Mortal counterattack

Chapter 311 Entering the Ruined Temple

Leng Yiyao asked with some confusion, "Is he stupid? This place is dirty and smelly and he still got addicted?"

"I don't know about this." After saying that, Yue turned into a sword energy and returned to Zhou Chen's storage ring. With the strength of the police officer, he could not detect Yue's existence at all.

Knowing that Zhou Chen was not planning to come out for the time being, Leng Yiyao did not stay here anymore, so he immediately turned around and left. As for Zhou Chen's safety, he didn't care at all. Anyone who wanted to hurt Zhou Chen in this small Yuxi City None.

Seeing Captain Guan sitting alone in the corner with his eyes vacant, Zhou Chen smiled and asked, "Hey, sir."

Detective Guan asked impatiently, "What are you doing?"

"Master Shen was willing to help you just now, why didn't you agree?"

"Huh, a man does things openly and aboveboard, and doesn't bother to use those dirty methods."

After listening to his words, Zhou Chen secretly smiled in his heart but did not show it, "Oh, I understand, sir, you must be shy because of your cyst."

"None of your business."

"How can it be none of my business? After all, you ended up in this situation just to save me. Otherwise, how about I lend you fifty taels?"

"No, I believe the county magistrate will restore my innocence." Although he said this, he knew in his heart that he would most likely take the blame for this matter.

At this time, in the county government office, Shen Li came to the county magistrate. Originally, Shen Li planned to help the police catch the police, but unfortunately, that guy was too ignorant.

I originally thought that the county magistrate was looking for me because of Yu Shaowu's matter, but after arriving, I found out that a murder had just happened in the city.

An ordinary murder case would not make the county magistrate so moved, but this was not an ordinary murder case, it was the work of a monster.

Monsters generally do not enter the city to kill people, but if they dare to enter the city to commit murder, their cultivation level must be high, at least ninth grade. Ninth grade is the lowest grade, but in the remote Yuxi City, it is very difficult. Hard to meet an opponent.

At this moment, the magistrate stretched out his hand to scratch his hair anxiously.

"Is the information reliable, sir? Is it definitely the work of a monster?"

"Many people around me saw it, and there was no doubt that it was a monster."

Shen Li thought for a while and said, "Although it is confirmed to be a monster, its specific strength is still uncertain."

The county magistrate seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw, "Yes, maybe it's just an ordinary monster." Although he knew that this possibility was not high, he still wanted to go in that direction.

While the two were discussing, one of their detectives received bad news: "My lord is not good."

Shen Li reprimanded, "What are you talking about in a panic? Just say something."

"Just now, the brothers who were on patrol at night received news that they seemed to have discovered a monster's lair."

"What?" they both asked in surprise.

"How is it possible? How is it possible that the monster's lair is in the city?"

At this time, the two people who were sleeping in the prison were awakened by the sound of the door opening. When they opened their eyes, they found that the arrester was Shen Li. Zhou Chen thought he was coming to let him out, so he immediately stood up and greeted him with a smile.

Detective Guan on the side also stood up and saluted. When he saw Zhou Chen walking up with a smiling face, he gave him a cold look. The expression on Zhou Chen's face immediately froze.

Before he could speak, Shen Li had already spoken, "You two are very lucky. Now there is one thing that you can make up for as long as you do it well."

When Detective Guan heard this, he was very happy and said, "Sir, please tell me something."

Zhou Chen didn't care, he just imitated what Inspector Guan said. Shen Li nodded and told the two of them.

Zhou Chen frowned and said, "Sir, can I not go?"

"It's okay if you don't want to go, but tomorrow at noon the food will be cut off at Caishikou."

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Chen said directly, "Don't worry, sir, I will definitely complete the task."

Compared to him, he didn't have so much ink about the police officer, and he just handed it over, "My lord, I can rest assured that I will live up to my command."

Half an hour later, Zhou Chen and Inspector Guan appeared near a ruined temple in the city. This ruined temple had been abandoned for a long time, and the writing on the plaque had long been blurred. Only Zhou Chen Er was on the cold street. people.

A gust of cold wind blew past Zhou Chen and he shrank his neck, "Sir, if something unexpected happens later, you have to protect me."

Zhou Chen had said this a lot along the way, and Capt. Guan had long been tired of hearing it. At this time, he had already arrived near the ruined temple. Capt. Guan was also very nervous. He scolded him in a cold voice, "If you keep talking nonsense, believe it or not, I will kill you." ".

Hearing this, Zhou Chen immediately shut his mouth. Not only was the policeman detained at this time, but Zhou Chen was also issued an official sword. Their mission this time was to sneak into this ruined temple. According to Shen Li's According to the information, there is a monster's lair inside this ruined temple. There are several small monsters inside. The mission of the two of them this time is to sneak into the ruined temple and kill those monsters.

At this time, Shen Li was lying in ambush a hundred meters away, "Why don't we retreat another fifty meters? I always feel that this distance is not very safe."

"Trash, why didn't you say anything and go back directly?"

The two of them did not choose to go in through the door. The five senses of the monsters are relatively sensitive, and the sound of opening the door is likely to alarm the monsters inside.

The two came to a relatively low courtyard wall. Captain Guan still had some strength and easily climbed to the top of the wall. Then they saw him turn around and stretch out his right hand.

Zhou Chen, on the other hand, tremblingly grabbed his extended right hand, and instantly felt a huge force, and Zhou Chen was immediately pulled up to the top of the wall by the police officer.

At this time, the ruined temple was overgrown with weeds, and it looked like no one had been there for a long time. Detective Leng whispered in his ear, "Be careful," and then jumped down. His footsteps were so light that there was almost no sound when he landed on the ground. .

However, when Zhou Chen went down, there was a lot of movement. Although he was not very high, after jumping down, he couldn't stand still and fell down, "Oh, I'll go."

Detective Leng was shocked and covered his mouth, "Keep your voice down."

Fortunately, the monsters inside didn't seem to notice them. Captain Leng quickly led Zhou Chen through the yard and walked towards the main room of the ruined temple. This is the place where gods are worshiped. The door has long been decayed and dilapidated. At that time, the clay sculpture of the god inside was also decayed and dilapidated, and even the head had disappeared. The two of them could not determine what kind of god it was.

Soon the two of them approached the gate. Detective Guan might not be able to detect it, but Zhou Chen could clearly detect it. There was the sound of breathing inside, the breathing of a monster. Zhou Chen immediately started his spiritual exploration, and the next moment he broke through. Everything in the temple appeared in his mind.

Not only that, even Shen Li and others hiding a hundred meters away appeared in his mind. Zhou Chen also saw that only Shen Li in the county government was a ninth-grade warrior, and the others were all low-class guys.

Of course, the masters of some martial arts schools in the city have reached the ninth level, but there is not one who can reach the eighth level.

Looking at Inspector Guan standing in front of him, Zhou Chen shook his head helplessly and said to himself, "This guy is really stupid. Such a person should not stay in a place like the county government. His character is the worst in the county government." If someone takes the blame, it will not end well."

But this really has nothing to do with him. Although Captain Guan doesn't have the energy to explore this magical power, he naturally doesn't know the specific situation inside. However, based on his intuition from many years of martial arts practice, it is very dangerous.

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