Mortal counterattack

Chapter 244: Demon Slayer

When he found that Dong Hong followed him into the space crack, Zhou Chen no longer concealed his strength. His fourth-grade peak strength exploded and his speed soared. Even Dong Hong, whose strength had greatly increased, could not catch up with him for a while.

However, Zhou Chen had no way to escape because Dong Hong had been following him closely, and the power of space could not be used at all because Dong Hong would enter his space channel before the space crack closed.

In this way, the channel that he had spent his power to open could be entered by others without any effort. It was equivalent to him driving the car with money and others getting a ride without paying anything.

At this time, Zhou Chen was chasing Dong Hong for thousands of miles in the air. Dong Hong was extremely angry. He did not want to kill Zhou Chen directly, but to follow him closely behind and wait until he was completely desperate before taking action.

Zhou Chen knew what he was thinking, but what else could he do? One person and one demon rushed for more than 5,000 miles in one breath.

Finally, Zhou Chen couldn't stand it anymore. The moment he turned around, his internal power exploded, and the sword control technique was activated. The rain of swords shot at Dong Hong who was chasing him. Now Zhou Chen had a demon pattern of strength 11, and the martial arts he copied were all the sword control techniques.

At this time, the power of the sword control technique had already exceeded the upper limit of martial arts by many times. Dong Hong's wind attribute demon power surged around him, and the wind around him wrinkled and directly blocked the flying sword that was flying towards him.

However, his figure kept retreating backwards, "Hmph, what a strong power, you can actually use the power of the fourth grade to harden me, who is at the peak of the third grade. Your strength is really hidden deep enough."

Then he pinched the magic formula with both hands, and a giant tornado was formed with Zhou Chen as the center, and the surrounding flying swords were directly sucked into the tornado.

Zhou Chen, who was in the center, felt a huge tearing force coming from his body, and he felt that his body was about to be torn apart by this huge force.

Zhou Chen directly opened the crack in the void and drilled in.

Seeing this, Dong Hong immediately rushed in, and followed in at the moment the crack closed. Zhou Chen and Dong Hong fought fiercely in the space channel. Dong Hong held a big knife and chopped at Zhou Chen, while Zhou Chen had several flying swords floating around him to defend against his attacks again and again.

Suddenly, Zhou Chen used his magical power of phantom charm on Dong Hong. In an instant, the scene in front of his eyes changed rapidly, and Zhou Chen's figure disappeared. Dong Hong stood alone in the space channel.

Just as Dong Hong was puzzled, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. He looked down and found that a long sword had been inserted into his chest without knowing when. "Damn it", and then the demonic energy around him burst out.

Zhou Chen's illusion was broken. After all, it was a third-grade monster. With his strength, he could not affect Dong Hong for long. Then he saw the surrounding scene change again. He was still in the space channel. At this time, he was standing alone in the air.

Zhou Chen stood in the distance. Zhou Chen had some doubts before, but now he has thoroughly understood his strength. Now he is not afraid of the third-grade monster.

Zhou Chen's mind moved, and hundreds of flying swords appeared behind him again, with the sword tips pointing at Dong Hong, "Dead beast, die."

"Hahaha, what a big tone", Dong Hong pinched the spell "Wind Extreme Sunset Kill", and saw the surrounding wind wrinkled, and then gathered above his head to form a fist-sized wind ball.

As he pointed with two fingers, a thin line condensed by the power of wind burst out from the wind ball.

Zhou Chen also opened two state magical powers at this moment, sublimation and holy light power, and then the flying swords behind him quickly gathered in front of him, condensing into a long sword, which exuded a powerful sword intent, and then flew towards Dong Hong.

The flying sword directly defeated Dong Hong's attack with an unparalleled might, and then directly pierced his chest with a sword without losing its might.

