Mortal counterattack

Chapter 173 Sealing the Evil Devil

These crazy monsters are likely to come down the mountain to harm living beings and heal the demon that has been sealed for hundreds of years.

All members of the Demon Suppression Division immediately put down everything in their hands and went to the bottom of Wuhua Mountain to guard. If there are demons coming down the mountain, they will be killed immediately.

At the same time, the county government and the city lord's mansion also sent people to the nearby villages to disperse the population to prevent the demons from coming down the mountain to slaughter.

The people of the Demon Suppression Division also came to Wuhua Mountain as soon as possible. Qinglong was seriously injured and did not participate in this action. The other three hall masters were all dispatched, and the Demon Suppression Envoy followed the three hall masters to the deep mountains to deal with the demon.

Zhou Chen escaped because he was no longer a Demon Suppression Envoy. He just led Leng Ningshuang and the other two to guard the mountain road.

Leng Ningshuang and the other two stared at the front with nervous expressions. At this time, Wuhua Mountain was shrouded in dark clouds, and the mountains and forests were dark and hazy. From time to time, a pair of blood-red eyes and the howling of wild beasts could be seen.

Zhou Chen comforted him, "Don't be so nervous, as long as they don't come out, it's fine." He was seen taking a nap against a big tree.

Although one or two monsters would run down from time to time, they were all weak monsters, and Leng Ningshuang and the others could easily deal with them, without Zhou Chen's help.

Until late in the evening, as the sky gradually darkened, a stream of light suddenly streaked across the sky, and this stream of light flew straight towards the village not far away, and Zhou Chen's Extreme Eye was activated instantly.

"It's a flying monster. I'll go and see if you can stay here." Then he stepped into the void and chased after it. When he was about to fly into the village, he was stopped by Zhou Chen.

This was a seventh-grade flying bird, with a black body and bloodshot eyes. It had been eroded by demonic energy. Seeing Zhou Chen blocking in front of him, he saw his wings flap, and more than a dozen wind blades flew directly towards Zhou Chen. Zhou Chen moved his feet slightly to avoid his attack.

Seeing that the attack failed, he wanted to attack again, but just when he looked up, he saw an illusory pagoda slapping towards him. The pagoda was about five meters high and about the same size as his body. This slap killed him on the spot.

With the death of the monster, the pagoda phantom also disappeared. This was just a tower body condensed by the power of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, not the real Linglong Pagoda. At this time, the Linglong Pagoda was being nurtured in his dantian.

Because the distance was too far, although Leng Ningshuang and the other person on the ground looked at Zhou Chen, they did not see clearly what means Zhou Chen used to deal with the monster.

After returning to the ground, Zhou Chen found that Leng Ningshuang and the other person had killed several more monsters at this time. At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the roar of monsters came from the depths of Wuhua Mountain.

"It's not good. A large number of monsters are approaching us." Hearing this, Wang Yong slapped his storage bag and took out five flags and threw them around. The moment the five thunder flags landed, the lightning exploded and protected the three people.

Soon, a large number of monsters appeared in front of the three people, most of which were of the eighth-grade strength, but there were a small number of seventh-grade monsters hidden among them.

Wang Yong pinched his hand and slapped the ground, and a magic circle instantly appeared under the feet of the three people. The moment he raised his hand, a thunder dragon appeared above him, and then flew towards the many monsters in front.

The thunder dragon's full-strength attack directly killed most of the monsters, but there were still many monsters with slightly stronger strength that resisted the attack, and the remaining monsters became more violent after being struck by lightning.

After all, his cultivation was not enough, otherwise the previous attack would have killed them all directly. This attack consumed a lot of him. At this time, he was no longer able to support the five thunder flags. He saw the five large flags around him shrink rapidly and then fly into the storage bag on his waist.

These five small flags are also magic weapons, but he didn't know what level they were. Wang Yong obviously had not completely refined the five thunder flags, otherwise he wouldn't have put them in the storage bag.

Looking at the monsters in front of him, Zhou Chen snorted coldly and the cold air in his body burst out. These monsters were instantly frozen into ice sculptures. The previous fight with the bird was completely to see the power of the Linglong Tower. Otherwise, Zhou Chen only needed to slightly burst the cold air in his body to kill it.

Then Zhou Chen took out a Qi-recovering pill and put it in the kettle. He waited until the medicinal power was dissolved before giving it to Wang Yong. The medicinal power of this Qi-recovering pill was too strong for you to bear. You can only take it after the medicinal power is dissolved.

Wang Yong nodded and drank a sip of water. After a while, he recovered as before. Fortunately, Zhou Chen was there and there was no danger. The other teams were miserable. Without a sixth-grade warrior, a small number of monsters were okay, but they could not stop the large-scale monsters like the one just now.

The higher-ups also knew this, so they asked Zhou Chen to guard the main road down Wuhua Mountain, and the other teams were responsible for some small roads, or places where monsters might appear, where there would be relatively fewer monsters.

In the depths of Wuhua Mountain, the three hall masters are working together to suppress the demons, and the demon suppressors are responsible for protecting them, because some of the powerful demon beasts have directly broken through the sixth level after being eroded by the demonic energy, and these demon beasts are responsible for helping the evil demons break the seal.

At this time, the demonic energy is rampant in a cave, and there is a magic circle at the entrance of the cave to block the overflow of the demonic energy, but a crack has appeared on the magic circle, and traces of demonic energy are coming out from it.

The three hall masters are trying their best to repair the crack, and their joint efforts have also achieved results. The crack is healing quickly, and it is about to heal. A heart-wrenching roar came from inside, "No, I have been trapped for a thousand years, I am unwilling to go out", and the demonic energy increased its force to impact the seal.

However, his strength was still a little less than the combined strength of the three hall masters, and the last crack was completely healed at this moment.

The instant the seal healed, the greater its power, directly suppressed his magic power. Not only that, but even the demon beasts that were attacked by the demonic energy also had their demonic energy suppressed at this moment.

The demon beasts that instantly regained consciousness were frightened by the officials of the Demon Suppression Division and fled immediately. The demon suppressors had previously been seriously injured in dealing with these demon beasts, and now they had no spare energy to chase them and could only let them leave. The three hall masters were also exhausted at this time, "Okay, this trouble is finally solved, let's retreat first."

At the moment the seal was restored, all the demon beasts on the mountain that were infected by the demonic energy regained their consciousness, except for those demon beasts that broke through the encirclement and left Wuhua Mountain, they had already left the coverage of the seal.

After dealing with a group of monsters, Zhou Chen also received the retreat signal from the Demon Suppression Division. He immediately took Leng Ningshuang and the other two back. Before leaving, he specially collected the corpses on the ground. Although these were infected by the devil's aura, the devil's aura would dissipate after death. These corpses could still make a fortune by bringing them back to Wu'an County. Of course, they would also share a share with Leng Ningshuang and the other two.

When he returned, Zhou Chen's two storage rings were full, and Leng Ningshuang and the other two's storage bags were also full of monster corpses.

After returning to Wu'an County, Zhou Chen asked Wang Yong to find a buyer, and he took Leng Ningshuang back to the Demon Suppression Division first. After returning, he learned that the casualties of the Demon Suppression Division were not small this time.

Two people died and more than 30 were injured. Almost every team had more or less wounded, except for Zhou Chen's team. Not long after resting, Zhou Chen was called over by Qinglong again. The reason for calling him was also very simple. The monsters that escaped the encirclement were killing outside the city wantonly, and Qinglong specially sent them to go and kill the monsters.

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