Mortal counterattack

Chapter 29 Tree Demon

It turned out that several people who killed Leng Feng fled the village on the same day because they were afraid of being caught. Their parents died early and they had nothing to worry about, so they just left.

"So where are they now"?

"If nothing else happens, they should be hiding in the lair of the bandits in Qinghua Mountain."

After saying that, the old man left here with the food and money. Leng Yiyao urged, "Brother Chen, hurry up and report them to the officials."

"There is no need for me to go there personally. If they really did it, I will personally arrest them and take them to the county government. The most urgent task now is to determine whether they are really in Qinghua Mountain." After a few simple explanations, Zhou Chen rushed towards Qinghua Mountain. go.

An hour and a half later, Zhou Chen finally arrived at Zhengyi Village in Qinghua Mountain. All the bandits in Zhengyi Village had been captured, and now only an empty shell was left here.

Although the gate of the village was closed, Zhou Chen climbed over the wall easily. There was nothing special about the village. There was nothing else inside except dozens of scattered rooms.

It's not easy to find a few people in such a big place. If they hide in that corner, Zhou Chen may not be able to find them.

At this time, several people in the Zhengyi Hall were sitting at a big table eating meat. "Such a big Zhengyi Village is so cheap for us brothers."

While they were chatting, a black shadow appeared above their heads, "Don't eat any more. Someone broke in. Go and catch him. As long as I absorb his blood, I can break the seal. When the time comes, prosperity and wealth will be indispensable to you."

"Didn't I say that I still need a hundred blood meals, Master?"

"This guy is different. He is a ninth-grade peak warrior. His blood level is lower than that of a hundred ordinary people. Go ahead." Then they saw six rays of black energy penetrate into their bodies.

The six people suddenly felt an inexhaustible power coming from their bodies.

Outside, Zhou Chen was looking around, when suddenly a sound broke through the air. Heiyuan immediately came out of his body and swung rapidly, and all the arrows fired at him were immediately struck.

"Huh, the response is pretty quick."

Zhou Chen looked and found that the strength of the six people had reached 100, "it turned out to be six ninth-level warriors."

I saw six people charging toward Zhou Chen with a ferocious laugh, and Zhou Chen sneered, "Humph, so what if I was in the ninth grade."

I saw Zhou Chen holding the black abyss in his hand and slashing out with a sword. The force was so powerful that even two ninth-level warriors could not resist it. The two people were cut into two with the sword and the man.

The other four people were not afraid of being rejoiced when they saw this and rushed towards him even more excitedly. "These guys don't seem to be normal," they thought in their hearts, but they were merciless. After killing three people again, they were stabbed one by one. Hit in the back.

However, he had an iron cloth shirt to protect him. Even if he was hit by a ninth-grade warrior with a knife, it would not be a problem. Zhou Chen suddenly turned around and used the back of the knife to hit the opponent's face.

Then he kicked out and saw the man vomiting blood. At the same time, Zhou Chen saw a black air flying out of his mouth. The moment the black air flew out, Zhou Chen found that his strength had dropped to 6 points.

"What's going on".

Zhou Chen quickly moved forward, grabbed the other person's neck and lifted him up directly. The man's face was ashen and he kept being stabbed with needles.

"Tell me who you are and why do you want to kill me?"

"Hero, spare your life, we are just ordinary villagers, but I don't know why we want to sneak attack you."

After hearing this, Zhou Chen sneered, "Humph, you are still pretending to be stupid with me when you are about to die."

Then the strength in his hand increased a bit, and after thinking for a while he asked again, "Do you know Leng Feng?"

"I know him. He is from our village."

"Oh, so you six killed him."

"Why is he dead? It's impossible that we didn't kill him. We just robbed him of his food, and then."

Zhou Chen was curious, "What happened next?"

"I don't remember."

At this moment, his face quickly turned black and he lost his breath in just two seconds. Zhou Chen threw him to the ground.

At this moment, a burst of sneers came from all directions. Zhou Chen looked around and found bursts of black air floating around, and then gathered together to form a black shadow.

"Humph, a bunch of useless things, six against one, but they don't get any advantage at all."

"Who are you".

"Haha, it doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you are about to become my nourishment."

Zhou Chen frowned slightly and said, "I'm pretending to be a ghost," and then Black Abyss swung out, and a wind blade directly scattered the black shadow.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to have some abilities, but this is not enough."

Zhou Chen looked around and could only hear sounds but couldn't see anything. Zhou Chen suddenly felt like retreating.

At the same time, the body slowly retreated towards the entrance of the village.

"Haha, since the descendant is here, he can't leave." As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Chen felt a faint vibration from the ground under his feet. Zhou Chen quickly used his feet to jump back.

The moment his feet left the ground, several tree vines burst out of the ground and entangled Zhou Chen's legs. The speed was so fast that Zhou Chen had no chance to react. Zhou Chen, who was still in mid-air, was directly entangled by the tree vines. Holding his feet, several more tree vines broke out of the ground and wrapped around his body.

When Zhou Chen saw this, he was shocked and swung the black abyss towards the tree vines. The seemingly ordinary tree vine was hit by the black abyss, but there was no scratch at all.

Although it can block the attack of tree vines, there is no way to stop it without sleeping. I saw Zhou Chen let out a light drink and the wind blade condensed above the black abyss.

Then I saw that the tree vines that were as hard as steel just now were chopped into several sections in an instant, and even the tree vines on my feet were cut off with a single knife.

Just as he was about to take a breath after landing, hundreds of bamboo vines suddenly sprang out from the ground, "Hmph, let's see how many you can cut", and then the vines swept towards Zhou Chen like a blanket.

Although Heiyuan's power was greatly increased by the magical power, he was still unable to resist the blanket of vines, not to mention that they would grow again after being cut off.

Soon Zhou Chen was also submerged in the sea of ​​wood. Feeling the huge force coming from his body, Zhou Chen roared and activated his magical power to control the wind. A gust of wind was seen hanging around his body, and all the vines within three meters in front of him were all crushed to pieces.

Zhou Chen didn't waste any words and immediately flew out of the village.

"Hmph, you still want to run without asking me if I agree or not. I saw that the trees around the village grew rapidly, and the branches and roots were intertwined. In just a few breaths, an airtight net was formed in the air, wrapping everything in the village."

At this time, Zhou Chen, who was standing in the air, shot out a wind blade. The wind blade that was invincible did not leave any traces on it this time.

At this time, the strange laughter sounded again. This time, the sound came from the direction below. Looking down, there was a big tree growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few breaths, the tree had grown to 30 meters high.

The big tree was extremely strange. It was black and lush, but there was not a single leaf. At this time, a crack appeared on the tree trunk, like a human mouth, and it opened and closed, saying, "Boy, I think you have good talent. How about this, as long as you become my slave, I can spare your life."

Staying in the air for a long time also consumed Zhou Chen a lot. He slowly floated down from the air and landed on the ground.

"It's not impossible to be a slave, but I have a request."

"Whatever request you make, I will try my best to meet you."

"This is not a trivial matter after all. Let me go home and discuss it with my family."

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