Mortal counterattack

Chapter 6: Assault

After returning to the house, he found that the house was in a mess. Zhou Chen's hatred for the few people just now increased a lot. However, he was not in a hurry to clean up the room. Instead, he cleaned up all the footprints on his body and then opened the cellar to let Leng Yi Yao comes out.

Since the entrance to the cellar was relatively hidden, no one had noticed it just now. As soon as Leng Yiyao came out, she found the messy room. Although she had been prepared for it, it was still a little hard to accept. Zhou Chen saw what he was thinking, "Okay. Fortunately, those plague gods are gone and no food was found in the cellar. This is a blessing."

The detectives haven't left yet, and Zhou Chen and the others don't dare to light a fire to cook, otherwise they will suffer if they are discovered. Fortunately, there is still some food left yesterday. Although it is cold, it can still fill their stomachs. .

During this period, the villagers' heart-rending screams could be heard from time to time. The officials took away their food, which was equivalent to killing them, but they were no match for the officials and had to let them take it.

Zhou Chen had seen before that those officials were not ordinary people, their strength was above ten, and even the leader had reached 21. This was the reason why Zhou Chen had been silent.

It lasted about three hours before the officials were ready to leave. Although they did not receive much food, they still collected enough food for a whole cart. They requisitioned a cow from the common people and then let the cow pull the grain cart back.

Of course it was said to be a requisition, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that the cow would probably not be returned.

When the officials reached the village entrance, they suddenly stopped because the villagers in the village blocked their way. Not only that, the villagers also held various farm tools in their hands.

Several officers suddenly felt fear when they saw the battle in front of them. Only the leader of the officers put his right hand on the handle of the knife and said, "What are you doing?"

"Give us back the food."

Seeing their appearance, several officials came forward to dissuade them, saying, "Sir, why don't we return the food to them? We heroes will not suffer the immediate loss."

"A bunch of losers, these few people will scare you." After saying this, the long knife on his waist came out of his body instantly.

The villagers were so frightened that they immediately took several steps back, but even so they were unwilling to retreat.

"I will give you one more chance. If you still don't give up, you will be responsible for the consequences."

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, the village chief came over from a distance and said, "Everyone, please disperse. If the people don't fight with the officials, will you lose your life?"

Several officials drove the bullock cart and walked through the crowd towards the outside of the village.

Zhou Chen was silently observing all this behind a big tree in the distance. Just as he was about to go back, he suddenly saw several people quietly following the official.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Zhou Chen knew that they were the hunters in the village, because they all carried bows and arrows behind them. Zhou Chen carefully counted five people in total.

Then Zhou Chen followed quietly. It had been snowing heavily for a few days, and the outside of the village was completely white. About half an hour later, maybe they were tired from the journey and a few officials found a place to sit down and start to rest.

They each took out the dry food and drinks they had brought with them, "What a good move, sir. You managed to get so much food by requisitioning food. Now the brothers will have food for the winter."

At this time, someone else said, "Won't the county magistrate blame us if we do this?"

"Just put your heart in your stomach about this. Don't forget who cheated our salary." Everyone heard this and put their heart in their stomach.

Just when everyone was eating, several arrows flew towards them. The leading police officer immediately realized the danger and threw away the food and drew his sword to resist. "Everyone, be careful."

Although the incident happened suddenly, this wave of arrows did not cause any harm to them. "Who is so brave and dares to attack us?"

Seeing from a distance that the blow was not successful, he said again, "Don't give them a chance to breathe, keep cumming for me."

Then the five people continued to draw their bows and shoot arrows. When the leader of the official saw the direction in which the arrows were coming, he also discovered where several people were hiding. After a wave of arrows were fired, everyone said, "Where are they? It's that group of unscrupulous people who dare to sneak attack us. Give me superior".

After receiving the order, several officers immediately dispersed and rushed towards Li Ergou and the others. Seeing this, they all panicked and said, "Er Gou, let's withdraw."

Seeing someone taking the lead, everyone started to dissuade them, "Yes, Ergou, let's retreat." Li Ergou said angrily, "Do you think we still have a way out? They have already seen us. Either they will die or we will die today. Shoot me now." ".

After hearing his words, everyone became cruel. Indeed, they had no way out now. Although a few officials had some strength, they would still be hit by Orion's arrows no matter how flexible they were.

But soon the distance between them was shortened to ten steps, and only two of the original six officers were left, while the remaining four were lying on the ground holding their wounds and wailing.

Li Ergou was the first to throw away his bow and arrow, drew out his long knife and killed the leader, and the other four also took out their long knives from their waists and rushed over.

At this time, Zhou Chen also touched the place where the officials rested. Zhou Chen took out the long bow behind him and then picked up the arrows on the ground and aimed at the officials in the distance.

The biggest obstacle for Li Ergou and the others in dealing with these officials was the guy with a strength of 21. The others were not to be feared, so Zhou Chen planned to help them, but he only had one chance to shoot an arrow and leave regardless of success or failure.

There is a full forty meters away from the target. Although he is a beginner in archery, he is not sure that one arrow will hit. Although Li Ergou's strength has reached 12 at this time, it is obviously not enough to compare with 21. On the other hand, the other people have the highest strength. It's only eight.

However, they gradually gained the upper hand with their numerical advantage. Li Ergou accidentally cut his chest with a knife, and blood immediately sprayed on the snow. Even so, he did not scream.

At this time, an arrow shot out of Zhou Chen's hand. Just when the official was about to pursue the victory, an arrow shot directly through his left chest. He just heard him groan and fell straight down.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chen immediately turned around and fled into the woods nearby and disappeared. Li Ergou only saw a blurry figure from behind, but did not see his face clearly.

But this is not important anymore. Several people worked together to deal with the remaining official, and then they worked hard to deal with all the people who were hit by arrows.

They had already violated the king's law this time, and naturally they could not survive. The officials were so frightened that they kept backing away, but they still could not escape their fate. Li Ergou said lightly: "Brother, don't blame us, just blame us." I can only blame you for not giving us a way to survive."

Zhou Chen ran fast without taking a breath. He fell down several times during the process. He got up and continued running as if he didn't know the pain. He didn't feel anything just now, but he felt scared afterward. This was his first time to kill someone. And he killed an official.

Soon Zhou Chen returned home. At this time, the house had been cleaned up by Leng Yiyao. When he saw Zhou Chen came back and he was still dirty, he asked, "Brother Chen, what are you doing? Why are you in such a mess?"

Zhou Chen didn't want him to worry, so he took a deep breath and said "It's okay" and then returned to his room. Leng Yiyao knew that something must have happened, but he would not ask if Zhou Chen didn't tell him.

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