Mortal counterattack

Chapter 13 Take Action

Although everyone wanted to go in and see how Zhou Chen and the two were doing, no one dared to enter Zhou Chen's courtyard privately. Since the black bear died in Zhou Chen's courtyard, there was a high possibility that Zhou Chen could kill him. .

This world is a world where martial arts is respected. Zhou Chen previously taught a few gangsters who bullied Leng Yiyao, and the cruel methods are still vivid in his mind. Now he can kill black bears. Such ruthless people are no longer capable of ordinary people like them. It's affordable.

Then Zhou Chen slowly walked out amidst the discussion of everyone. Seeing that Zhou Chen was safe and sound, the villagers became more afraid of him.

Even the villagers who were obviously older than Zhou Chen changed their minds and asked, "Brother Chen, did you kill this bear?"

"Yes, I can kill. I don't know why the villagers came to my door this morning. They want to share the meat, right? In that case, I will share the meat with everyone."

Everyone couldn't hear what Zhou Chen meant, so they waved their hands quickly, "No, Brother Chen, we didn't mean that. We just heard that a black bear broke into your house last night, so we came over to see if you're okay, then we'll leave now." Then everyone quickly dispersed.

Zhou Chen looked at the destroyed wall and sighed, "Hey, I have to find a way to repair it."

At this time, a woman came to the door of Zhou Chen's house. Without saying a word, she knocked on the courtyard door and said, "Who is it?" As soon as she opened the courtyard door, she saw a woman rushing in. After entering, she ignored Zhou Chen and ran straight in. Search around the yard.

"Aunt Wu, what are you looking for?"

The woman turned back and stared directly at Zhou Chen and asked, "Where is the child? Where is my child?"

"How do I know where your child is? Are you looking in the wrong place?"

"It's impossible. My child was snatched by a bear last night. He must be here with you."

Zhou Chen looked at the black bear with a puzzled look on his face, then went into the house and took out the amber and opened his stomach without saying a word, but found nothing.

"Aunt Wu, the bear that I want to take away your child is not the one in my yard. Look, there is nothing in his belly."

Normally he would have dared to look there, but now he couldn't care less about that. After hearing Zhou Chen's words, he came over directly. The result was one can imagine. Then he saw Aunt Wu leaving the yard with a blank look in her mouth, saying something He hesitated and said, "Where is my child? Where is my child?"

After Aunt Wu left, Zhou Chen thought to himself, "So there was more than just one black bear that entered the village last night, there were at least two."

Then Zhou Chen went to his neighbor's house and told him his guess, "Brother Chen, what are you talking about and there is a bear?"

"That's right. Tell the villagers the news quickly and ask everyone to close their doors and windows at night."

After saying that, Zhou Chen left here. After a morning of busy work, Zhou Chen finally managed to repair the damaged wall. Unfortunately, Zhou Chen was not good at this. Although the quality of the repair was not good, it could barely withstand the wind and rain.

After he finished his work, Leng Yiyao also woke up. Then Leng Yiyao cleaned up the black bears in the yard. After cleaning up, he cut a piece of meat and went in to cook.

Soon the meal was ready, and Zhou Chen was so hungry that he couldn't stand it any longer, so he immediately picked up a large piece of meat and started chewing it.

As soon as he took a bite, he was prompted to get 0.01 strengthening points. Zhou Chen was shocked. He took another bite, and the result was an increase of 0.01 points. Zhou Chen just thought for a while and figured out, this black bear is very powerful. Less, so the probability of obtaining strengthening points is increased.

It seems that in the future, we need to hunt stronger beasts to quickly increase the strengthening points. After eating, the door of Zhou Chen's house was knocked again. After Zhou Chen went out, he found that many villagers had come to his house. Not only that, even the village chief also Coming.

"Village chief, what are you doing?"

"Brother Chen heard that you killed a black bear alone last night"?

Zhou Chen did not deny that "it's me".

The village chief sighed, "Hey, you know the situation in the village now, and I want you to help solve this problem."

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested. You can go."

Zhou Chen just turned around and found Leng Yiyao standing behind him, "Brother Chen, please help them. We are all from the same village after all." We can't just watch him harm the village.

"Yes, Brother Chen, if you can help everyone get through this difficulty, then I will give up my position as village chief to you."

Zhou Chen took a deep breath, "Since you said so, Yi Yao, okay." Before the villagers were happy, Zhou Chen spoke again, "But for Yi Yao's safety, I will still stay at home tonight. The young adults in the village will not stay home tonight." Go to bed, please keep your spirits up, and send me a signal immediately if you see a black bear entering the village."

At this time, some villagers asked, "What signal?"

Zhou Chen thought for a while, "There are always firecrackers. Whenever you find a black bear, set off a firecracker. Then you just need to hold him back."

I saw the young people in the village showing embarrassment, "If you don't want to, forget it. I can't monitor the entire village by myself."

After saying that, he pulled Leng Yiyao inside. For him, as long as Leng Yiyao was fine.

At this time, the village chief said directly, "Okay, just do as Brother Chen said." Then he looked at the villagers behind him. If you don't want your children to be eaten by bears, then show some courage like a man. Everyone gritted their teeth. "Well, let's fight for it."

After hearing what they said, Zhou Chen's mouth showed a smile, "Okay, in that case, let's go back and prepare."

It got dark very quickly. For safety reasons, Zhou Chen asked Leng Yiyao to stay in the cellar, while he sat in the yard with his longbow and amber in his hand, resting his mind with his eyes closed.

Although the weather was cold, it was just a little cold for Zhou Chen, which was not a problem at all. On the contrary, the villagers who were hiding in their own yards waiting for the rabbit were miserable. At this time, they were all shivering with cold, and the occasional breeze made them shiver.

The village was very quiet, so quiet that you could almost hear the heartbeat. Nothing happened in the first half of the night. Until the second half of the night, the villagers who were ambushing outside could no longer hold on. Although the weather was cold, some people still fell asleep against the wall.

At this time, a fat black bear slowly walked into the village in the dark night, and from time to time climbed on the wall of the villagers' house and sniffed the house with its nose, as if it was looking for something. The black bear climbed several walls in a row, until the thirteenth house, the black bear opened its bloody mouth, stretched out its tongue and licked its nose.

The villager's courtyard wall couldn't stop the black bear at all, and the black bear easily flipped over. At this time, a strong man was dozing off in the corner, and the black bear finally woke him up after flipping in.

The man rubbed his eyes and looked into the yard. Just when he was about to continue to close his eyes for a while, he suddenly saw a huge monster, which frightened him so much that his mouth was so big that he almost shouted out. Fortunately, he covered his mouth with his hands at the most critical moment.

At this time, a pool of steaming liquid flowed out of his trouser legs. Although he had a hatchet in his hand, his legs were still shaking. Seeing the black bear walking towards his house, the man took out a firework as thick as a baby's arm from his arms with trembling hands, then took the firework in his left hand and grabbed the fuse with his right hand and pulled it hard. A beam of fire shot up into the sky in the dark night, and then exploded in the air.

The black bear immediately discovered the man hiding in the corner and rushed towards him angrily.

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