After explaining the matter, Mo Han asked Jiang Tian to take him to where he lived.

After arriving at a luxurious courtyard of the Jiang family, Jiang Tian asked all the servants to retreat because Mo Han said he liked peace and quiet.

Then Jiang Tian bowed respectfully to Mo Han and then retreated.

In the room, Mo Han sat cross-legged on the bed and took out fifty low-grade spiritual stones from his storage bag.

Mo Han's eyes were slightly closed and he began to use his skills to refine the spirit stone.


Somewhere deep in the forest, in a cave.

Wen Lianxue slowly opened her eyes. At this time, all the soft spirit powder in her body had dissipated, and her spiritual power could be used.



Wen Lianxue was startled when she saw Black Eagle's head in front of her.

She remembered, wasn't she hit by Black Eagle's Soft Spirit Powder, and then fainted when she forced her spiritual power to circulate? How could Black Eagle... at this moment?

Suddenly, Wen Lianxue seemed to think of something, and quickly checked her gonggongsha. When she found that it was still there, she soothed her chest with her hands, feeling relieved.

Fortunately, what I was most worried about did not happen.

Who saved her?

Wen Lianxue also noticed that her sword was beside her, and the storage bag on her waist was still there, and there were many things in the storage bag.




Mo Han opened his eyes and sighed helplessly.

Sure enough, it was just as recorded in the emperor's memory.

Those who are born without spiritual roots are not suitable for practicing in the normal way.

At first he didn't believe it, so he tried it with a sense of luck.

As a result, it took him an afternoon to refine two low-grade spiritual stones, which was far from enough to break through the fourth level of Qi refining.

"It seems that I can only become stronger through other ways." Mo Han thought to himself.

Judging from his current situation.

Becoming a demon cultivator and forcibly improving your cultivation by absorbing the blood of others is a good way.

But Mo Xiu is very easy to be exposed when fighting with others. Once his identity is exposed, he will be the target of all righteous monks.

For example, this morning Black Eagle was chased and killed by Wen Lianxue, a powerful beauty.

From this point of view, it can only become an evil cultivator!

The evil cultivator is just another pronoun identity, no different from the righteous cultivator.

It's just that the cultivation methods of evil cultivators and righteous cultivators are different.

Under normal circumstances, righteous monks absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth and practice by refining spiritual stones containing pure spiritual energy!

As for the evil cultivators, they improve their cultivation through dual cultivation, absorbing the Yin Qi between heaven and earth, or refining heavenly materials and earthly treasures containing pure Yin Yuan!

At the moment, Mo Han doesn't know which places contain the Yin Qi of heaven and earth.

And with his current strength, it is impossible to seek a large number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures containing Yin Yuan to improve his cultivation.

In this case, there is only dual cultivation.

The most important thing is that the spiritual power fluctuations of evil cultivators and those of righteous monks are almost exactly the same. Even during the battle, it is difficult for ordinary monks to detect them!

Just after sorting out his thoughts, Mo Han suddenly sensed something and looked outside the house.

"Sir, please have dinner."

Outside the door, Jiang Xiyan asked, holding various delicacies from the mountains and seas.

"Come in." Mo Han said.

I was busy practicing, but I almost forgot to eat.

Now that he has not yet reached the state of fasting, he still needs to eat three meals a day normally.

He originally thought that Jiang Xiyan was just sending a meal.

But when he saw the door open and Jiang Xiyan come in, Mo Han lost his composure.

At this moment, Jiang Xiyan was only wearing a thin piece of clothing, and the length of the clothing did not cover her long, snow-white legs.

A closer look showed that there were still some water drops on Jiang Xiyan's collarbone and hair. She had obviously just gotten out of the bath.

Coupled with the looming plump upper body, she looks like a fairy in a painting.

Mo Han couldn't help but swallow his saliva, only to feel a sudden strong reaction in a certain part of his body.

"Master, please have dinner."

Jiang Xiyan carefully placed the delicacies on the table one by one.

Since she was wearing too little, she was afraid that her lower body would be exposed, so her movements were very stiff and careful.

However, what Jiang Xiyan didn't know was that her appearance at this moment, coupled with such a stiff and careful movement, when Mo Han saw it, immediately ignited the strong evil fire in his heart!

