Mortal Cultivation: Portable Space

Chapter 1174 The Eve of Departure

At this time, Xuan Daozi and Ruiyuan also shook their heads and smiled bitterly. They did not say anything more and could only pray secretly for those forces in their hearts.

"Okay, Ren has finished what he needs to say. If you two Taoists have no other questions, I will leave now."

Seeing that Wu Fan didn't say anything more, Ren Qianxun nodded with satisfaction and said softly.

"Elder Ren is leaving now? Wu has already sent someone to prepare a banquet. Why don't you, fellow Taoist, rest at my place for a day? Isn't it too late to leave tomorrow?"

When Wu Fan heard this, he immediately concealed his worry and showed a sincere attitude to persuade him.

Of course, he was just being polite and did not arrange any banquet.

"Haha, thank you for your kindness, friend, but time is tight now. I still have many places to convey the mission, and I really don't have time. When the crisis in the Beidou Domain passes in the future, Ren will have the opportunity to come over once, and then the three of us will Let’s have a drink.”

Ren Qianxun laughed out loud for the first time after hearing this, obviously very satisfied with Wu Fan's performance.

"Well..., well, since Elder Ren has something urgent to do, it's hard to persuade Wu to stay, but Taoist friend must come to my Qingfeng Sect again in the future and let me show my friendship as a landlord."

Wu Fan hesitated for a moment, and then said with a disappointed expression.

"Haha, okay, let me take my leave now."

Ren Qianxun smiled and nodded, and as soon as he finished speaking, he escaped from the light and flew away.

At this time, Leader Rui didn't need to give any orders, and immediately followed him to see him off.

"Alas! The Beidou Order has been issued. Fortunately, junior brother, you have performed a great service and exempted Qingfeng Sect from the dangerous mission. It is a pity that those forces will suffer heavy losses."

After seeing the person leave, Xuan Daozi shook his head and sighed, with a sad look on his face.

"There is nothing we can do about this. As this person said, Xuanchengzi and the others can only ask for blessings in the future. We can't help. Regarding this crisis, we only need to take care of ourselves and don't waste our minds thinking about it. too much."

Wu Fan had no expression on his face when he heard this, put his hands behind his back, and spoke slowly.

"Well, what junior brother said is absolutely true. By the way, junior brother, why not let me lead the team this time. Anyway, this mission is not dangerous. I can still handle it. You can stay in charge of this sect."

Xuandaozi nodded first, then stroked his beard and smiled.

"No, you can't go. This mission may seem easy, but it may not be without danger. You must know that Rongshi Country has a huge geographical area. Although the coalition forces have the ability to detect the movements of the enemy's army, they may not be able to keep an eye on them. If there are some high-level enemy cultivators lurking in Mujiabao, you will be in danger, senior brother."

"If I go there, even if I lose in the end, I can still save my life. In addition, no one can say what will happen in the future. If other big cities in Rongshi Kingdom fall, even if you defend Mujia Fort, you will still be able to save your life." We will inevitably encounter enemy attacks, and in the end we may even be in danger of losing our lives.”

Wu Fan shook his head and said solemnly.

He understood in his heart that since the Falling Dragon Alliance had been planning for so long, it must be certain to capture the Beidou Territory. Now the coalition forces seemed to have blocked the enemy forces in Rongshi Kingdom, but no one was sure how long they could hold them back, and this time Qingfeng Going in front of the gate is not easy or safe at all. At most, you won't directly face a large enemy force.

Of course, it is still unknown whether the Righteous Alliance and other forces will be able to survive this crisis in the future, but now that the war between the two regions has just begun, in such a hurry, it may be difficult to defeat the enemy, or even It's simply impossible.

"This..., alas! Well, I think that I am not as strong as my junior brother, so I can only give my junior brother a hard trip."

Xuandaozi's eyes swayed for a moment, and then he let out a frustrated sigh like a deflated ball.

At this moment, he was extremely emotional. He did not expect that he had been guarding the Qingfeng Sect for hundreds of years, and now he encountered a crisis. Instead, this junior brother from heaven took over all the responsibilities. It must be said that this is really unpredictable. But he was extremely happy at the moment. For him, even if he died now, he would have no regrets.

"Haha, you and I don't have to talk about hard work. Everyone should go. By the way, senior brother, according to the handwriting, I, the Qingfeng Sect, must arrive at Rongshi Kingdom within three years. Calculate the time and leave it to us. There is not much time left, so why not gather the disciples to prepare now? I have decided to set off in seven days."

Wu Fan shook his head and chuckled when he heard this, and then said with a solemn expression.

The Xia Kingdom is extremely far away from the Rongshi Kingdom. Even if we use the large spaceship that Qingfengmen spent a lot of money to buy, it will take nearly three years to reach it, so there is no time to delay now.

Although the speed of the spaceship cannot be compared with that of the blast boat, there are more people going this time. Even if the blast boat can accommodate it, it will definitely be a bit crowded. Moreover, the journey takes a long time, and it is really tiring for many disciples to crowded together. .

But if you use that large spaceship to go there, you won't have this worry, because the spacecraft is not only huge, but also has several floors inside, with thousands of independent rooms, which can easily accommodate many disciples, without even delaying the disciples' cultivation.

"Okay, then leave this matter to me. Junior brother, please go back and keep company with Chang Xi. I don't know when the next time you will meet again."

Xuandaozi nodded when he heard this, then smiled considerately.

"Well, thank you very much, senior brother, that's exactly what I meant."

Wu Fan's face turned red, he shook his head and chuckled.

"By the way, Junior Brother, are you going alone or with other forces?"

Xuan Daozi was about to get up and leave, so he stopped and turned around to ask.

"Haha, Senior Brother, do you think Xuan Chengzi will let me go alone?"

Wu Fan's face showed a strange look when he heard this. Not only did he not answer, but he also asked back with a wry smile.

"Haha, I forgot that if there is such an opportunity, the fat old Taoist will definitely ask you to drink again!"

Xuan Daozi was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then suddenly laughed.

Wu Fan grinned and shook his head, without saying much.

"Okay, then I will send a message to notify other sects and gather here in seven days."

Xuan Daozi didn't say anything nonsense, and got up and left here after he finished speaking.

Wu Fan stood there and thought alone for a moment, and then disappeared in a flash.

After he left, he did not return to the cave directly, but went to his master first.

When Li Ning learned about this, he had to give many instructions and finally gathered all the people in Danding Peak together.

As a result, Wu Fan was able to leave after everyone had been together for a day.

So he went to meet Zhou Yu, Bai Xiaowen and others, talked with them for a long time, and then returned to the cave.

However, when Changxi heard about this, she insisted on going with him, and finally Wu Fan persuaded Changxi to stay.

After all, he didn't know what would happen this time, and he really didn't want his Taoist partner to take risks with him.

So in the following days, Wu Fan did not enter the small space, but stayed with Changxi.

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