Mortal counterattack

Chapter 35 Preparing for marriage

After entering, I found Leng Yiyao squatting by the wall and shivering, "Yiyao, I'm here."

Hearing Zhou Chen's voice, Leng Yiyao's body trembled and immediately ran towards him. Leng Yiyao hugged Zhou Chen and said, "Brother Chen, you are finally here."

Zhou Chen patted his back gently with his hand, "Okay, it's okay, I'm here." He saw Li Xiong trying to escape from the corner of his eyes. Zhou Chen casually threw Heiyuan out, and Heiyuan directly stabbed into the ground in front of Li Xiong, scaring him.

"If you don't want to live, run."

Li Xiong was so scared that he stood there and dared not move. Zhou Chen asked, "Yiyao didn't do anything to you, did he?"

Before Leng Yiyao could speak, Li Xiong took the lead and answered, "Don't worry, brother, I didn't have time to do anything to her after I caught her back, and you came."

Zhou Chen looked at Leng Yiyao and asked, "Really?"

Seeing Leng Yiyao nod, Zhou Chen was relieved. Then he looked at Li Xiong and said coldly, "I'll let you live this time." Then he grabbed Leng Yiyao and left the secret room quickly. Li Ba, who was guarding outside the secret room, felt a gust of wind coming and quickly dodged from the entrance.

Two inner disciples who didn't have time to dodge were directly hit by Zhou Chen's body and flew out with blood spitting out. Zhou Chen didn't stop and quickly left the Badao martial arts hall.

Zhou Chen didn't choose to fly away from the martial arts hall, but ran out of the martial arts hall quickly with speed. Li Ba came to the secret room quickly after Zhou Chen left, and was relieved to see that his son was fine.

Then he slapped him in the face. Li Xiong covered his red face and said aggrievedly, "Dad, why did you hit me?"

"Huh, I told you not to cause trouble for me outside for a day, but you didn't listen. Now you have an arm broken."

When Li Ba mentioned it, he remembered his injury and immediately cried and covered his arm, "Dad, you must avenge me, cut off that kid's arm for me." Li Ba slapped him again, "How dare you mention this matter?" Then he took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, Master Hua and I are still a little hypocritical. I will ask Master Hua to heal you now." Master Hua is a famous doctor in Qinghua County. He claims that he can save people as long as they have a breath, but he is very expensive and one person can't afford him at all. After leaving the martial arts hall, Zhou Chen did not rush home but took Leng Yiyao to an inn. Leng Yiyao was so scared after being caught that he didn't sleep all night. Now he was rescued by Zhou Chen and fell asleep before leaving the martial arts hall. Zhou Chen had to find an inn to let him rest first. He sat at the table and drank tea. His reinforcement points had reached 4.99. He only needed 0.01 to upgrade his Iron Shirt. When he was promoted to the eighth rank, with the power of the demon pattern, he was confident that he could kill Li Ba in one blow.

The fight with Li Ba today made him understand his own strength. With 170 points of strength and the blessing of magical power, he could fight a tie with an eighth-rank master with 200 strength. However, he could not use his magical power for a long time without true energy. It seemed that he would have to stay awake for a while after this incident.

It was already evening when Leng Yiyao woke up. Zhou Chen took him to the night market in Qinghua County. After a round, they ate a lot of snacks, most of which were vegetarian and rarely meat. However, Zhou Chen finally gathered five reinforcement points.

He did not choose to upgrade directly. According to his previous experience, this upgrade would inevitably make a big leap in his own strength, and the movement would definitely not be small.

Zhou Chen resisted the urge to go shopping with Leng Yiyao at the night market. When they returned to the inn, it was already late at night. Leng Yiyao didn't know whether she was afraid or what, but she grabbed Zhou Chen and didn't let him go tonight, and insisted that he accompany her.

He didn't feel sleepy after sleeping all day, and talked to Zhou Chen all night. When they talked about men and women, Leng Yiyao said, "Brother Chen, do you think we will get married in the future?" Zhou Chen felt his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Leng Yiyao grabbed Zhou Chen's face with both hands and looked at him and asked, "Brother Chen, tell me the truth, have you ever liked me?"

"Of course, but I promised your elder brother to take good care of you, and I can't have any improper thoughts about you."

"Brother Chen actually told me the day before my elder brother left that as long as I was willing, he would agree that we two would be together."

Zhou Chen was shocked and then looked at Leng Yiyao's slightly red face and kissed her directly.

The next morning, Zhou Chen put down the sleeping Leng Yiyao in his arms and got up alone. Zhou Chen got up very early that day. In fact, he did not sleep after Leng Yiyao fell asleep, but kept looking at Leng Yiyao in his arms.

Although the two have not yet married, they have been together last night. Zhou Chen came to the kitchen of the inn to make breakfast for Leng Yiyao.

The waiter of the inn saw Zhou Chen coming and asked, "What do you need, sir?"

"I want to borrow your kitchen to make breakfast for my wife." After hearing Zhou Chen's words, the waiter said, "This is not a big deal, you can use it casually." Then he ignored Zhou Chen and went to do his own thing.

Leng Yiyao, who was sleeping, smelled the fragrance of the food, sat up after smelling the smell, and opened her eyes after getting up. Looking at the pastries on the table, Leng Yiyao immediately got up and walked over to pick one up and took a bite.

"Well, it's delicious."

"If it's delicious, eat more. I made it for you myself." After hearing his words, Leng Yiyao asked curiously, "Really, you didn't lie to me?"

Zhou Chen scratched his head awkwardly, smiled and said, "Well, actually it was made by the chef of the inn, but I did eat it, but it didn't taste good."

Leng Yiyao covered her mouth and smiled and said, "I like whatever you do."

Zhou Chen grinned and picked up one of the ugly pastries on the plate, "I made this, come and try it."

Leng Yiyao didn't pick it up with her hands, but directly opened her mouth and took a bite. Leng Yiyao's face changed the moment she entered the mouth. Zhou Chen asked knowingly, "Is Yiyao delicious?"

Leng Yiyao endured the pain and swallowed the cake, "Brother Chen, let me cook from now on."

After breakfast, Zhou Chen took Leng Yiyao to the rice shop to buy 500 kilograms of rice and five fat pigs. After buying so many things, the two planned to hold a banquet after returning to the village, because the relationship between the two had been established now. , and have made a real couple.

Logically speaking, they had to prepare a banquet for the villagers. They only bought rice and pork, but not vegetables. After all, people in poor mountain villages can often eat vegetables, but they cannot eat meat and rice. Even if we usually only eat rice during the Chinese New Year, we can hardly eat meat.

So Zhou Chen wanted to let the villagers have a good meal this time when they got married.

Zhou Chen naturally couldn't carry so many things back alone, so he hired two carts, one for Leng Yiyao to sit in, and the other for hauling food.

This time the carriage went very slowly and it took more than thirty minutes to reach the village. When we first entered the village, we saw several villagers sitting at the entrance of the village chatting.

After Zhou Chen came back, they all greeted Zhou Chen. When they saw the cart of grain and five cleanly slaughtered pigs behind Zhou Chen, the villagers' eyes widened.

Zhou Chen naturally saw the desire in their eyes. Zhou Chen smiled and said, "Dear fellow villagers, I, Zhou Chen, plan to get married to Yaomei the day after tomorrow. I invite you all to come to my house to be witnesses. Then I will have enough food and meat." Enough."

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