The sword energy of ice entered his body, destroying his body wantonly. Dong Hong tried his best to mobilize the demonic power in his body, trying to force the sword energy out of his body. Zhou Chen saw this and moved quickly. At the same time, he pinched the spell in his hand, and the proud dragon swim was activated. The moment the ice dragon appeared, a breath of cold air was sprayed out.

It directly froze Dong Hong in the distance into an ice sculpture. Although his body was frozen, Zhou Chen did not receive the prompt of the demon pattern, which meant that Dong Hong did not fall. Zhou Chen controlled the ice dragon to swing out directly, and threw it heavily on Dong Hong's body.

The moment the dragon's tail hit, Zhou Chen received the prompt of the demon pattern. Zhou Chen smiled and said, "He is finally dead." Just as he was about to pick up Dong Hong's body, Zhou Chen suddenly felt a strong breath.

Looking down at the body below, Zhou Chen gritted his teeth and left here directly. Although he now has the strength to fight against the third-grade demon beast, he can't be too ostentatious in everything. If he capsizes in the ditch, it will be more than just face.

Zhou Chen was not in a hurry to return to Daxia, but came to a small town thousands of miles away and used his spirit to explore and check. There were a few sixth-grade warriors here, but there was no one above the sixth grade.

Zhou Chen then entered the alien space he built with peace of mind. Although this alien space he built belonged to Zhou Chen alone, this alien space was not absolutely secret. If there were powerful warriors, such as third-grade warriors, they could detect the existence of the alien space from outside.

If the gap in strength between the two sides was too large, the opponent could even forcefully enter his alien space, and he would be in danger at that time.

Therefore, Zhou Chen had to look at the surrounding environment in advance before entering the alien space. He planned to absorb all the Yin-Yang Mysterious Ice here first, and then return to Daxia.

Then Zhou Chen took out the jade box from the storage ring. After opening the jade box, the Yin-Yang Mysterious Ice inside immediately floated into the air, emitting endless chill. In an instant, the temperature in the entire alien space reached minus 40 to 50 degrees.

At this time, the Nine Nether Mysterious Ice in Zhou Chen's body had reached its limit, so he was not frozen into an ice sculpture. "Hmph, if it weren't for the support of the Nine Nether Mysterious Ice, I really wouldn't dare to absorb you."

Now with the help of the Nine Nether Mysterious Ice, it was much easier for him to absorb the Yin-Yang Mysterious Ice.

Then Zhou Chen closed his eyes and began to operate the Mysterious Ice Jue. At the same time, the Yin-Yang Mysterious Ice in the air also entered Zhou Chen's body at this moment. What Zhou Chen didn't expect was that at this moment his body was directly frozen, and he didn't even have a chance to react.

Zhou Chen was shocked when he saw this, but it was too late. Fortunately, only his body was frozen. At this time, he could still mobilize the true energy in his body, but the coldness of the Yin-Yang Mysterious Ice was slowly eroding his blood meridians.

Zhou Chen gritted his teeth and began to operate the Mysterious Ice Technique. According to the instructions in the technique, he began to absorb the Yin-Yang Mysterious Ice. Time passed quickly and another six months passed. During this period, Zhou Chen had been in a frozen state.

Suddenly one day, the ice outside his body began to crack. With Zhou Chen's light shout, the ice exploded instantly, and Zhou Chen's body jumped out from it.

"Huh, I finally absorbed it," and then Zhou Chen opened his system panel.

Host: Zhou Chen 28 years old

Lifespan: 1000 years

Realm: Third Rank (Void)

Power: 4484 years (2926+1558)

Speed: 120

Technique: God Killing Technique (Breaking Limit) Mysterious Ice Technique (Minor Success) Nine Nether Mysterious Ice (100%) Yin-Yang Mysterious Ice (100%)

Martial Arts: Wind and Cloud Blade (Breaking Limit) Frost Phantom (Breaking Limit) Extreme Ice Blooming (Perfection) Proud Dragon Swimming (Breaking Limit) Sword Control Technique (Breaking Limit)

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