Mortal counterattack

Chapter 37 Poisoning

That night, Zhou Chen led many constables to lurk outside the Badao Martial Arts Hall. Since there were cases every day in the past few days, the government office was not sure who their next target would be, so they simply lurked outside the Badao Martial Arts Hall.

As long as they went out to commit crimes, the government office would know that Zhou Chen was sitting alone on the roof in the distance, overlooking the entire Badao Martial Arts Hall.

In addition to Heiyuan, Zhou Chen also carried an iron bow on his back this time. This bow was brought out from the government office. This iron bow is extremely powerful.

According to Zhao Kuo, the range of this iron bow in the full moon state reached 200 meters, but this was just his estimate. After all, it takes a lot of strength to pull this bow open, and Zhao Kuo himself can't pull it open.

However, this is a piece of cake for Zhou Chen now. Zhou Chen pulled the iron bow directly on the spot and tested it. At a distance of 70 meters, the arrow shot directly through the target.

Zhou Chen estimated that if a warrior with a minor level of Iron Shirt had this force, he could shoot through it within 70 meters, but he had to use a special arrow.

Zhou Chen put Heiyuan aside and looked at the entire martial arts hall quietly. The sky was very good tonight, and a full moon was hanging high in the sky, which basically had no effect on the sight.

Everything was fine in the first half of the night, until the second half of the night Zhou Chen found several black shadows flashing in the martial arts hall, about five or six people running in six directions.

"Damn, it's really you. You know that you are being targeted by the people in the government office, but you still dare to commit crimes. You really want to die."

Zhou Chen pulled the bow without saying a word and shot directly at the man in black who was running in his direction. Zhou Chen's arrow did not kill him, but shot directly through his calf.

After the arrow shot through his calf, it was nailed directly to the wall in the distance. The man in black also screamed and fell directly from the roof.

The constables lying in ambush immediately stepped forward to catch him. Zhou Chen ignored him and turned to chase the other people. Due to the distance, the other people did not hear the screams of the man in black.

Zhou Chen quickly caught up with the two people at a speed of 18. The other two people were shot in the calf and fell directly from the roof.

Then there was a chase and shot down two more people, but at this time, one person had already disappeared. After Zhou Chen arranged several constables to suppress the person, he continued to guard outside the Ba Dao martial arts hall.

Since he couldn't catch up, he simply guarded outside the martial arts hall, and he would definitely come back after he committed a crime.

After waiting for almost two hours, the escaped man in black ran over from a distance. What surprised Zhou Chen was that he ran very embarrassedly, and it seemed that someone was chasing him behind him.

Judging from the figure, it should be a woman, but the appearance was not clear. Zhou Chen immediately jumped towards him. When he got closer, Zhou Chen found that the woman chasing her was actually the county magistrate's daughter Xia Rong.

"Strange why this girl is here"?

At this time, the man in black had not discovered Zhou Chen. He seemed to be in a hurry because of the pursuit. He took out a flying needle from his arms and threw it behind him.

Xia Rong had been chasing all the way and was half-hearted. Suddenly, a flying needle flew towards her. Xia Rong was shocked and dodged in a panic. Although she avoided most of the hidden weapons, she was still stabbed by a few needles, but it was not a big deal.

Zhou Chen put away the iron bow and rushed towards the man in black. The man in black had a baby in his hand. Zhou Chen did not dare to shoot the arrow for fear of hurting the baby.

The man in black felt the danger coming and looked in the direction where Zhou Chen was rushing. He saw a man with an iron bow on his back rushing towards him. He was so fast that he could not dodge.

Zhou Chen was not polite. He came to the man in black at a very fast speed and then slapped him. The man in black was hit directly without reacting and was stunned on the spot.

Zhou Chen took the baby from his hand while he was dazed. The man in black reacted after the baby was taken away and took out a dagger and stabbed Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen turned around and used his back to block the dagger to protect the baby. Seeing that Zhou Chen actually left his back to him, the man in black was overjoyed and increased the strength of his hand.

Originally thought that Zhou Chen was dead, but unexpectedly, the dagger stabbed on Zhou Chen's back and made a metallic sound, which shocked the man in black.

Zhou Chen sneered and turned around and kicked him in the chest. The man in black fell directly from the roof. This kick broke at least five ribs.

After dealing with him, Zhou Chen looked at Xia Rong and found that Xia Rong's body was shaking at this time, and there was a great danger of falling from the roof.

"Not good", Zhou Chen directly activated the wind control to drag Leng Yiyao's body with a breeze, and he quickly ran over to assist him with one hand.

"Xia Rong, what's wrong with you?"

Xia Rong didn't respond to him, but fainted on his shoulder. Zhou Chen then found that his lips had turned black.

"Damn, poisoned."

Zhou Chen didn't know how to detoxify. After handing the baby to his constable, he took Leng Yiyao back to the yamen. With the blessing of Yufeng, Zhou Chen returned to the yamen in just four minutes.

Zhao Kuo quickly gave Leng Yiyao an antidote pill after learning about it, and then asked his constable to ask for a doctor, "This antidote pill can only temporarily suppress his poison, but cannot eradicate it."

After putting him away, Zhou Chen asked, "Why did Miss Xia also participate in this mission?"

In Zhou Chen's mind, women should stay at home well, and these things should be done by the masters like them.

Zhao Kuo shook his head and said, "I don't know about this. He ran out on his own. Now that Mr. Xia is not here, if this girl does anything good, I will be sorry for Mr. Xia."

Soon the doctor was invited back. After seeing it, the doctor said, "This poison is very powerful and there is nothing he can do about it. The only one in Tsinghua County who can cure this poison is Doctor Hua", and then gave Xia Rong a pill. , and wrote a prescription.

This medicine can only keep the girl safe for three days. If the Chinese miracle doctor has not arrived after three days, the doctor did not say anything more. Zhao Kuo also guessed what he meant. After sending the doctor away, Zhao Kuo asked people to boil the medicine quickly. He himself Then he went to find Doctor Hua himself.

Zhou Chen asked Leng Yiyao to come down and take care of Xia Rong, and he followed him out.

Divine Doctor Hua was quite famous in Qinghua County. Zhao Kuo and Zhou Chen soon arrived at Divine Doctor Hua's residence. At this time, the door was closed and Zhou Chen stepped forward to knock on the door.

After knocking for a long time, no one answered. Zhou Chen said angrily, "I'm going to be violent if you don't open the door. Don't blame me if the door collapses."

After Zhou Chen finished speaking, the door opened immediately. The person who opened the door was a servant, "What are you shouting? Do you know whose house this is?"

Zhao Kuo hurriedly stepped forward with his crutches in his hand and said, "I'm going to arrest Zhao Kuo in Qinghua County. We have something urgent to do to see Doctor Hua. Please let us know."

Hearing that it was the arrester, the servant changed his attitude and said, "I'm sorry, sir, our master has a rule. You should know if you don't see guests at night."

Zhou Chen immediately said, "How can I care about human life if it is at stake?"

The servant said, "Don't embarrass me. This is our master's rule. If he doesn't treat his illness at night, it will be useless even if you barge in and lift him up today."

As soon as Zhou Chen pushed him away, he was about to go in and take out Divine Doctor Hua, but Zhao Kuo stopped him and said, "Forget it, Divine Doctor Hua actually has this rule."

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