a hurry. Fortunately, you came back safely. Okay, I'll leave this matter to Wang Yong. You should have a good rest during this period."

Zhou Chen turned and left Qin Hong's room. After leaving, Qin Hong called Wang Yong in, probably to arrange the task.

After Zhou Chen returned to his room, he sat cross-legged on the bed and closed his eyes to practice. He couldn't practice at ease because of distracting thoughts in his mind. Zhou Chen opened his eyes and recalled the scene when he took the task before. Zhou Chen was sure that he was looking at Fenghua County at that time, and he would definitely not be wrong.

But what made him wonder was why Fenghua County finally became the name of another county. Late at night, Zhou Chen lay on the bed tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep. He felt that there must be something wrong with this matter.

So he took advantage of Leng Yiyao's rest and left home alone. Qin Hong didn't have a house outside, and usually lived in the Demon Suppression Division. When he closed his eyes to practice, Zhou Chen's figure reappeared in the Demon Suppression Division.

Qin Hong, who was practicing with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes. His door was suddenly kicked open, and a man in black rushed in. It was Zhou Chen, but Qin Hong didn't recognize him because he was masked.

Zhou Chen was holding the Ice Soul and killing Qin Hong. Qin Hong was not afraid at all when he saw this. He directly picked up the Demon Suppression Knife beside the bed and went to meet him. However, with his seventh-grade strength, he was no match for Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen directly swung out a knife energy, and under the blessing of the Ice Soul, the knife energy directly turned into an ice blade. Qin Hong's seventh-grade strength couldn't resist it. Although he had raised the knife, the scattered knife energy still directly shook him back.

Zhou Chen's body suddenly grew and appeared in front of him. Then he raised his right knee and knocked him on the head. Zhou Chen saved his strength and did not kill him, but knocked him unconscious.

Then he picked up Qin Hong's storage bag and left here quickly.

As soon as Zhou Chen left, the demon guards on duty came over. After leaving the Demon Suppression Division, Zhou Chen began to search Qin Hong's storage bag.

After searching for a while, Zhou Chen found about 3,000 taels of silver notes and 500 taels of silver. Zhou Chen put the silver into his storage bag without hesitation.

After searching, Zhou Chen found two scrolls in his storage bag. The two scrolls were exactly the same. Zhou Chen opened one of them and the content on it was exactly the same as what he saw today. Then Zhou Chen opened another scroll. After reading the content on the scroll, Zhou Chen was also shocked.

Because the content on it was exactly what he had seen before, and the location was Fenghua County, "It seems that Qin Hong really wanted to harm me on purpose."

Zhou Chen clenched his fists and punched through a big tree beside him. Then Zhou Chen found a place outside the city to bury the storage bag. Zhou Chen did not keep anything except the banknotes and silver in the storage bag, so as not to be discovered in the future.

After arriving at the Demon Suppression Division the next day, Zhou Chen found that although Qin Hong suffered a loss last night, he did not show it. As for the wound on his face, he told the two that it was a fall. Leng Ningshuang did not think much about it, and Zhou Chen smiled secretly in his heart and did not expose him.

Zhou Chen behaved the same as before, without showing any abnormality. He practiced when he should practice and saluted respectfully when he met Qin Hong on weekdays. After all, this is the Demon Suppression Division. If he wants to take revenge, he has to wait for an opportunity.

Zhou Chen has also decided that as long as this guy dares to leave Wu'an County, he will make sure that he will not come back alive, but he cannot show any abnormality before that.

Not only that, in order to prevent him from suspecting that he was the one who attacked him last night, Zhou Chen has been more enthusiastic than before when he sees Qin Hong these days, and he will invite him to dinner when he is free.

Three days later, Zhou Chen and his team received a mission. This mission was not something they applied for, but was directly assigned by Qinglong. The content was about Fenghua County, because the Demon Suppression Department sent three demon suppressors to investigate.

As a result, they searched for three days but still couldn't find Fenghua County. Their experience was the same as Leng Ningshuang's. After arriving at the place, they couldn't find the location of Fenghua County at all. The location marked on the map was a forest.

Since Zhou Chen had handled this case before and escaped safely from it, he was asked to lead the way.

Zhou Chen was originally arranged to go alone, but Zhou Chen proposed to let Qin Hong go with him. The purpose was naturally self-evident, and in order to avoid suspicion, Leng Ningshuang was also asked to go with him.

Wang Yong was unable to go because he was out on a mission. Qinglong talked to Zhou Chen alone about this matter, so Qin Hong and the others didn't know what happened.

Qin Hong originally didn't plan to leave the city during this period, because he always suspected that Zhou Chen was the one who had attacked him before, but he couldn't say anything because he had no evidence.

But now that Qinglong had spoken, he had to leave Wu'an County. The three demon-suppressing envoys did not leave with the three, but secretly followed behind them. As for where they were, Qin Hong and the others did not notice.

Zhou Chen could vaguely sense that the three seemed to have practiced some martial arts that concealed their bodies. Even Zhou Chen, who was also a sixth-grade warrior, could not detect the existence of the three without knowing it in advance.

Zhou Chen and the other two quickly returned to the location of Fenghua County, but what appeared in front of the three was a forest, not a town.

Ling Ningshuang said, "Brother Chen, we encountered the same situation before. We couldn't find Fenghua County at all."

At this time, Fenghua County was pitch black, and a blood moon hung high in the sky. County Magistrate Lord Xu stood under the eaves and looked at the moon with a slight crack. Not long after Zhou Chen left, the blood moon appeared again. He also tried to attack again, but with his strength, he couldn't break the blood moon in the sky.

The people in the city have basically all turned into rat monsters. Only a small number of warriors with the strength of the ninth rank survived. At this time, they all gathered in the county government, adding up to less than 20 people.

The warriors with the strength of the ninth rank couldn't help Lord Xu at all, but he was glad that the rat monsters in the city didn't attack them like before, but walked around aimlessly in the city.

Lord Xu was fine. Those ninth rank warriors had only a barely resistant ability to the blood moon. It was okay to stand in the moonlight for a short time, but if they stayed in the moonlight for a long time, they would also turn into rat monsters.

There wasn't much food in the county government office to begin with, and the rat demon had eaten a lot of it in the past two days, leaving even less for them. Now the food was only enough for them to eat for two days. If the matter was not resolved after two days, they would starve to death.

Six hours later, it was already dark outside the city. At this time, Zhou Chen and the other two were concentrating with their eyes closed, and suddenly a mist appeared in the woods.

The three of them didn't really fall asleep. The moment the mist appeared, they woke up. Zhou Chen looked at the mist that was less than one meter in sight, and Leng Ningshuang immediately called the two of them.

At this time, Zhou Chen could no longer detect the three demon suppressors in the dark. Zhou Chen agreed to Leng Ningshuang and then looked at the mist in front of him and remembered something. Then Zhou Chen thought of a two-meter-tall wooden man appeared in front of him. Zhou Chen found Leng Ningshuang with the wooden man. Leng Ningshuang was about to attack the wooden man behind Zhou Chen, but Zhou Chen quickly stopped him.

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