Mortal counterattack

Chapter 228: The Trap of the Hundred Sales Building

Thinking of this, Zhou Chen was in a good mood. According to his understanding, beast ice is not too difficult to obtain. To obtain beast ice, you must kill monsters with ice attributes. There is a 5% to 6% chance of beast ice appearing after they die.

The reason why it has not been encountered for such a long time is that there are no monsters with ice attributes among the monsters killed by Zhou Chen.

On the side of the domain lord, after He Shao and his son left, Wang Meng came to Niu Qiong and said, "Domain lord, I think Zhou Chen is really not worth keeping. You don't know that today he clearly knew the identity of Mr. Ming, but he didn't care at all and slapped him directly. If you keep him around, you may cause you trouble in the future."

Niu Qiong smiled and shook his head, "How can I not know what you said."

"Then why?"

Niu Qiong glanced at him, "Does this domain lord have to report to you what he wants to do?"

"I dare not."

"Go down."

"Yes, I will leave."

Wang Meng felt very upset. It was Zhou Chen who caused the trouble, but he was not in trouble at all. He took a lot of blame for him.

Two days later, the domain master got married. The whole domain city was very lively. Zhou Chen did not like this kind of occasion. After congratulating Niu Qiong, he returned to his room to practice.

Many guests came on the wedding day. The banquet directly filled the entire domain master's mansion. There were thousands of guests who came forward to congratulate and toast.

Three days later, the city lords from all domains had left one after another, and Wang Meng was appreciated by the domain master and was able to stay in the domain city. As for Qiu Mingcheng, he did not need to go back. Wang Meng casually appointed one of his trusted subordinates to take the position of city lord.

Wang Meng was promoted by Niu Qiong to the position of seeking domain envoy. This position was much higher than the position of city lord. As for He Shao and the others, they did not leave, but continued to stay in the domain city. Niu Qiong did not say much about this and let them stay in the domain city.

On this day, Zhou Chen was strolling in the city and accidentally came to the door of the Baishao Building. He was about to leave, but just as he walked to the door, several customers from the Baishao Building came out. Zhou Chen accidentally heard that they were going to raise money for a piece of beast ice.

Zhou Chen couldn't help but stop and turned to ask. Several people heard Zhou Chen's question and didn't answer. Instead, they said that he heard it wrong, and then immediately left the Baishao Building.

Zhou Chen sneered at their backs as they left, and then walked straight into the Baishao Building. After entering, a waiter came forward to greet them. Zhou Chen took out a certain fifty taels of silver and threw it up without saying a word, "reward you."

The waiter took the silver and said with a smile, "Oh, thank you, sir. I don't know what I can do for you." The waiter knew that it was impossible for the customer to give a reward for no reason. If he did, there must be something he needed to do.

Zhou Chen waved his hand, and the waiter immediately understood and leaned forward. Zhou Chen whispered his intention, and the waiter was shocked.

"What's wrong? Don't you have any?"

"No, no, you are really lucky. This morning, our sales office bought a piece of animal ice."

"Where is it? I want it now. The money is negotiable."

"Okay, please follow me upstairs." Then the waiter took Zhou Chen directly to the third floor, and Zhou Chen followed without any hesitation.

After going up, Zhou Chen found that the third floor was unusually quiet. He remembered that the third floor was not so quiet when he came last time, but he didn't think much and followed the waiter into a private room.

After Zhou Chen entered, another waiter was responsible for the reception, and the previous waiter quietly left the third floor.

"Do you want animal ice?"

"Yes, name a price."

"Humph, I'm afraid you can't afford it."

"Just name a price. I can afford it no matter what price."

After Zhou Chen stopped talking, the clerk showed a sneer on his face, and he took out a small glass bottle from the storage ring on his waist, which contained the beast ice that Zhou Chen wanted.

"The price is your life, brother."

Zhou Chen's eyes turned cold when he heard this, and a chill instantly filled the whole room, "Humph, I think you are tired of living."

"Haha, it's Xuanbing indeed." Then a fanatical breath burst out from his body, and the clerk's face also changed at this moment, turning into the appearance of another person. This person Zhou Chen had seen before, and he was a master named Sun Wu beside Qiu Mingyu Lord. At the same time, Zhou Chen felt that the third floor of the entire sales building was shrouded by a demonic force, isolating the entire third floor from the outside world.

Sun Wu's strength has reached the strength of a half-step third rank. The moment his heat wave appeared, the temperature of the room quickly rose, but it still did not return to the previous temperature, but it was not so cold.

"Xuanbing is indeed well-deserved. With my half-step third rank strength, I still can't gain the upper hand in front of you."

"Hehe, forgive me for being blunt, you shouldn't come here today."

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Chen took action directly. Yue appeared in his hand instantly, and Zhou Chen stabbed him in the chest with a long sword.

Sun Wu remained calm and a long sword appeared in his hand instantly. At the same time, the demonic power condensed on the long sword, and a raging flame instantly burned on the long sword.

Looking at the temperature of the flame, although it is not a strange fire, it is not comparable to ordinary fire-attributed true qi. At least it has swallowed a few beast fires.

The two of them exchanged dozens of moves in an instant, each of which was fatal, but neither of them could do anything to the other.

Zhou Chen took a few steps back and immediately condensed the Wind and Cloud Sword and swung it down. At the same time, a chill rushed towards Sun Wu. Sun Wu also condensed a huge flaming blade and collided with the Wind and Cloud Sword. The chill and fire canceled each other out, and the power emitted directly shattered the entire private room on the third floor. After the collision, Zhou Chen's chill still had a slight upper hand.

After a move, Zhou Chen threw out the long sword directly, and the long sword was suspended in front of him. Zhou Chen pinched the spell with his hand and activated his magical power at the same time. A huge sword intent was born on the long sword. Sun Wu also felt a threat to his life at this moment.

He immediately used his strongest move, and saw a void crack appear behind him. A ten-meter-long sword flew out of it and shot towards Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen shouted softly, and the long sword flew out. At the moment of collision, a huge amount of true energy exploded, and both of them were shocked and flew back more than ten steps. After more than ten steps, Zhou Chen stabilized his body and looked up at the opposite side. Sun Wu had a hole in his chest.

Sun Wu covered his chest and said, "Humph, it's really amazing. I was careless, but you won't be so lucky next time."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhou Chen felt that the power that enveloped the entire third floor disappeared. Then he saw Sun Wu quickly bit his finger and quickly pinched his hands. When Zhou Chen reacted, Sun Wu's body had disappeared from the spot.

"Oh, I thought there would be some killer when he ran away." Then Zhou Chen's eyes changed slightly. I saw a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and then he tore the void and left here.

In a remote corner of the domain city, Zhou Chen kicked Sun Wu in the chest with a long sword in his hand. At this time, Sun Wu had more than a dozen wounds on his body, and Zhou Chen's kick just now broke five or six of his ribs.

Sun Wu spat out blood, pointed at Zhou Chen and said with difficulty, "You actually mastered the power of space." Then his body limp and fell to the ground. Zhou Chen smiled and took off his demon pattern, then took back his body, tore into the void and turned to leave.

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