Mortal Cultivation: Portable Space

Chapter 1447: Battle of Qianlong City (Twenty-two)

Are you kidding me? He had already tried his best to fight against a great monk. Now there were four mid-level monks. How could he defeat them? Staying here would be almost the same as committing suicide.

Although he believed that his strength was extraordinary and that he could even cross the line to confront the enemy, he was not so conceited as to fight one against five.

You know, if Xing Gusheng goes crazy and wants to fight to the death even if he admits to burning his essence and blood, it will be enough for him to drink a pot.

In this situation, he couldn't fight others at all, not to mention that his natal magic weapon, Tianluo Jihuo, was entangled by Xing Gusheng, so he didn't have many killing moves.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Venerable Fen Lie were to fight against these five people, I am afraid he would have no skills at all. It would be good if he could guarantee not to lose, let alone him.

Therefore, he immediately chose to run for his life without even thinking about it. He didn't care about his reputation, let alone what others thought.

"Hmph! I want to leave, have you got Xing's consent?"

However, at this time, Xing Gusheng snorted coldly. He already hated Wu Fan deeply and how could he let him escape. Without saying a word, he waved his arm, Faxiang's heart followed the move, and slashed at his body with six long knives.

But Wu Fan didn't look back, and swung the Sky-breaking Stick behind him. After several loud noises, he took advantage of the inertia generated by the collision and immediately escaped from the encirclement.

Then the wings on his back suddenly waved, and his body instantly turned into an arc of lightning and galloped away. The speed was as fast as lightning. Even Xing Gusheng could only stare.

At the same time, the Tiangang Spirit-Slaying Sword in the distance also flew away in a flash.

As for Tianluo Jihuo, after taking a reluctant look at the nine-headed bird, he fluttered his wings and flew away, chasing after Wu Fan.

"Damn it!"

Xing Gusheng's face became gloomy and he stared at Wu Fan's back, not knowing what to do. Normally, if he abandoned his Dharma and chased alone, with his escape skills as a great monk, he would be able to catch up with Wu Fan.

But he knew that during this period, the Tantai people would not be able to catch up, but in this case, he lost the courage because he was really afraid that he would never return.

For a moment, he hesitated there, thinking of solutions rapidly in his mind.

Tantai Yi and others who were arriving at this moment couldn't help but be startled for a moment. They looked at Wu Fan's back and felt a little confused for a moment.

These four people didn't have the same idea as Xing Gusheng, but they found that Wu Fan's escape technique was too fast, and they couldn't catch up at all.

Moreover, the route chosen by Wu Fan was also very careful. There was no other battle group in front of him. Even if he wanted to call someone to stop him, there was no one to call him.

After all, Wu Fan was planning to escape before and had already reached the outskirts of the battlefield until he was caught up by Xing Gusheng. Now there was an empty mountain range in front of him.

However, just when these people didn't know what to do, a roar suddenly came from high in the distance!

"What are you guys doing standing there so stupidly? If you can't catch up, hurry up and stalk Fen Lie, the thief, and I'll chase him myself."

Listening to the voice, it was from Ming Qianzong, and it was obvious that he had been paying attention to this place.



Several responses came immediately, and then Tantai Yi and the others glared at Wu Fan fiercely without saying a word, then turned around and flew in the other direction.

Xing Gusheng did not hesitate, and after secretly breathing a sigh of relief, he turned and left here.

"Asshole, Ming Lao Mo, you still have no shame, you have been living in a dog's belly for a long time? How can you deal with a mid-term monk? You have the ability to compete with me!"

But at this moment, Fen Lie turned pale with fright and cursed angrily.

"Hmph, since that kid dares to kill my junior sister, he will definitely die. As for you, I will come back and take you away later."

"Why, aren't you afraid that I will kill five of them after you leave?"

"What a joke. Do you have the strength?"

"Normally speaking, I do not have this strength, but don't forget, I have an imitation spirit treasure with me, not to mention that Xing Gusheng doesn't have much real energy. In this case, do you think I have this strength?"

"Hmph! I just let them haunt you, not kill you. As long as they don't get close to you, even if you have the imitation spirit treasure, I'm afraid there's nothing you can do. Besides, I'll be back soon. In this little time, what can you do? What?"

"Okay, then just wait and see!"

While Ming Qianzong and Fen Lie were fighting each other, Tantai Yi, Xing Gusheng, Shi Wankui and others had already arrived.

The five people moved quickly and immediately surrounded Fen Lie from a distance, using various means to attack.

All of a sudden, various spells and magic weapons flashed across the sky, and there were bursts of explosions, accompanied by Fen Lie's angry shouts.

Taking advantage of this moment, Ming Qianzong quickly left the battle group and chased Wu Fan without looking back.

The scene here was all seen by the other battle groups. For a moment, the Beast Spirit King, Tai Shigong, Gong Yuqian and others had worried looks on their faces.

Even Mr. Lu, who was fighting against an early Yuanying monk in the distance, sighed secretly, his eyes full of worry.

As for Qianyang, his face was extremely gloomy, and he yelled at Ming Qianzong's back. However, he had the intention to go to the rescue, but Wuma Yi was like a dog-skin plaster, trapping him so tightly that he was completely unable to do anything!


At the same time, Wu Fan, who had disappeared for a long time, was escaping quickly over a dense forest.

However, he smiled bitterly during the flight, because he heard the conversations of the people behind him without missing a word, and he knew he was in big trouble.

But he had no choice but to try his best to escape.

He knew exactly who the other party was. To be frank, even if Ming Qianzong didn't have a replica of the magic treasure, he was no match for him.

Now that such a person was chasing him, he was really powerless and couldn't help but complain.

But then again, he had guessed that the other party would choose to chase him. After all, he killed Madam Qi, and the other party must have a grudge against him, so how could he let him escape.

To be honest, when he killed Madam Qi, he hesitated, but then he thought about it. Since the result was already irreconcilable, even if he spared the other party's life, Ming Qianzong would probably not let him go.

Besides, Wu Fan had long coveted Madam Qi's wind car and several other magic weapons. Since he had this opportunity, he really didn't want to let it go, so he killed her in a fit of passion.

And now that he had this experience, he could only bear it silently.

During the flight, Wu Fan used all his strength, and his speed was as fast as lightning. However, even so, he only flew a hundred miles, and his consciousness, which had been released all the time, still caught the figure behind him.

Wu Fan's face was gloomy, and he did not stop for a moment. After determining the direction, the wind and thunder wings behind him flashed with arcs. With all his strength, his speed increased by another three points.

But this result also made him pale, but he didn't care. He quickly took out a small bottle, opened the lid and took a big sip.

Suddenly, the true energy consumed by the long battle was replenished in an instant.

Then he performed the thunder escape technique again, turning into an arc and flying forward.

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