Mortal counterattack

Chapter 83 The Last Hope

After about seven or eight miles out of the city, there were basically no pedestrians on the road. It was here that Gouzi was robbed yesterday. There were still blood stains on the ground that he had vomited yesterday.

Now Gouzi was stopped at this place again, "Little brothers, we are really destined to meet each other again. I didn't expect to meet again." He said, extending his right hand, "Hand it over obediently, so as not to embarrass the brothers. You can also suffer less physical pain."

Gouzi took out the one thousand tael of silver note from his chest. The thing is right here. If you have the ability, come and get it.

The big man spat on the ground, then took out a dagger from behind and walked towards Gouzi. At the same time, several sturdy men rushed out from behind Gouzi and also rushed towards Gouzi with daggers in hand.

"The brat is quite arrogant. It seems that he didn't take care of him enough yesterday, and he still wants to be taken care of by the brothers today."

At this moment, a scabbard flew from a distance and hit a big man on the head. The big man screamed and fainted. Everyone turned around and saw a man and a woman standing in the distance.

Zhou Chen didn't take action but Leng Yiyao threw the scabbard. Although these people looked quite tough, their strength was only eight or nine, which was not enough for Leng Yiyao.

"Yiyao usually practices at home, which is too boring. Today these people will practice with you. Be careful, they won't show mercy to you."

Leng Yiyao smiled and said, "Brother Chen, don't worry." Then he rushed towards everyone with the short sword Amber.

Upon seeing this, everyone immediately separated into two people holding daggers and headed towards Leng Yiyao. Leng Yiyao's strength now reached more than 20, but his body shape did not seem to have changed much. In front of unsuspecting people, he She is just a weak woman.

The three of them just met and killed the two of them directly. However, Leng Yiyao did not kill anyone. Instead, he used the back of the knife to break the right hands of the two who were holding the dagger. At this time, the two of them were lying on the ground covering their broken arms and wailing.

The remaining dozen or so people had solemn expressions when they saw this. Gouzi also came behind Leng Yiyao at this time, "Gouzi, stay away and see how I deal with them."

Gouzi also wisely retreated to a distance, Leng Yiyao hooked his hand at everyone, and everyone was not afraid of "brothers, kill him" despite the large number of people.

Leng Yiyao looked at the dozens of people rushing towards her without any fear and rushed directly towards them. Even though Leng Yiyao had been trained by Zhou Chen, it was hard for her to fight against four hands with two fists. It was inevitable that she would be injured. The dog looked terrified. , directly picked up a dagger on the ground and rushed towards the crowd.

Although he was stabbed several times, Leng Yiyao was fine. The pressure on Leng Yiyao was instantly reduced a lot when the dogs joined him. The two of them worked together to knock them all down.

"Master, are you okay?"

Leng Yiyao shook his head, "It's okay. I have soft armor to protect me. They can't hurt me." Everyone lying on the ground suddenly realized when they heard Leng Yiyao's words.

Zhou Chen came over and said, "Yiyao, although your strength has improved a lot, you still lack practical experience. You will need to practice more in the future."

Zhou Chen said to the people lying on the ground, "Hand over the money you robbed yesterday, and I will let you live. Otherwise," as soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Chen punched a big tree not far away. superior.

There was a bang and the big tree was broken directly by a punch, and where the fist collided with the trunk, the trunk was directly smashed into pieces by the punch.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, "Brother, we don't have any money in our hands. If you give us a few days of grace, we promise to get the money for you."

"I don't want to embarrass you. I know you were sent by the trading company. Go back and tell him to prepare the money. My apprentice will go get it tomorrow. If you dare to play tricks, be careful and I will tear down his trading company."

After hearing Zhou Chen's words, they nodded in fear. In fact, they only acted because of Gou Zi's weak strength. If they knew that there was a master like Zhou Chen behind him, they would not beat Gou Zi to death. son's attention.

Zhou Chen took the two of them directly back home. After returning, Zhou Chen directly threw 300 taels of silver to Gouzi, "This is yours."

Looking at the silver in his hand, Gouzi rubbed his eyes in disbelief, "Master really gave it to me?"

Leng Yiyao said, "Your master gives it to you, just take it."

The next day Gouzi came to the trading house as promised, and Zhou Chen also went to the county seat, but he did not go with Gouzi. Instead, he went to the blacksmith shop to forge a knife.

When Zhou Chen came back in the afternoon, Gouzi was already practicing with Leng Yiyao in the courtyard. Zhou Chen directly threw the knife to Gouzi, "Here's this knife for you."

Gouzi took the knife and smiled extremely happily, "Thank you, master." Zhou Chen waved his hand. This knife is just an ordinary knife, and it is of the same level as Leng Yiyao's amber.

Gouzi also took out two pieces of silver from his arms and handed them to Zhou Chen. Zhou Chen took the silver, put away a piece, and threw one of the pieces into the air. Then he pulled out the long knife he had just given to Gouzi and pointed it upward. He swung the sword and put it into its sheath. At the same time, Zhou Chen divided the silver in the air into two pieces, one large and one small.

Zhou Chen put away one piece and gave the other to Gouzi. From now on, he can handle this kind of thing by himself. He only needs to give me 70% of it, not all of it.

Twenty-nine days have passed in a blink of an eye, and now Zhou Chen's magic-suppressing sword technique has reached the level of Xiaocheng, and his strength has reached the level of nine hundred.

He is only one hundred strength points away from breaking through, but he still hasn't collected enough strengthening points to advance. Zhou Chen is extremely anxious at this time. Now he only has thirty strengthening points, but it takes eighty points to strengthen to a great level. .

According to the speed at which he accumulated strengthening points, there was simply not enough time for him to increase his strength to level six, but fortunately Huangtian paid off.

Some time ago, Zhou Chen heard that a capable Taoist priest came to the city. The dragon was nowhere to be seen. Zhou Chen searched for him for several days but could not find him. Until yesterday, the dog did not know what kind of shit luck he had, and he was actually in the city. I met the Taoist priest in the city.

However, Gouzi didn't know Lao Tao's true identity at that time. The Taoist originally wanted to accept Gouzi as his disciple. If it were the other way around, Gouzi would definitely agree to him. However, now that he has followed Zhou Chen, Gouzi naturally looks down on other masters.

Gouzi rejected the Taoist priest's offer of a disciple on the spot, and told Zhou Chen about it after he came back. Based on his description, Zhou Chen guessed that this man was the capable Taoist priest, so he told him about Leng Yiyao. Let him invite the Taoist priest here no matter what.

Although Zhou Chen is not 100% sure, he can only rely on him now. Now there is only the last day left before the deadline mentioned by Master Xia. In the past few days, Leng Yiyao has been saying that she is very sleepy and often Just sleep during the day.

In the past, Leng Yiyao would not sleep in broad daylight. The reason for this was easy to understand, but he had no choice but to hope that Gouzi could invite the Taoist priest back.

On the county government side, Gouzi lived up to expectations and found a Taoist priest. When the Taoist priest knew that Gouzi had a request, he immediately put on airs and said, "Little brother, didn't you say that Pindao is a liar? Why did you come to me again?"

Gouzi said in a low voice, "Taoist Master, please don't be as knowledgeable as me. I was blind before, but I already have a master. I really can't accept you as my master anymore."

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