So just when Jiang Xiyan put the last delicacy on the table.

She originally wanted to turn around and remind Mo Han to eat again.

Unexpectedly, the moment she turned around, she saw Mo Han, like a vicious wolf, rushing towards her and picking her up.

"Sir, please have dinner first. The food will be cold in a while."

Jiang Xiyan nestled in Mo Han's arms and said softly.

"No rush, I'll eat you first, then eat!"

Mo Han touched Jiang Xiyan's hair and kissed her red lips without waiting for Jiang Xiyan to speak again.


Jiang Xiyan closed her eyes tightly, her heart pounding. She's not ready yet...

But at this moment, Mo Han couldn't care less. He kissed her red lips tightly, then took off the only piece of clothing Jiang Xiyan was wearing and walked towards the bed.


The next day, early morning.

Jiang Xiyan opened her eyes and looked at the blood on the sheets. She felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

She originally planned to wait until Mo Han settled the Jiang family's affairs before dedicating herself to Mo Han.

But she was worried that Mo Han would regret it, so she made the deal in advance last night.

After all, "immortals" are so tall, they should be all about credibility.

Although she was prepared to sacrifice herself in advance, when it happened, she still couldn't accept it.

After all, if Mo Han really liked her, she would be willing to embrace him just because of his status as an "immortal".

But everything that happened last night was just a deal between her and Mo Han...

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiyan wiped the tears from her eyes, then put on her clothes and left with the blood-stained sheets.

Not long after Jiang Xiyan left, Mo Han opened his eyes.

In fact, he had woken up long ago, but he didn't know how to face Jiang Xiyan after waking up.

He was afraid that after opening his eyes and seeing Jiang Xiyan's snow-white body, he couldn't help but want to...

But Jiang Xiyan's promise to him was fulfilled last night, so does Jiang Xiyan still need more money?

No, Mo Han immediately rejected the idea. He was an upright gentleman, and he would only agree once!

Looking at the delicacies on the table, Mo Han sighed. With so many delicacies on the table, he didn't touch a single bite last night. Fortunately, he was full last night.

However, what Mo Han didn't expect the most was that after the double cultivation last night, his cultivation level could be directly promoted to the peak of the third level of Qi refining!

This is just because Jiang Xiyan is just a mortal.

If he practices dual cultivation with a female immortal cultivator who is at the same level as him or at a higher level than him, his cultivation level will have an unexpected improvement effect!

"grown ups!"

Suddenly, Jiang Tian ran in from outside in panic.

"What's the matter?"

Mo Han was a little disgusted with people who came in without knocking, but when he saw Jiang Tian's panicked look, he didn't say much.


Jiang Tian also noticed that he had lost his composure and quickly explained:

"It's a little rude, sir, please don't blame me."

"Sir, the evil "immortal" and people from the Wu family have all come to our door. At this moment... they are outside the Jiang family's door."

Hearing this, Mo Han was not too surprised.

Yesterday at the tavern, the person who monitored Jiang Xiyan was probably the evil "immortal" Jiang Tian called him.

After those people explained the situation to the evil "immortal" mentioned by Jiang Tian, ​​the Qi Refining Realm monk should have guessed that he was also a Qi Refining Realm monk.

As for why he came to the door today, I guess it was the monk who went to the Wu family to win over his accomplices.

After all, he doesn't know what level of Qi refining he has, one more accomplice, and more guarantees.

"I understand, you go to meet the guests first." Mo Han said calmly.


Outside Jiang's house.

As soon as they opened the door, Jiang Tian and everyone in the Jiang family were startled by the people standing outside.

The servants came to report just now, but it was clear that only the evil "immortal" and the Wu family were here.

But he never thought that after a while, people from the Wang family and Li family also came, and even the city lord's palace also sent people.

The Wang family, Li family, Wu family and Jiang family are the four major mortal families in Qingyuan Town, and the City Lord's Mansion is the largest force in Qingyuan Town, ranking above the four major families!


Seeing this situation, Jiang Tian only felt a chill on his back.

In addition to the people from the Wu family and the evil "immortal" who looked at him with ill intentions, the people from the Wang family, the Li family and the City Lord's Mansion also looked gloating at his misfortune.

This is a battle to destroy the Jiang family!


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